Ep 2: The Knight who becomes student

After defeating the giant lizard and saving Asuka, Alexander was wondering what happened just now.

Alexander: How can that monster from my time reached this time?

Asuka: Yeah, how?

School boy: Does anyone heard that noise?

School girl: Yeah, it's abnormal.

Asuka: No! You have to go. No one has to see you.

Alexander: But where?

Asuka: Geez! Follow me!

Alexander and Asuka went out leaving the school field. They were in gym storage room.

Alexander: Why did I have to hide?

Asuka: Listen, Alexander. People can't see this kind of things, okey?!

Alexander: Why?

Asuka: Because here; magic, monsters and knights do not exist! We can't involve people with this!

Alexander: I see, then where I can go?

Asuka: You'd better get out of here. Just find anywhere. I have to return to the school class. (Realizing her uniform torn) But first I need a change of clothe.

Asuka returned to her school leaving Alexander confused.

Alexander: Well, I don't have other option.

After school, Asuka went to the gym storage room, Alexander has gone. Later she was returning to her house.

Asuka: What a hard day. I can't believe it happened in my school. I hope it wouldn't be worse.

Asuka entered to her house a little tired.

Asuka: I wonder where Alexander is living now.

She didn't realize Alexander was sat on the couch in the living room.

Alexander: Welcome, Helena.

Asuka: Hi, Alexander. (She felt, realizing his presence in funny expression) Ah! What are you doing in my house?

Alexander: You told me find anywhere to live.

Asuka: But not in my house! How could I explain my parents about this?!

At that moment, someone entered to the living room. It was an old woman.

Old woman: Asuka, is this the correct way to receive a guest?

Asuka: Grandma!

Alexander: Nice to meet you, ma'am. My name is Alexander.

Asuka: Grandma, when did you arrive?

Grandma: Just some hours early.

Alexander: You look like foreigner like me.

Asuka: This is my grandma. She's from England.

Grandma: (Looking to Alexander, seeming recognize him) Oh my. So after many years, you really get to this time. Then, you must be the legendary knight from the past. So what they were saying was true.

Asuka: (Surprised) Grandma! Do you know Alexander came from the past?

Grandma: Yeah, it was said a knight called Alexander would arrive to this time after his death.

Asuka: Grandma! How do you know that?

Grandma: Some time ago, my grandma told me about an event that happened many years ago and was spoken from generations to our family.


Kid grandma: Grandma, what do you want to tell me?

Kid grandma's grandma: Listen, I don't have too much life, so I'll give this to you. (She gave her an old book)

Kid grandma: What is it?

Kid grandma's grandma: This book, it passed from our family generation to generation. It's said that a knight from the past called Alexander will reborn to our time. According to this book, he will return when you granddaughter has sixteen years. In that time, her destiny is meeting that Knight, our world would be in danger and she will need that Knight to protect her and the world. Promise me you will tell to your granddaughter about this.

Kid grandma: Yeah, I'll promise, grandma.

/End flashback/

Grandma: So you are Alexander. Our family had spoken about your heroic fights many years ago.

Alexander: But how did you get that information?

Grandma: Thanks to this.

Grandma shows an old book and opened. Alexander and Asuka took a look on it.

Asuka: No way! That event happened many years ago! You came from that time, Alexander?

Alexander: I didn't know that information about me was kept after many years.

Grandma: I leave this to you two, you better read all the story. I have some business to attend, I'll be back at night. You better don't try something lewd while you are alone.

Asuka: (Little blushed) Grandma!

Alexander: (Little blushed) Excuse me, I'm a knight and we're not allow to do that!

Grandma leaves the house. Asuka and Alexander were reading the old book.

Asuka: I'm so atoned about this.

Alexander: Me too, Helena.

Asuka: Hey! Stop calling me Helena. Listen, my name is Asuka, Asuka Hisakawa.

Alexander: But I don't get it. If you're not Helena, why do you have her face?

