What if Fate...

Chance was sitting down, leaning over the headboard of the bed. He stared at the unknown as he was busy thinking of what he should do next. "Hopefully, Fate will give me a dream soon." he muttered.

The incident of the six prostitutes has already happened in his own celebration. The latest dream he had was about their execution. Since the male prostitutes are already dead and it happened exactly as it was shown in the dream, that may mean that he will have another dream.

There are too many people that he was curious about. He would need answers soon. Especially about their roles in the real Charles's life. 

He had just arrived at Antares recently and already met new people that surely play as a key in what will happen in the future. A clue to his ending.

"You can call me Teri, Your Highness."

"Call me any name you would like, do not mind this blank face right here."

"Yay! Thank you, Howard! You are now my friend."