Divine laugh of the Aide

Even with a wound, Sherin remembered her duty. She ignored the cut and in one swift motion; she brought an end to the remaining men that were surrounding them.

"Sherin, do not push yourself, you are bleeding!" Chance said to her in worry, but Sherin did not mind it and continued to ensure the prince's safety.

"We have to go now, Your Highness." she said with haste, eager to get the crown prince in a safe place even with her condition.

The horse she rode on her way to the prince's location was nowhere to be found. Perhaps it ran away in fright by the sudden fight. Whatever the reason was, there is no time and not safe enough to go around finding the horse. Whistling can get them in danger as well.

She was taken by surprise when Chance held her hand to go further into the forest. "Your Highness..."

"It is better if we stay here first. You are in no condition to get me back to the palace this way." Chance told her. She thinks for a second then nodded in agreement.

They cannot just run away, especially in their state. Best if they rest for a bit. The horse might not have gone far. Surely the smart horse of hers will find its way to them.

Sherin remembered that Chance sprained his foot, so she stopped in their tracks. Chance, who was holding her arm to support her, stopped as well. "Is there something wrong? Are you alright?" he asked. He wanted to slap himself for his stupid question. 'Of course, she isn't.'

Lines formed between his eyebrows when he saw Sherin went in front of him. She turned her back and bent down, two hands stretched to the back. "Hop in, Your Highness."

It came to him that Sherin wants to carry him, despite the wound that she had "Eh, no! You do not have to carry me!" he quickly said to her and shook his head.

She turned her head to him. "Quickly, Your Highness, or else we will put ourselves in even more danger." she said to convince him to ride her back.

Chance hesitated. He knows delaying would be bad for him, but he is worried about Sherin. How will she be able to carry him with a stab wound? Carrying someone as heavy as he is, as a man, of course, would make her bleed worse than ever.

"Your Highness."

"You need not to worry about me. It is just a sprain. While look at your condition, you are bleeding!" he responded.

"It will be faster for me to carry you, Your Highness. "

"But your—"

"My wound is on my side, not in my feet."

That ended the conversation, and Chance had no choice but to do as she suggested.

The two of them were silent as they go into the forest. So silent that only the sound of the forest could be heard. The whistling of the wind as it blows the leaves of the trees, the sound of the twigs and fallen leaves when they make every step. Or rather, Sherin's steps, because Chance was on her back. 

After a while of traveling, they settled in a spot where Sherin thinks is best. She carefully bent down to make Chance stand up.

Getting a handkerchief out from her pocket, she placed it down on the ground. Sherin gave Chance support in taking a few steps forward. Then she helped him sit down on the kerchief. 

They made a good choice to rest first; they were both in a terrible condition and it would be hard to return to the palace.

Chance's strain was worse than before. It probably worsened when he was running with all his might, despite his foot being sprained.

Just looking at it makes Chance wince. It hurts even with just the slightest movement.

Sherin appeared with logs and put one down so Chance can have something to lean on. As for the other logs she brought, she chopped them and began making a fire for both of them. 

They felt cold, especially Sherin, who is going pale from bleeding too much. Chance was worried. It was because of him that she was stabbed. It was supposed to be for him. He just stayed silent in guilt.

There was an awkward silence again as the fire crackles. Chance opens his mouth but closes it and he does it for a while, but he could not say anything at all.

The crown prince just kept glancing at her from time to time, and Sherin was staring at the fire. Chance gave another glance and Sherin noticed it, startling him.

"Do you want to say something?" she asked.

"Uh..." He did not know where to start. He was not good with words at all, especially since Sherin looks intimidating from the moment he saw her. "I-I am sorry." he apologized.

Sherin turned to him when she heard him apologize; she saw a look of guilt plastered on his face. The female aide could guess that he was blaming himself because she got stabbed in his stead.

"It is my duty to protect you, as the guest of His Royal Highness." she stated to convince him that it was not his fault. "And also…as his lover."

He flinched at the last part. 'She also thinks I am Caliber's lover.' he thought. He wanted to deny it and correct her, but a part of him wanted it to remain that way.

'So you like being called his lover, huh?' 

He shook his head immediately at what his conscience was telling him. 'No I don't!'


He had the urge to roll his eyes at himself. Even his conscience is teasing him.

He glanced at Sherin again and looked down on her side, where she stopped the bleeding with a cloth.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Sherin smiled. Since the time they went into the forest, Chance was already asking many times if she was alright, and it touched her.
