Ep 3: The Knight and the nightmare

In Alexander's home; Lorelei was brooming at her house entrance but then she noticed some knights were heading to a direction.

Lorelei: What's happening?

At field Alexander noticed manu knights were riding to a place near to his home.

Alexander: It's going to be a battle?

At his castle King Carl was watching the environment, then a knight came.

Knight: Sir, I have bad news!

King Carl: What could it be? Those dark knights are attacking again?

Knight: Sir, our watchmen reported a huge monster is heading to a town from our country.

King Carl: (Worried) What? A huge monster? It's a dragon?

Knight: Yes.

King Carl: It can't be! The Oracle said it will rise. Call all the army. Go to stop that monster!

Knight: Yes sir!

Alexander was heading to his home, then he meets his mother.

Alexander: Mother, what's going on?

Lorelei: (Worried) I don't know but we'd better be in house until your father comes.

At other side, Percival and some knights were watching the zones of the kingdom.

Percival: It seems those renegades knights won't attack today.

Then he heard a telephatic voice.

Wizard's voice: Percival! We got bad news. The mythical beast, the Millenium Dragon is attacking a town of our country.

Percival: What? Where? (Hearing words then he was in shock) What?

At his home, Alexander was looking from a window some habitants were hidding to their houses.

Alexander: What's happening?

Some knights were telling to the site.

Knight: All people, be in your homes. We reported a monster is heading to here. We'll try to stop its direction!

Alexander: A monster?

At other side some knights were in front of the Millenium Dragon.

Knight 1: Kill that monster!

Knight 2: Let's finish it!

Knights: Yes!

The knights were attacking the dragon their artillery and weapons. But the Millenium Dragon was as if nothing affect.

Knight: What? It's not affected?

Then the Millenium Dragon shot a huge fire wave and burnt all the knights in seconds.

Then the Millenium Dragon was heading to Alexander's town. Few knights were returning to the town.

Knight: Listen everyone, we must evacuee. That monster will attack in few minutes. We can't stop it!

Some habitants were escaping. Alexander and Lorelei were worried for the situation.

Alexander: Mother.

Lorelei: Where can be your father? We must go away.

At that moment; Percival and some knights arrived to the town.

Percival: Help the people to evacuee!

Knight: What are you going to do, Percival?

Percival: I must go for my family!

Other knights continued attacking the Millenium Dragon but nothing seems hurt it.

The Dragon continued killing other knights in its way, provoking a lot of fire in the town. Then in front of it there was Alexander's house.

Percival: (Realizing) No! Not them!

Percival run fast and entered to his house.

Percival: Lorelei! Alexander!

Alexander: Father!

Lorelei: Percival!

Percival: We must go! That dragon is killing everyone!

Lorelei: Take Alexander!

Percival carried Alexander and went of his house. Lorelei was following them but suddenly the Millenium Dragon was at there.

Percival: Lorelei! Come on!

But immediately the Millenium Dragon crushed the house and blast it with fire, destroying completely with Lorelei in it.

Percival: LORELEI!

Alexander: MOTHER!

Alexander's house was destroyed, Lorelei died in the act. The Dragon continued burning the fields.

Percival: (In rage) Alexander, be here.

Percival with rage went to attack.

Percival: (Angry) YOU BASTARD!

The Dragon just used its claw and hurt him mortally. He was unconscious.

Alexander: (Worried) Father!

Then some Knights survivors came to rescue.

Knight: Take the other survivors and retrieve to the castle!

The Millennium Dragon was attempting to attack them but suddenly it flied to an unknow place.

Knight 1: Is it going away?

Knight 2: But where?

Knight 3: It doesn't matter. Take the injured ones.

Percival was taken with Alexander, along with some survivors.

After the attack, many Knights, including Percival, were taken to the castle. There, they were being healed by some wizards.

Percival: (Depressed) Lorelei, my love…

King Carl was heading to him.

