Two Howards in Love

Although the effect of the alcohol was still there, Clayton stared at the smiling servant that was behind him and he clearly heard the words he said.

It was a good thing that his face was red because of intoxication, he will have an excuse. Clifford would not notice that the reason he was blushing was because of what he had said.

Clayton turned his head back to the front. He does not know why his heart was beating fast. Is it because of the wine? 'That must be it.' he thought.

As he had not known of how it felt to have someone loving him and if his frozen heart could ever love someone again.

Last time he loved someone, the Crown Prince, Charles, he was just tossed to the side as his brother acted as if he never existed. As if they had not gone through anything, five years ago, he threw away their relationship since they were children.