Asuka: Really, I look like her?

Alexander: Yeah, you are like her living image.

Asuka: (Reading the old book) This is incredible, many things are here…

Alexander: Wait, let me see that.

Asuka: Eh? What, this part?

Alexander: (Reading) The Knight should use the jewel to the Sorceress's reincarnation. Then all the answers will be clear.

Asuka: The jewel? Like that one you have.

Alexander: (Taking the jewel) Yeah. I should...

Asuka: Wait! If you use it I could get hurt like before.

Alexander: But it's the only way I can get the answers about this.

Suddenly a light appeared and covered them. Alexander and Asuka was in an unknown place. Then an image of Helena appeared in front of them.

Asuka: (Surprised) What the… is that me?

Alexander: Helena!

Helena's soul: I am Helena, the Sorceress who fought along with the Knight from the past. I used a magic spell in this jewel. It will be activated when my future self is close.

Alexander: Helena, what happened to you?

Helena's soul: I'm just a part of my soul that was in the jewel, I used lots of magic to use the spell for Future life, Alexander the Knight was dying so I used it to save his life and sent him to the future to continue the fights against the Dark Knights. I made sure he can adapt in that time by speaking and reading the language from that country.

Alexander: You used the spell for future life on me?

Asuka: In my case, I didn't have much magic to use on me, so I used a different magic spell. It was a variation but the cost was high, my memories would be erased and my soul will reborn in other body with different mind. To my future self, whoever you are, I need you to keep the old book that I gave my friend from the past and give to our generation until your time. Before I died, I used more magic to make sure Alexander could arrived that time without alterating his body and mind, I hope the future have its protectors. Alexander, I'm sorry, I can't be with you anymore because my memories and my feelings were taking away in order to save you, please protect the future and my future self.

Then Helena's soul was disappearing.

Alexander: Wait, Helena, Helena!

Helena's soul: Good bye, Alexander.

Then Alexander and Asuka returned to the living room.

Asuka: No way, I have the soul of Helena in my body.

Alexander: (Little sad) Helena is gone forever, and she won't never return.

Asuka: Alexander, are you okay, is that girl was important to you?

Alexander: She was more than a partner and friend. But I couldn't response about her feelings.

Asuka: I see (Thinking funny surprised) "Wait a minute, why do I ask that? It's not like I'm interested, but to see him sad about his friend's loss"

Alexander was sat thinking about the situation.

Alexander: If Helena used the spell of Future life on me, that means… (Imagining Demitri) Shit! That Dark knight should arrived at this time too, surely along with his group.

Asuka: That explains the giant lizard that was in school.

Alexander: Probably he brought many creatures with him to this time. I have to find him!

Asuka: (Grabbing his hand) Wait, Alexander. You can't go anywhere without knowing where he is.

Alexander: But…

Asuka: Maybe I'm not a sorceress like your friend Helena but I just can't see how my world is in danger. We must do something.

Alexander: We? I don't think so, Asuka Hisakawa. It's my duty as a knight to face that dark knight and those monsters.

Asuka: (Sat on the couch) But you alone?

Alexander: (Standing up) Is there another way?

Asuka: First of all, people can't know you are knight from the past, it will be a scandal. You should remove that armor.

Alexander: Remove it (He was checking inside his armor, it was a pendent) This is…

Suddenly a light covered Alexander and then his armor disappeared like magic. But the situation is he is naked in front of Asuka. She was blushed and in shock to see his "naked thing" in front of her eyes.

Alexander: (Realizing his situation) What the…? Wait, Asuka, this is not…

Asuka: (Blushed and screaming) AAAAHHHHH!

It was heard a hit inside the house. Later Alexander has a towel covering his lower body while was massaging his cheek because of Asuka's slap.

Alexander: Why did you do that?

Asuka: (Upset) And why did you get naked in front of me?

