Visiting the Lanstone House

Chance lit up when one of the servants answered that there is a child that fits his description of Teri, the little girl they saw by the window.

"Really? Who is it?" The Crown Prince asked and held the maid by both arms, "Where will I find that child?"

His continuous questions put pressure on the maid and she panicked, she looked nervous after all it was the Crown Prince right in front of him.

"I... it's..." The maid looked down at both of her feet, hesitating to answer.

"The Crown Prince is the one asking you, you should not hesitate and answer it at once." Alec Valorian said and even though the maid was not looking at his face, he could imagine the frightening look that the knight was giving her.

The maid's hands gripped her clothes, "I apologize, Your Highness. I am just afraid that I might be wrong and waste your time—