Guilt, Pity and Excuses

It has been three days since the King has invited them all to dine together with the guests from Canopus.

All of them are in their own worlds, thinking deeply of what happened that day. Chance continued to look for the little girl, with Caliber always with him. But they have to hide from the eyes of the King's spies.

Niro was worried about Sherin, who seemed to have a change in behavior after her conversation with Alec. He was curious, but it did not seem to be a topic that he could ask, it was too personal. He sighed and stayed silent, acting he had not noticed her troubled expression.

Even though Alec was not thinking much about their conversation, Sherin was deeply troubled about it.

To think that after all the years she spent in Aranea and Canopus, she would find out about a survivor, not only that, the survivor was the one she promised to play with back then.