Alexander: (Taking his pendent) I didn't know my armor still works with magic inside of this. I thought there's no magic in this time.

Asuka was looking his pendent it has a dragon symbol.

Asuka: A dragon?

Alexander: In a difficult fight, I faced the Millennium Dragon, one of the dangerous and powerful creatures in my time. My victory over it gave me the title of Dragon Knight.

Asuka: So how you plan to stay in the town hiding your identity?

Grandma: I can help with that.

Asuka: (Realizing her presence) Grandma.

Grandma: (Giving a bag to Alexander) You better use this, unless you want to walk everywhere naked.

Alexander: What is it? (Taking clothes from the bag) Oh, this is the custom for people from this time?

Asuka: Grandma, you were shopping clothes for Alexander.

Grandma: (To Alexander) If you are going to live in this town, you better get used to this time too.

Alexander: I see, thanks.

At that moment Asuka's parents arrived home.

Mrs Hisakawa: We're here!

Mr Hisakawa: Asuka, we came together for dinner.

Mrs Hisakawa: Don't worry I'll make the dinner…

Asuka's parents realized Alexander's presence and half-naked; they were a little surprised while Asuka was in funny state.

Asuka: (In her state) Mom, dad.

Mr Hisakawa: What's the meaning of this, Asuka!

Mrs Hisakawa: Asuka, you brought a boy to home while you were alone?

Asuka: No! It's not what you think! He's…

Alexander: Sorry for entering to your home without permission. I'm Alexander.

Grandma: Unless you have good manners, boy.

Mrs Hisakawa: Then who are you, Asuka's boyfriend?

Asuka: (Blushed) No! Mom!

Mr Hisakawa: (Funny surprised) No way! My little Asuka is entering to adulthood!

Asuka: Dad!

Mrs Hisakawa: Were you planning to do that while you were alone?

Alexander: No! I'm not a man that takes a woman's virginity.

Asuka: (Hitting him) Shut up! You idiot!

Grandma: Can you stop bothering Asuka?

Mrs Hisakawa: Mom, you arrived? You should have called to receive you.

Grandma: It doesn't matter. I knew this boy so don't worry about him. He can sleep here for this night.

Asuka and her parents: WHAT?

Grandma: I have some issues with him tomorrow, so please make this favor.

Asuka: Well, I guess you're right, grandma.

At night, while everyone were sleeping, Alexander was on the couch thinking while trying to sleep.

Alexander: (Thinking) "I'm trapped here in this time, now I have to adapt to this culture. I have to find Demitri and his allies; they could attack this town too"

Meanwhile, Asuka was on her bed trying to sleep too.

Asuka: (Thinking) "Alexander could live here like any person, but if those monsters like that one appear, it will be a catastrophe"

At next day, in morning; Alexander woke up and was walking inside the house.

Alexander: (Feeling sleepy) Where is Asuka? I need to ask her about today.

He was walking until he opened a door, it was the bathroom. There was Asuka naked, Alexander was a little shock to see her naked.

Alexander. (Little blushed) Asuka… No, It's not… I didn't know…

Asuka: (Blushed and got angry) GEEEEEET OOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUT!

Later, Alexander had a handkerchief on his face because he received Asuka's slap. Asuka was having breakfast but she was still angry by what happened early.

Mrs Hisakawa: Asuka, your dad and I are leaving, we'll get home a little late. Take care of your grandma.

Asuka: Yeah, mom.

Then Asuka was attempting to go school. Her grandma approached to her.

Grandma: Asuka, are you going to school?

Asuka: Yes, I have some homeworks to give.

Grandma: I'll have some issues to attend with this boy, you better go now.

Asuka: Okay, see you later.

Then Asuka went to her school. She met Nao before class started.

Nao: Asuka, did you make the homework?

Asuka: At least I made it.

Then the class started, the teacher was in front of class.

Teacher: Alright everyone, I have an announcement. Today we'll have a transferred student. (To the new student) Come to greet your classmates.

