Aranea Clan of the Animalia tribe

"I do not know what happened between the two of you, but His Highness has been gloomy for the past days. Before all of this happened." Sherin added.

She noticed that the Crown prince was not going to say anything in return. He was in his own world, drowning in thoughts. The look of guilt on his face made Sherin feel that it is better for her to speak no more. "That is all I wanted to say."

Chance has gone silent because of the female aide's words. Just like that, it hit him. What the aide just said has struck him, and it made his heart ache. Maybe he has yet to realize that distancing themselves from each other, are just causing them more pain.

'Why did I do it?' he thought as he stared down at his feet. 'Why am I pushing him away?'

He never once asked himself those questions before. Why was he trying to push Caliber away when there is no reason to? Maybe there is a reason, but what reason could it be? He wondered.

There were too many probable reasons that it made him confuse of the real intention. 'Is it because it feels awkward to be too close to him because I am a man?' he asked himself. 

'Is it because he might not be the King's lover?' he thought.

There may be a different reason, but his mind, rather, his heart, has yet to make him realize it. 

" he really waiting for me?" he asked in a low voice, then slowly glance in Sherin's direction.

Sherin looked at the curious Crown prince and saw hope in his eyes. By the look she saw, she immediately knew something that even the prince himself does not know. Suppressing a chuckle, Sherin smiled at him, "Yes, Your Highness."

As the wind blew, the leaves danced together with his heart. He was confused why he kept feeling weird. There was a mix of sadness and happiness inside him when he heard the female aide's answer.

"That is why I need to do my duty and bring you back to the palace as soon as I can." 

"Thank you, Sherin. Thank you very much." he said it with his utmost sincerity.

If Sherin did not arrive in time, who knows if he would still be alive now. But because she saved him, she is now hurt.

"We need to go after resting for a few minutes. They will find us here sooner or later."

Chance looked at her in surprise. "But...but what about your wound?"

He was worried, of course. If not for the kerchief pressed into her wound, she will lose too much blood. If she were to go run and fight just to bring him back, it would bring Sherin into too much pain.

It was not a normal stab wound; she shielded him and the man who wanted to kill the prince put too much force in it, making the stab deep. Chance knows that there were many enemies scattered in the area. In her condition, she might not be able to fight well. What if she can't take it? What if the wound becomes more serious?

'What if she dies?' he suddenly thought.

Chance felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over at Sherin, who was giving him a reassuring look. "I will be fine, Your Highness."

She smiled at him, finding his worried side adorable. "I will not die just from this." she said, as if she read his mind earlier.

"It would be a disgrace as an Aide of the Royal family of Canopus, if I were to die here, would it not?" she laughed.

Although Chance was worried, he could not help but blush whenever Sherin laughs. It was too good for his ears to hear her divine laugh. "If I die here, all the years of training will be for nothing, and it would not fit the story."

She was right. He worried too much that he underestimated her strength and abilities. But still, even if she is strong, how will she be able to fight properly?

"An Aranean does not die easily." she stated, which caught Chance's attention. From all topics he taught his students, he suddenly remembered one of it.


He tried his best to remember information about it, and the clan that he once tackled popped up. 'A spider tribe?'

Based on what he had researched, Aranea was a clan in Animalia tribe. After the war broke, all clans in the tribes of Animalia were wiped out. Except for one clan, the clan of Aranea.

The Araneans were defeated, but their lives were spared.

Trying to end the monarchy, the tribe of Animalia put their lives on the line. All Animalia clans prepared for so long, gathering all of their people to wage war with royalties of the Star kingdoms.

But they did not succeed.

One clan after one clan fell on their knees, surrendered, but were still killed. One clan after one clan, laid on the ground in the pool of their own blood. No matter how strong some of them were, it was useless against the number of the royal's armies.

Only one clan remained alive, and they had the chance to bring victory upon their tribe. With their fearful ability, a talent which makes them have a possibility of winning the war. Yet they chose not to.

In the end, it all comes down to power. Greed of getting known, the greed of being feared and above those of 'normal' people.

Instead of using their talent to bring an end to the war and be victorious, they ended the war with a deal to royalties. A deal unknown up until present. But it involves selfishness of the clan's leader.

Phoneutria Bahiensis accepted the offer, and the clan turned their back on the war.

Turned their back on their fallen brothers.

The death of all clans, except Aranea, were in vain.

For selfishness, for greed, for power.