The First dream of Fate

With visions that were still blurry, Chance looked like he had just woken up. All of a sudden, he was confused as he was not inside his room. 'I remember that Alec and Tristan brought me to my room earlier. Where am I right now?' he thought.

As his surroundings started to become more clear, he was still in a beautiful place outside the palace of Canopus where he passed by earlier. It was brighter than usual, everywhere he went, there was a faint light that surrounded him.

'It was just evening earlier, was I asleep for long?' he thought. 

He walked around, not knowing where his feet were taking him. He did not feel anything weird, rather than that, he actually felt very calm. Like he can breathe easily and that he feels very at ease. It was the first time he had felt that way, 'Strange.' he thought.

He avoided the bright sun outside and stepped into the pathway on the sides of the palace where you could get a shade. He kept walking and there were many doors as he passed by the path. 

While just going straight, not knowing where he wanted to go at all, he saw two maids walking in the opposite direction of his path. They were looking down with their hands, in front of them, walking properly as maids should do.

Unlike back in his real time, the maids have changed. They can wear whatever they want and act like normal, with no manners like the maids show in the past, where he is in currently.

As the maids got near to where he was, Chance waved at them to get their attention as he wanted to ask something but the maids continued to walk and passed by his sides, as if he was not there. 'What was that?' he thought, confused by the behavior that the maids had shown. 

"Hey-" he yelled but no words came out from his mouth. Instead, he yelled it inside his mind. He was not able to speak at all. 

He returned his eyes in front of him and followed by the maids, was a male servant, but he was also ignored. Instead of walking on his sides, the male servant was walking in the middle. Chance did not bother to step aside since the servant will for sure avoid bumping into him.

But the servant passed through him.

He was surprised, 'What the hell, am I a ghost or what?' he thought.

He touched himself but he can still touch or hold himself, but the feeling was light. It was like he was touched softly for just a second. 'This is getting weird.' he thought.

There was no need for him to get surprised, since he has already communicated with a cat that can talk and a spirit.

But still, he was in the past, how could there be something magical without Fate? 

He set aside the weird incident and continued to walk again into a place he doesn't even know where he will be taken by his feet. He walked until the path he was walking on had stopped on a dead end.

At the end of the path was a door that looked as if he was being pulled in. In a daze, if he was seen by others, they would have thought that he was sleep walking with his hand extended, about to grab the knob of the door to come inside.

Just as he was about to open it, his surroundings became black and he was in a different place again. He could not see the place around him anymore as it was blurry. It was not in his point of view anymore but he could see someone writing on an old desk.

It zoomed in and the hand was writing in an old paper and it looked similar to a diary. 'Someone is writing in a journal?' he asked inside his mind.

The scene changed and showed a vision of a girl wearing a veil and another girl. It closed up to the little girl's face as she smiled.

With the corners of her lips lifted up she was mouthing two words.

"Wake up."


Chance's eyes immediately opened and he was left dumbfounded, staring at the ceiling of his bed. 'What was...that?' he thought.

He sat up straight and got into a daze as he processed what had happened in his brain. 

An idea popped up inside his mind and he remembered what Fate had told him;

"Sooner or later, you will start to have strange dreams."

He put his hand on his mouth and dropped it down his chin, 'Was this one of the dreams that Fate told me?' he thought and tried to recall everything.

He had not forgotten at all, unlike his normal dreams where he does not even remember what happened. What he dreamed of earlier was still fresh in his mind. He remembered every single thing.

But the problem was, even though he remembered everything, he was confused about the dream. What does it mean? He just saw a strange door, someone writing and two girls that he was not familiar with.

He has no idea who the girl was, but he felt something strange about them. He does not know if the feeling is good or bad, but it was indeed a weird feeling. 

He stood up and fixed his clothes before walking towards the door to go outside. Before he could even open it, the door opened causing Alec and Chance to be surprised at each other.

"Your Highness, I was about to call you for dinner." Alec stated and lowered his gaze to the floor and gave way for him to step outside.

'See, it really is evening.' Chance thought and went outside. Tristan smiled and bowed to him.

They were about to walk and leave when the door across Chance's room also opened, showing the prince of Canopus, Caliber.

The two princes' eyes met each other and lasted for a few seconds when Chance looked away. 

The tension that the two of them emitted caused all of them to be silent. 

Caliber remembered what Alec said that he should stay away for the sake of Charles, he does not know the reason but he was thinking whether he really should stay away from someone that pulls him in whenever they meet. 

While Chance thought about what the aide had said in which Caliber was searching for someone. Now that he knows, he decided not to tell Caliber of him finding out what his problem was about. 'I should wait in case he tells me.' Chance thought.

They were all walking through the halls and Tristan found it a weird sight that the two princes, who were always close to each other, were walking side by side with a big gap between them. 'Is there something wrong?' he thought and scratched the back of his head.

Alec looked at the both of them in silence. He knows why Chance was acting that way, as he recalled what he had heard earlier from the aides, but was a bit worried about why he felt upset just because Caliber was searching for a girl.

He has a small guess, but if his guess was right, it would be a big trouble for the crown prince and Antares.

He was glad and relieved that Caliber listened to what he said, seeing that he was making a gap between them.

He would never have expected that the canopus prince did it, he was expecting him to be more stubborn and would not allow him to be away from Chance. 'Still, that is such an obvious gap.' he sighed.

Tristan glanced at his captain when he heard him sigh and looked in front of him and stared at the two princes, "Hmm."


They arrived in the royal dining room with a long table with a variety of mouth-watering dishes placed in big platters. The whole middle of the long table was full, 'Only few of us royalties will eat, how come there is such a lot of food?!' he said inside his mind.

The rich are insane, he thought. He could already imagine the hell that servants went through in the kitchen. But then again, it is their job.

They sat at the end of the table, leaving the one at the middle end, a seat for the king of Canopus. Although there was food on the king's plate, he was not there. 'Where is the king?' Chance thought, just like in the morning, the king did not appear to eat.

Chance and Caliber sat across each other and Chance saw Sherin behind Caliber's seat. She was looking at the Valorian knight that was also standing beside the seat that Chance was in.

All of their attention turned to the door as it opened.

"That is such an amazing sight," it said.

A few more steps and they saw Louis was the one who entered, after years of not coming to the dinner table.

"How lucky my servant is to be able to dine and sit with royalties."