King Carl: Percival Drake, I'm sorry about your wife's lose but I didn't believe that legendary dragon returned and attacked a part of our country.

Percival: (Tearfuly) I'm glad I saved my son at time. But Lorelei, I swear I avenge her! (Angry) That monster will pay!

King Carl: Maybe you know about that. There's a prophecy about that monster and some Knights would like to hear.

Percival: What it is?

King Carl: It's said when a Knight defeat the Millennium Dragon, he will receive a powerful mana from it and get the tittle of Dragon Knight, the legendary warrior of all history.

Percival: Really?

King Carl: It's just an old prophecy, but until now no one could defeat that beast. Many brave knights died by trying to get that tittle. Even if we count with the help of the other kingdoms but they are busy against other invaders.

Percival: That was the old prophecy which Oracle told me before! Even it is a prophecy or not, I have to kill that beast!

Alexander was near and hear what the King said.

Alexander: The Dragon Knight?

3 years later…

It's seen a eight years old kid Alexander who was training with a wood sword, he seems angry.

Alexander: I want to be stronger! I want to revenge my mother! That Dragon will die!

Percival was heading to him along with a woman. She was Clara, his neighbor.

Percival: Alexander, can you come here?

Alexander: What is it, father?

Percival: I heard the Millenium Dragon appeared in another town, so I'm going with some army to defeat it.

Clara: But Percival.

Alexander: What?

Percival: I'll go. I'll destroy that beast which killed your mother. I promise.

Alexander: (Worried) Father.

Percival: Alexander, be with this neighbor. She will take care of you if I don't return.

Alexander: (Worried) Don't say that, father!

Percival: (Putting a finger on Alexander's forehead) I'm sure you can live in a peaceful place, like this. I'll make sure you can. (To Clara) Clara, please, take care of him.

Clara: Don't worry, Percival. Your son will be saved. I swear for your wife's soul.

Then, in a far town; the Millennium Dragon causing chaos and death. Some knights were fighting but without advantage.

Percival with other knights were riding to that town.

Percival: I'll kill that beast!

Knight: Percival! You're not the only one who seeks revenge! Many of our families were killed by that beast! We want kill it too!

Percival: I know, let's finish with that!

At her home, Clara was carrying some supplies.

Clara: Alexander, I brought a lot of stuff for dinner… (Realizing there's no one at home) Alexander? Alexander?!

At a road, a cart was heading to another place. Inside there was Alexander traveling hidden.

Man 1: We must hurry, our troops need these weapons to beat that dragon!

Man 2: Yeah, I hope we can get at time.

Alexander: (In low voice) Father.

At other side; Percival and his group had arrived to that town and were facing the Millenium Dragon. It was a difficult battle, many Knights were killed and some injured during the attack.

A wizard was in the battlefield and shot a magic beam to the Dragon's forehead. The Dragon felt a little pain. In rage; the Dragon shot a fireball to the wizard killing instantely. Percival realized that.

Percival: Hold on! We can't let that escape!

Knight: (Injured) It's impossible! Many of our men were killed easily. We have to retrieve!

Percival: Don't give up! More weapons are going to be here. Resist!

The dragon attacked again. Percival used his sword to defend but was useless. He was injured by its claw. He was weak.

Knight: Percival!

At that moment the cart had arrived to the battlefield. Alexander got off and went hiding.

Men 1: Percival! We brought the weapons you asked…

Men 2: Look! That is the beast!

Percival: Give me that magic sword, I'll try to injure that monster.

Percival said a magic spell to the Dragon's forehead, making a little effect which confused it. Then Percival tried to attack with that magic sword to the Dragon's forehead, it had a little effect. But then Dragon attacked with its claw.

Alexander: Father!

Percival was injured and tried to stand up. Alexander was hidden on the ambush and saw the battle.

Alexander: (Looking at the Dragon) That monster… killed my mother.

Percival: Damn you!

Knight 1: Wait, Percival!

