Back at the Antares Kingdom

"Until we meet again."

Hours have long passed since Chance bid farewell and left the palace. He did not dare look back after the carriage has started moving, as he was afraid to see the look on their faces. Especially, Caliber. Even for just a short time, he has grown attached to the people in Canopus. He would surely miss them a lot.

His worried thoughts were replaced by the awkwardness between Alec Valorian and Chance because of the silence inside the carriage.

Chance could not help but to sneak a glance at his personal knight who was staring straight into the unknown, looking anywhere except his master, just like any other servant would.

He could not stand to have the silence go on any longer, "I wish to remove this silence between us, Alec." he said.

"I am afraid I am not that talkative, Your Highness." the Valorian knight responded, still not looking in Chance's direction.