Ep 13: The Knight vs the Dragon

The city was still in attack by dragons, also the Millennium Dragon was leading them as their lord.

At home, Asuka's parents were worried about the situation.

Mr Hisakawa: There are monsters anywhere!

Mrs Hisakawa: Where's Asuka? She didn't return since several hours!

Grandma: Maybe, she could be in danger by those dragons!

Mrs Hisakawa: Mom, what did you say?

Grandma: We must hope she gained back her past powers to help Alexander and defeat that menace.

Mr Hisakawa: What do you mean her past powers and what about that kid Alexander?

Grandma: (Seriously) He's the knight from the past and came to save Asuka and our world.

Meanwhile, the detective Mizushima and his team was shooting the dragons to repeal them.

Detective Mizushima: This doesn't have end! We have to keep resisting!

Nao was heading to the city center very worried about the situation.

Nao: (Worried) I hope my dad is alright. Also I'm worried about Asuka.

She didn't realize some dragons were following her.

Meanwhile, from the last scene, in a peaceful environment, in a house; Alexander and Asuka were surprised to see two kids who proved to be their children.

Alexander: My children?

Asuka: Really?

Girl: Mommy, Daddy. Why do you ask that as if you don't recognize us?

Boy: Something happened to you?

Alexander: Eh? No, it's just I had a hard day. Excuse us for a while.

Alexander took Asuka and went to the living room.

Alexander: What do we have to say them?

Asuka: This is bad. And we… (Blushed) had children?

Alexander: This is strange. How could we have children without doing "that"?

Asuka: (More blushed) What are you talking about? (Hitting to his head) Don't think pervert things!

Alexander: But that method is natural for making children.

Asuka: (Blushed and funny angry) Shut up!

The kids came to them.

Boy: Dad, Mom. What's wrong?

Alexander: Nothing! I was just talking with your mother.

Asuka: Yeah, yeah!

Girl: By the way, you told us that you'll take us to the park.

Asuka: Did we tell you?

Alexander: Of course! We'll take you after breakfast!

Kids: Yeah!

Asuka: What?

Alexander: Listen Asuka, until we know what's going on, we have to play along with them.

Asuka: I guess you're right.

Then, they were taking their breakfast.

Asuka: By the way, children. Can you tell us your names? You know, to know us better.

Boy: Okey, I'm William.

Girl: And I'm Misaki.

Alexander: Yeah, remember our names when you grow up. I'm Alexander.

Asuka: And I'm Asuka. By the way, how old are you?

William: I'm ten years old.

Misaki: I'm nine years old.

Asuka: Wow, I didn't expect that.

Alexander: Definitely.

Later, Alexander, Asuka and their "kids" went to the park. William and Misaki were playing around near to their "parents". Some adults were looking at them with bothering.

Mrs. 1: Look at them! Those young people already have children?

Mrs. 2: I can't believe those two are from school.

Mrs. 3: The kids of these days are out of control.

Alexander and Asuka felt embarrassed to hear that.

Alexander: Our reputation seems to bother the adults.

Asuka: Of course. Who won't be upset knowing those young people becoming parents?

William: Dad, Mom; there's an ice cream seller.

Misaki: I want one!

Asuka: Okay. We'll buy you some.

Alexander: (Giving money to them) Here, go on.

William and Misaki: (Happy) Thanks!

They went to buy ice cream.

Alexander: Those kids, reminds my childhood.

Asuka: Well, to get distracted, let's hear something.

She had a little portable radio. They turned on the radio.

Radio broadcaster: And now some news. It seems two sixteen high school students went to an accelerated way. Now they are parents of two kids…

Alexander and Asuka felt embarrassed to hear that. They turned off the radio.

Meanwhile; the detective Mizushima keeps fighting along with his team against the dragons.

Detective Mizushima: Damn! This is a nightmare!

Then he noticed that Nao was walking near the place.

Detective Mizushima: Nao?

At the other side, Alexander, Asuka were walking with their children.

Asuka: I wonder how this could happen?

Alexander: I don't know. I don't recognize this kind of magic where you are sent to a different place.

Asuka: I feel as if I were in a better place.

Alexander: You know, being parent is not bad at all.

Asuka: Yeah, I wish this went on forever.

They blushed talking about that.

Alexander: Well, if only we're really married.

Asuka: That's right. But about my child dream.


Kid Asuka: When I grow up, I'll marry with a Knight who was a hero in the past.

/End of flashback/

Asuka: (Blushed) Maybe my dream came true.

Later; at home, they were at the living room.

