Reconciliation of Two Princes

The two aides exchanged glances. It was hard for them to pretend to not notice the gaze that the two princes have for each other. "You may all go to your stations." Sherin commanded the servants, as she could sense something between Chance and Caliber.

The aides look at both of them and did not want to interrupt. "We will go first, Your Highness, Caliber, Charles." Niro said and he and Sherin bowed slightly before turning around.

Alec was still with Chance, so Sherin grabbed him and pulled him away from them, and Niro helped. They knew Caliber and Chance needed some time alone and so they left to give them an opportunity to speak with each other.

Silence filled the palace. Not one servant was found in the area as the aides made sure that it was only the two of them left. None of them spoke. They were both waiting for one of them to speak, but if the silence and waiting continues, it is impossible for a conversation to be made.