A new student came; the female students seemed interested to see him. It was a boy with blonde hair. But Asuka was in funny shock to see, it was Alexander in school uniform.

Alexander: My name is Alexander Drake. My name is little unknown, but I'm just a regular student. Nice to meet you.

Asuka. (Standing up) What are you doing here? Alexander!

Alexander: Oh! Asuka, so this is where you go in the mornings. What a surprise.

Asuka: (Little blushed) Whatever, how did you get here?

Teacher: Do you know him, Hisakawa?

Asuka: (Little nervous) I, well…

Alexander: She's just an acquaintance.

Nao: (In low voice) Asuka, that's the boy with knight custom. Maybe you two are destined to meet each others.

Asuka: Eh! It's just coincidence!

Later in break time, Alexander was reading a book very calmly.

Alexander: I can't believe I can read this language too. This country's history is interesting.

But then he realized a group of male students was with Asuka.

Student 1: Asuka-chan, please have a date with me!

Asuka: Sorry, but I don't like it.

Student 2: Then what about a dinner in my house?

Asuka: Thanks but I reject it.

Student 3: Then what about…?

Student 4: No, go with me…

Asuka: Guys, please, it's annoying…

Alexander: (Standing up) That's enough! Don't bother Asuka!

Student 1: (Upset) What's wrong with you, new guy?

Student 2: (Upset) Are you trying to get an interest with Asuka-chan?

All the male students were upset with Alexander.

Alexander: Just don't bother Asuka.

Asuka: Alexander, you don't have to defend me.

Alexander: But I promised to protect you and your world.

All the students were confused to hear that.

Student 1: What is he saying?

Student 2: Protect Asuka and the world?

Asuka: (Taking his hand and leaving) Alexander, we need to talk!

Alexander: Wow, take it easy!

At that moment, a girl with middle-long blonde hair with twintails style noticed them.

Girl: That boy, is he…?

Outside, Asuka and Alexander were talking.

Asuka: How could you say that? I told you to not talk about that situation!

Alexander: But I saw you had problems.

Asuka: Anyway, and why are you here? How could you be admitted to my school?

Alexander: Your grandma, ask me to be to your side, including to your school, so she made the papers to be a student like you.

Asuka: Geez! Grandma! Doing things without asking!

Alexander: Also she gave me a little room from a property to live in this town.

Asuka: Then, you live away of my house. (Thinking) "That's good, it will be a problem if everyone realize I live with a guy who's not my relative"

Alexander: Something wrong, Asuka?

Asuka: (To reality) It's nothing! Just try not to be too attached to me. I don't want everyone to know that... (Little blushed) we are together or... think anything else.

Alexander: Eh, okay.

During school class, Alexander seemed to learn, he was resolving some math calculations after attending the classes.

Nao: Alexander-san learns fast. I took me long time to understand that calculation.

Asuka: (Little worried) I thought he only has fighting mind.

Nao: What?

Asuka: Nevermind.

Then in physical education, Alexander was running with other boys in marathon. He got first place. Some girls were amazed by that.

Girl 1: Wow, that boy is foreigner and has good physical condition.

Girl 2: I wonder if he has someone he likes. I would like to try speaking with him.

Nao: It seems Alexander-san is getting attention of all school.

Asuka: Maybe, after all it's his first time in school.

Later, Alexander was checking a vending machine, he want to get something from it. Asuka noticed him.

Asuka: What are you doing?

Alexander: How can I get that drink? I could get it easily if I can break that big box.

Asuka: Don't even try that! (She checked her pocket and used a coin in the vending machine) I can't believe I have to teach this to you. Here.

Asuka gave the drink to Alexander.

Alexander: Thanks, It's hard to believe there's a magic box that gives you food and requires a coin to activate it. (He drank it little happy) Tasty.

After school, Alexander and Asuka were leaving with Nao.