William: Dad, let's play a game!

Misaki: Yeah, daddy!

Alexander: Children, why not you watch television for a while, I need to talk with your mother.

The kids tilted and left. Alexander and Asuka were alone.

Asuka: (Little confused) What, Alexander?

Alexander: We have to be serious. This isn't the place we belong.

Asuka: (Amazed) What do you mean?

Alexander: Your town was under attack by the Millennium Dragon. It's still there, attacking your people.

Asuka: (Suddenly some flashbacks about the dragons attacking the city came to her mind) No! I don't want to remember that! I thought that never happened when we arrived here!

Alexander: Asuka, even we wish this peaceful life, we can't deny that monster is attacking your world. If we don't stop that, there won't be the future we wish.

Asuka: Alexander…

Suddenly, the environment began to tremble.

Asuka: What's happening?

Alexander: What is it?

The environment was began to erase while they had been separate.

Alexander: Asuka!

Asuka: Alexander!

They stretched their hands, trying to catch each other but failed. Alexander noticed that their children were with worried faces. Alexander was in shock trying to reach them but without success.

Alexander: William! Misaki!

The environment turned into white. After that, Alexander opened his eyes and he was in the present. He noticed the dragons are still attacking the city.

Alexander: What happened?

Cassandra: Alexander-kun!

Cassandra was with worried face and her hands on his shoulders.

Alexander: Cassandra?

Cassandra: What a relief! Alexander-kun, you're okay!

Alexander: Where am I?

They were in the park, hidden at the trees.

Cassandra: We could escape at time after that attack.

Alexander: After that attack?

Then he remembered when he and Asuka were being attacked by the Millennium Dragon's huge flames. Then that strange light protected them.

Cassandra: Somehow you two were launched away after that attack. I was able to find you safe. (Imagining what she said)

Alexander: That's true! Where's Asuka?

He noticed Asuka was rest at a tree. She was unconscious.

Alexander: (Putting his hands on her shoulders) Hey, Asuka! Wake up, wake up!

But Asuka didn't wake up, no matter how Alexander insisted.

Cassandra: It's useless, her mind seems to be locked in a strange magic field. I can't get access.

Alexander: How could that happen?

Cassandra: Maybe after her soul part woke up. That should have sent you to that field. Probably a field created by Asuka's dream.

Alexander: Then, Cassandra, take care Asuka. I have to stop that monster.

Cassandra: (Holding his hand) Wait, do you plan to face that monster, by yourself?

Alexander: My mission is protect the world of this timeline, so I have to…

Cassandra: No!

She pulled him back and that made them fell. She was over him, looking him deeply.

Alexander: Cassandra.

Cassandra: Why do you have to carry all by yourself? Even risking your life!

Alexander: What are you talking about? We don't have time for this…

Cassandra: Tell me, are you doing this for your duty or… for Asuka?

Alexander: What's the matter with you?

Cassandra: I… I… (Suddenly she kissed him on his lips)

Alexander: (Amazed) Hey! Why?

Cassandra: Because I love you! I loved you since we were at Kingdom's academy!

Alexander: Eh?

Cassandra: Even you told me you're not interested on me, I always wanted continue at your side because I thought I could have had the chance to be with you, or even you could think about me instead of Asuka!

Meanwhile the dragons continued attacking the town. The police is still resisting the attacks. The detective Mizushima noticed Nao's presence near.

Detective Mizushima: Nao!

Nao: Dad?

Suddenly some dragons appeared behind her, scaring her. She fell in panic to see them.

Detective Mizushima: Nao!

Nao: (Scared) Help me, dad!

Suddenly the detective run and hit those dragons with his weapon. Then took Nao along with him and run away.

The dragons followed them. Some patrols arrived to defend them.

Detective Mizushima: Shoot them!

The dragons seemed not being harmed by the shots but they retrieved for a while.

Nao: Dad, why those monsters are attacking us?

Detective Mizushima: I don't know, maybe because of that huge dragon. And probably that Knight called Alexander.

Nao: (Confused) Alexander-san?

Meanwhile, Alexander was ready to leave.

Cassandra: Even when I wasn't your partner in the Academy. I always had a hope to be at your side. In this time I thought it was reality.

Alexander: Sorry Cassandra, please if you care about me, take care Asuka.

Alexander wears his helmet and run to the town.

At the town, some people was still running away from the dragons. Some of them were students of Asuka's school. They were hiding in a mall.

Male student: Oh my god! Those monsters are invading from everywhere!

Female student: I thought those monsters were rumors but now they're real! What are we going to do?