Knight 2: We can't defeat that monster, we have to escape!

Percival: You escape and tell the King that we failed. The Millennium Dragon is more powerful that we expected. But I found out something. I used a magic spell and worked somehow. It seems magic could have some effect. He must send some wizards to create a spell to defeat it.

Knight 1: I understand, try not to overdo yourself!

Knight 2: Good luck, Percival!

Percival: I'm sure someone will defeat that beast.

The rest of the survivor Knights retreat leaving Percival alone. He was ready to attack with his sword, but the Dragon used its flame breath and broke his sword.

Alexander was worried to see his father nearly to die. The Dragon was lifting its claws to attack him. At that moment, Percival realized his son's presence. Alexander was little scared to see that event.

Percival: (To the dragon) Someday, someone like me… will kill you… and save our country!

Alexander: Father.

Percival: (Smiling) Alexander, live…

At that moment, the Dragon smashed Percival with its claw, killing him instantily.

Alexander: (With tears) FATHER!

After that, the Dragon disappeared. It's seen Alexander who was in depressed. He was walking as seeing many corpses in the battlefield.

At next day, in the knights funeral, it's seen the kid Alexander was very sad, he was in front of his parents graves. At his side was his neighbor Clara.

Clara: You are going to live with me, I promised your father I'll take care of you.

Alexander: I decided it!

Clara: What?

Alexander: (Serious) I'll become a Knight! One day, I'll save this country, destroying that monster!

After the funeral at dawn; Alexander was walking sad on the field as looking the environment.

Alexander: I lost my family, so I must train. I'll go to the Knight Academy. (Then smiling with little difficulty) He! I know I can do it, right Helena.

2 years later…

In the Knight Academy, which was inaugurated, there were many young people who are going to be trained as knights. A 10 years old Alexander was there.

Master: Listen, kids. As you must know, after the Millennium Dragon incident, we lost many knights, some of them from your families. That's why we need to train you to become knights who protect our kingdom. Be strong! Let's show the world our country has the greatest knigh army!

Alexander: I'll do my best to be a knight like you, father.

The kids were training with sword and shield. Others were training with hand-by-hand combat. Alexander was overcoming in each training.

Alexander: (Satisfied and tired) He! I'm getting great! Soon I'll become a knight!

King Carl: (Coming to him) Alexander, right?

Alexander: Yes! My king!

King Carl: I remember, you must be Percival's son. You have his face. He was a great knight fighting for us. He would be proud you follow his steps.

Alexander: I want to honor his name.

King Carl: I'm sure one day you will.

Alexander: Yeah, but this isn't enough to achieve my goal. I have to become stronger to defeat monsters, like… (Very serious) that Dragon.

King Carl: I know how you feel but don't push yourself, you're still young.

Alexander: But…

King Carl: One day, we'll form teams of Knights and Sorcerers. Be patient to meet your future combat partner from Magic Academy.

Alexander: Okay.

Some days later; t's seen Alexander walking with an old clothe with cape. He was carrying a sword on his back.

Alexander: Father, I swear I'll revenge your death and mom's too. I'll get the title of Dragon Knight to save this country!

Alexander was traveling some areas where many wild beasts live. He used his sword and knight skills to kill them.

Alexander: I'm getting hungry, I should bring some food…

Then he was surrounded by a pack of wolves.

Alexander: (Smiling evilly) Perfect! You will be the dinner!

Then he began to slash all of wolves.

Later; Alexander was running and carrying a bag covered with blood. Also was leaving blood footsteps on the way. Some towners were little scared to see that. In her cabin, Clara was coming out.

Clara: Wow, our supplies is lacking.

Alexander: Clara!

Clara: Alexander… (Suddenly was funny scared and screaming)

Alexander was in blood bathed on the body, while waving his hand as greeting and smiling. He was running and carrying the bag on his back.

Alexander: (Running) Look, I have enough food for weeks!