Asuka: (Little upset) Why does Alexander have to go with us?

Nao: I asked him to ask him something.

Asuka: Please, don't get into this.

Nao: Don't worry, I won't take away him from you.

Asuka: It's not for that!

Nao: So Alexander-san, how long do you know Asuka?

Alexander: Just some days.

Nao: Oh, so it was you who saved her that day.

Alexander: Yeah.

Nao: But your custom of that day was cool. Are you an otaku?

Alexander: Otaku? What is that?

Asuka: Oh, look! Nao, is the bus, you should take it.

Nao: Oh, this was getting interesting. Anyway, see you two tomorrow! Bye!

Nao took the bus and left them. Alexander and Asuka were walking back to home.

Asuka: Listen, if you're going to involve my life, you better follow your act as normal school boy of this time, okay?

Alexander: I'm getting used to this land, but I need more information to understand. I'm sure your grandma gave me her support but I still have to adapt to this world.

Asuka: I hope you thank her for helping you.

Suddenly, Alexander detected a strange presence.

Asuka: What's wrong?

Alexander: We'd better go where there's no one.

A strange a big creature was following them. They run and arrived to an empty park.

Asuka: What is happening, Alexander?

Alexander: We're not alone.

At that moment, a lion-like monster appeared in a jump in front of them.

Asuka: Another monster?

Alexander: This is bad.

The monster jumped to attack them but Alexander reacted at time.

Alexander: (Grabbing Asuka) Watch out!

They dodged that attack and fell on the ground.

Alexander: (Waking up) Are you okay? Asuka…

Suddenly he blushed to see Asuka at the ground.

Asuka: (On the ground little confused) What? (She realized her skirt was slightly lifted, showing her white panties) Ah! (Blushed and lows her skirt) You saw them, did you?

Alexander: It wasn't on purpose!

Asuka: You perv!

Alexander: This is not the time to talk about that!

The monster attempted to attack them again.

Asuka: Here it comes again!

But Alexander called its attention for saving Asuka.

Alexander: Hey, over here!

The monster was noticing him and was ready to attack him.

Asuka: What are you doing?

Alexander: I can't permit to expose you in danger!

Asuka: But you can't fight without your armor! (She felt something in her body, like magic) What was that?

Alexander: My armor, but there's no magic. (Realizing something) Unless…

He took his pendent and suddenly it shined covering his body with magic. Then his armor appeared on his body, then his cape, his sword and shield and finally his helmet. He took his helmet and wore it. He took his sword and shield using a pose as end.

Asuka: Alexander, you became the Knight, again.

Alexander: Wow, my armor is back!

Asuka: Alexander, watch out!

The monster attacked again. Alexander protected himself using his shield and used it to strike it.

Asuka: It's like before. He's really the Knight.

Alexander: Burning sword!

He used his attack to the monster burning it until it becomes ashes.

Asuka: That was amazing.

Alexander: (Dropping his sword and shield and removing his helmet) It's okay, I finished it.

Asuka: You recovered your magic?

He used his pendent and his armor and weapons disappeared, leaving with his school uniform.

Alexander: But just a part, I can't use it like before. My pendent should have react by a magic source.

Asuka: A magic source? Like what?

Alexander: I don't know I'd better to look for that later.

Asuka: You're right, we must return. I'm glad there's no one to see what happened.

Alexander and Asuka were leaving, they didn't notice a school girl, like the one who noticed before, had seen that fight.

School girl: (Smiling) Alexander Drake. Hehe.

At next day at school, Alexander was reading another book.

Alexander: Wow, many information about past cultures, it seems exciting.

Nao: (To Asuka) It seems Alexander-san is getting adapting to our school, don't you think?

Asuka: Yeah, I know.

Nao: Are you getting along with him?

Asuka: (Little blushed) Eh… more or less.

Alexander: (Looking outside to the sky) Helena, I promise I'll protect Asuka and this world. I'll do it as the Knight.