Suddenly some dragons appeared and ready to attack them. But then Alexander arrived and beat them without killing them.

Alexander: (To the students) Don't move.

Male student: That guy…

Female student: The Knight from the news!

Alexander continued running and beating the dragons that were in his way. Saving some people from the attacks.

Alexander: (Running) Wait for me, Asuka. When I defeat the Millennium Dragon, I'll be back for you!

He continued defeating more dragons. Until he realized Nao and the detective Mizushima were being surrounded by dragons.

Alexander: That's Asuka's friend… and that detective! Damn!

The detective's team were still shooting against the dragons but without success.

Officer: Detective, we're out of ammo! We can't continue!

Detective Mizushima: There's no choice! We have to continue until the end.

Nao: (Scared) Dad, I'm scared.

Detective Mizushima: No matter what, I'll protect you, Nao.

A dragon jumped above the officers and was in front of the detective and Nao.

Nao: (Scared) Dad?

Detective Mizushima: Stay back of me!

The dragon run to attack them.

Officer: Detective, watch out!

Suddenly Alexander appeared, knocking the dragons with his shield and then the last one that was attacking Nao and her father.

Alexander: You get out of here. I'll try to keep those monster away of you!

Then he run away, leaving the police amazed and confused.

Nao: That knight, his outfit resembles the one Alexander-san had that day.

Detective Mizushima: That Alexander boy is planning to stop those monsters by himself?

Meanwhile, Cassandra was stopping some dragons while taking care of Asuka who was still unconscious.

Cassandra: (Tired) Damn it! This isn't going to be easy. (Looking to Asuka) You'd better wake up before Alexander-kun returns.

Alexander continued attacking the dragons letting them unconscious. Some people were surprised to see him saving them from the dragons.

Alexander: How many are left?

Suddenly a long-tail dragon appeared and grabbed him with its tail and launched him to a store. There, there were some people hiding from the dragons, some of them were the waitresses from the cafeteria where Alexander works.

Waitress: (To her friends) I'm scared.

Unexpectedly, Alexander crushed near to the people in funny fall. The people were confused to see him.

Alexander: (Waking up) Sorry.

Then the dragon appeared again.

Alexander: You won't do it again!

He run and hit it with his punch, letting it unconscious.

Alexander: (To people) Stay here. You'll be saved for now. (He leaves)

Waitress: That Knight! But his voice...

Alexander continued defeating more dragons until he arrived where Cassandra and Asuka were.

Alexander: How is Asuka?

Cassandra: She's still unconscious. I can't reach her with my magic.

Alexander: I see. Then I'll have to defend her…

Suddenly a flame beam was shot to them, in slow motion Alexander run and used his shield to protect Asuka and Cassandra. But it's seen his shield was broken then he used his sword but without exceed. The Millennium Dragon attacked using that beam.

In normal motion, it's seen Asuka and Cassandra were alright. But Alexander seemed wounded by that attack on his back.

Cassandra: (Worried) Alexander-kun!

The Millennium Dragon screams as claiming more destruction.

Alexander: (With his head crouched) Why do I have to pass for this again? (Some flashbacks about his destroyed town, and his family murdered by the Dragon) I won't forgive you!

Cassandra: Alexander-kun?

Alexander: (In strange state) I'll kill you! I'll kill you! (A strange energy in smoke form was on his body, while holding his sword with rage) I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'LL KILL YOU!

Cassandra: (Trying to stop him, but was pushing back by his energy) Alexander-kun! Ah!

Alexander screamed in rage and run to attack the Millennium Dragon.

Cassandra: (Worried) Alexander-kun, it's like when we were in the mall. (Flashback about it) And that strange mana when the Millennium Dragon attack our kingdom! That happened when he and Helena were facing that!

Alexander attacked with rage but the Millennium Dragon stroke back with its claw. Alexander fell but woke up fast and attacked again.

Cassandra: His sword, there's mana in it. That's the Millennium Dragon energy!

The Millennium Dragon attacked Alexander wounding him with his claws. Alexander fell but he woke up even when he's bleeding.

Alexander: Not… yet!

Cassandra: (Worried) Alexander-kun! (He's still fighting despite being wounded) His mind is corrupted by that mana. (To Asuka) Asuka, I need you to be here, maybe with your voice he can react. Asuka, hey Asuka!

In her mind, Asuka was in a blank space; she didn't know what's happening.

Asuka: What happened? Where's Alexander?

Then she notices an image from the present. The city was in under attack.

