Return of the spirit of Fate (2)

Time had stopped and a strong gush of wind blew, indicating that the spirit has come once again.

Just like before, the spirit of Fate appeared right in front of him. With its light hitting the Crown Prince's face, making him squint his eyes.

"Happy birthday, Chance Howard." the spirit greeted, and those were the words it said for the first time it appeared.

Although Chance had more than a dozen of questions in his mind, he did not let it out and faced the spirit.

"I am pleased to see you again, Fate." the Crown prince, or rather, the historian, greeted. "Although it is displeasing that you do not appear when I want you to. I do not have such ability." he added.

"Forgive me. Although I am helping you with history, you do not have power to control me." the spirit responded.

"I have come to greet Your Highness for the celebration of your birth."