Clara: (Throwing a water from a bucket) Don't run outside like this, idiot!

Then Alexander and Clara were talking in the cabin.

Clara: In what were you thinking, Alexander? Going to a place of wild beasts. You could be killed!

Alexander: I don't think so. My Knight training show my true strength. I can fight very well. I could kill a pack of wolves.

Clara: That's not the point. Being a Knight is not all. I promised your father you will be saved and what you are doing isn't correct! Remember you're still a kid.

Alexander: Sorry, but I noticed our supplies was few, so I decided to take those beasts for our dinner, they are eatable.

Clara: Thanks for that. But you must focus in your training at the Knight academy. Soon you will have your partner and live by your own. After that you'll be sent in combat.

Alexander: I guess I don't need a partner. (Presuming) I'll become the greatest Knight!

Some days later; Alexander continued traveling other areas to train. One of them was the Enchanted forest.

Alexander was walking in that forest, wearing a cloak and carrying a sword on his back.

Alexander: Let's see, this should be the forest. It could be a good place to train.

Suddenly he heard a scream of a girl.

Alexander: What was that?

He run to the deep of the forest. Then he saw there were giant plants that were attacking a girl. The girl was using magic spell of fire from her staff against the plants. That girl was a young Cassandra.

Alexander: What is that? A wizard? Like Helena?

But then giants roots grabbed her and was being tied by those.

Cassandra: (Little blushed) No! Don't touch me in those areas!

The roots were touching her butt and chest, tearing her clothes. Then Alexander run and cut the roots. Cassandra was falling but was caught by Alexander at time.

Alexander: Hey, are you okay?

But he blushed to see her half naked, her clothes were torn. She noticed that and screamed pushing him away.

Cassandra: Ah! What are you looking? You perv!

Alexander: Sorry. (He noticed more roots were after them) Watch out!

Cassandra: Burn into ashes!

The girl used her staff to use a magic spell that summoned a flaming tornado that burned all the roots.

Alexander: Wow, that was impressive. Are you a sorceress?

Cassandra: Yeah, but I'm still need more training. What you did before was incredible.

Alexander: What are you doing here?

Cassandra: I was practicing some magic spell here in the Enchanted forest. What about you?

Alexander: In the town, they said this forest is dangerous for training. I wanted to prove my strength as a Knight.

Cassandra: A Knight?

Alexander: Yeah, because I have a goal to achieve.

Cassandra: A goal?

Alexander: (Serious) My parents… were murdered by that monster. I swore I'll avenge them.

Cassandra: So you plan to face a monster?

Alexander: We better get out of here before it gets dark.

Then they were leaving the forest.

Alexander: I have to return, I must train for tomorrow at the academy. Bye.

Cassandra: Wait! Can I know your name?

Alexander: (While leaving) Alexander Drake.

Cassandra: Alexander… Drake.

Alexander was running as trying to smile.

Alexander: I'll be the knight who protect this kingdom. Also, I promised Helena I'll be the greatest knight. I hope you're doing your best wherever you are, Helena.

6 years later…

Alexander continued assisting the Knight academy and improving his skills until he got the highest rank in Knight Skills.

Alexander was with young people who were Knights. The academy master was in front of them.

Master: Listen, all of you are Knights now. In some months, the Magic academy will send us some of their students who are Sorcerers. Together will became the new army of the Kingdom to defend it from monsters and invaders. So be ready. Keep training, don't underestimate the power you got now!

Alexander: I wonder who would be my partner. But I'm strong now, so I don't need a partner.

Some days later; it's seen Alexander dressed with a clock with cape, carrying a sword on his back. He was walking little tired after fighting in a forest.

Alexander: Wow! I'm so tired. And thirsty, I want to drink water.

Alexander's voice: Many years passed, my knight trainer keeps going well, until I see her again.

He was walking until he was near of a big lake. He didn't notice that a girl was undressing and entering into the lake until disappearing.