Asuka: My home! My family! (Then she noticed Alexander, very wounded who was facing the Millennium Dragon even in his condition) Alexander! No! What am I going to do? Alexander will die!

Alexander was bleeding and despite that he run to fight, the Millennium Dragon attack him with its claw, hurting him mortally. His helmet fell, his forehead was on the ground. Despite of that, even his forehead is bleeding, Alexander stood up and held his sword with rage, decided to fight until the end.

Cassandra: (Worried) Alexander-kun!

Asuka: (Worried and desperate) Alexander! How? How can I help him? Somebody tell me!

Suddenly the blue jewel that she was carrying broke and a light shined, calling the attention of them.

Asuka opened her eyes and noticed Alexander was with her in the space.

Alexander: Asuka!

Asuka: Alexander! Are you okay? You were wounded!

Alexander: (Touching himself) That's strange. I'm sure I had scratches over here. (Confused) What happened to me?

Then, William and Misaki appeared in front of them.

Alexander: William! Misaki!

William: Dad, Mom. I'm glad we see you again.

Misaki: Mommy, Daddy. You should be together if you want a good future.

Asuka: My children. I wish you were with us in the present.

Alexander: Me too.

William: (Smiling) We'll be there.

Misaki: (Smiling) If you are together.

Then the environment was shaking. William and Misaki were disappearing.

William: (Crying while smiling) Dad. Mom. Please remember us.

Misaki: (Crying while smiling) Mommy. Daddy. Be together and we'll be born.

Alexander and Asuka: William! Misaki!

William and Misaki: (While disappearing) We love you!

Then Alexander was disappearing too.

Asuka: (Worried) Alexander!

Asuka was alone but then someone appeared in front of her. It was Helena, her past-self.

Asuka: (Surprised) You are…

Helena's soul: I'm glad that we meet again, my future-self.

At the other side, Alexander woke up. He was normal.

Alexander: (With little headache) Ah! Asuka!

Cassandra: (Coming to him) Alexander-kun! Are you the same?

Alexander: Yeah, I guess my mind was consumed by the rage and by the Millennium Dragon's mana from my sword.

They realized the Millennium Dragon preparing to attack.

Alexander: We will save Asuka, after I finish that bastard!

Cassandra: Count with me!

There was a news helicopter flying close of that area.

TV Reporter: This seems a terrible situation. A huge dragon is attacking along with other dragons. The police is trying to repeal them. But wait! (Filming Alexander and Cassandra) There are young people in front of the huge dragon, what are they doing?

Meanwhile Asuka and Helena were talking in the white space.

Asuka: Helena, right?

Helena's soul: Yeah, it seems your mind has been opened after your concern for Alexander.

Asuka: My mind? What do you mean?

Helena's soul: A little part of my soul was inside of the jewelry Alexander gave you. After it broke, the essence returned to your body, connecting our souls.

Asuka: I want to help Alexander! Please!

Helena's soul: But you can't help him as you are.

Asuka: Then, there's a way to help him?

Helena's soul: There is. But are you sure you want to do it?

Asuka: I always see Alexander facing many dangers while I was on his back. So I want to do something to save him and my town.

Helena's soul: Then let me do this.

Helena put her hand on Asuka's forehead.

Asuka: What are…

Suddenly many flashbacks of Helena's past was on Asuka's mind.

Asuka: That was, my past life!

Helena's soul: It seems your memories got back. Now do you understand what are you going to face if you want to do it?

Asuka: (Very decided) I want… I want to save Alexander's life, like you did!

Helena's soul: Then, my soul will finally rest in peace. I'll give you the rest of my soul so you can help him as I did. Let's save him together.

Then, Helena embrace Asuka.

Helena's soul: (While disappearing) Please, be with him as I did and loved him. Now, fight at his side, Asuka Hisakawa.

It seems Helena's soul fused with Asuka, then a light shined.

At the reality, Alexander and Cassandra used fireballs to attack the Millennium Dragon.

Alexander: (Attacking) Take this!

Cassandra: (Attacking) Flame daggers!

The Millennium Dragon didn't receive too much damage and attacked them with its claws but they dodged at time.

Cassandra: Damn it! It's not working at all!

Alexander: There must be a way to finish this! No matter what, we must continue!

Then, they realized Asuka woke up and was walking to them.

Alexander: Asuka!

Cassandra: Are you okay?

Asuka: (To Alexander) Alexander, you are the Dragon Knight, so let's save our world. Together!

Alexander, Asuka and Cassandra were looking the Millennium Dragon to face it again. The battle will continue.