CHAPTER 1: I Really Am a Normal Teenager


My best friend growled—growled—in frustration as we swerved into an alley. “I'm wearing five-inch heels,” I heard her pant out. “You could at least show some respect!”

I laughed freely into the night, my head swimming from low-quality vodka and what JC Parker swore was Jägermeister. To be honest, if Chloe Warren's party wasn't being 'busted' by a bunch of pay-off cops for the second time this year then I would've gone for the Sambuca and fountained it. I suspect it was the Johanssens who snitched on Chloe. They looked extremely smug peering out of their balcony when the cops came.

Reaching the end of the alley, we squeezed past two houses to get to my street. I looked over where Sasha was and laughed. She gave me a look, her kohl eyeliner extremely smudged.


I shook my head and said, “Body shots with the Quizzers, Sasha? You went where no woman has ever gone. Ever.”

“Whatever I do in the name of alcohol shall never be repeated come daylight.”

“But it isn’t light yet—” I stopped, looking at the end of the street.

Sasha came up to my left and poked me. “What are you doing?”

“I think I see somebody,” I murmured back to her. “There, by the corner.”

But by the time Sasha turned her head, whoever it was at the end of the street was gone. She rolled her eyes and put a hand around my arm. “Dear Maria, girl, we really need to stop drinking. You’re hallucinating.”

I wanted to tell Sasha I was fine, but my head started hurting so I let her drag me whatever distance was left to get to my house. The light of our front porch was still open, Mom and Dad might still be watching a movie or something but that may just be my older brother, Mikee, who must've arrived ahead of us.

"Ash?" My brother hissed through the cracked window as I tried to pry the screen door open. "Ashley, is that you?"

"Who else?" I hissed back. Was he expecting Snoop Dogg to turn up at our front porch? "Why is the damned door still locked, Mikee?"

Several clicks greeted the silence before the wooden door swung open. Mikee, genius boy that he is, had already changed into his pajama bottoms and a black cotton tee, his previous clothes probably already washed and removed with all traces of the night. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw us.

"Move! I'm shivering my ass off here," Sasha spoke through gritted teeth and pushed past Mikee who groaned at the force of her shove.

My best friend and brother never saw eye to eye, much less keep civil around each other. Every day they had to be in each other’s presence resulted in verbal assault. But I already pinned it down to sexual attraction.

Mikee muttered something along the lines of 'slut' under his breath and shook his head.

"Great party, huh?" I said, disappearing into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Yeah, but it would've been better if Rylie Black was there," he commented.

Mikee had the biggest crush on the youngest of the Black trio, Rylie. She's a cool girl with two hot older brothers. Too bad Roman was already in London doing business school and Cameron’s up at Harvard.

"You’re sick,” I told him seriously. ”Do not even roll your eyes at me; you know you are. Hell, that girl is three years younger than you!”

He punched me on the arm lightly. "Clean up. If Mom or Dad notices that we left, they'd nail your window shut for the rest of our lives."

For those of you wondering, it was because there’s a tree right outside my window with a good, sturdy branch. It made for the perfect sneak-out spot.

Muttering a quick goodnight, I collected my boots and tiptoed up the stairs, carefully avoiding the creaky step. Casting a quick look over my shoulder where my parents' bedroom is, I was relieved to see no light under their door. My parents weren't the lightest of sleepers in the world, but it never hurt to check.

Opening the door on the left, opposite Mikee's room, I entered my bedroom and straight to my walk-in closet. Taking off the red bandage dress, I tossed it in the hamper and placed the boots on the lower rack of shoes that I kept. I tripped a little as I changed into my cotton jammies before battling the earrings out of my earlobes.

“Your brother is such a grade A jerk,” Sasha muttered as she stomped into my room. “He pushed me out of the bathroom while I was taking my makeup off!”

I leveled her a glare. “Will you be quiet? Our walls aren't that thick.”

She scowled, getting under the blue covers of my bed. With a grin that told her I won, I went to the bathroom. I removed my make-up, relieved that all the obvious icky stuff was off. After brushing my teeth, I drank a bit from the tap, the taste of vodka still on my tongue.

Sasha was flicking through movies on my laptop when I got back. “Don't you have work tomorrow?” I asked her as I got in beside her.

Sasha had a lunch shift at the local diner where all the folks in town went. Even if a sea lion can do a better job than her, Quentin, the son of the previous owner, kept her around because she brought customers in. With a uniform two sizes too small, the buttons popping at the top because of her breasts, a skirt so short coupled with any kind of heels she wanted, my best friend is the reason that junk shop wasn't closed yet.

Shrugging, she answered, “Quentin doesn't mind if I'm late. As long as I show up and display the tops of my tits at the till and be pretty, he let me do whatever I want.”

“I'm surprised he hasn't made a poster of you for a pole night yet,” I scoffed.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies and, because we were still a bit drunk and had little to no control over our tear ducts, cried a river when Marley the dog died. Mikee knocked at about two telling us to shut our traps so we fell asleep around that time. Sasha drove back to her house the next morning to get ready for her shift as soon as her alarm killed us.

Mom dropped her keys on the breakfast table after her run to the grocery with Mikee who looked like he was barely holding himself together. I admired his tough face, going through the day like we weren't nursing terrible hangovers. I handed him some coffee and painkillers secretly. He gave me a grateful look.

“You won't guess who moved back to the neighborhood!” Mom sang. Both Mikee and I winced at the high-pitched sound.

Dad, who looked up from his book with an annoyed face, told Mom to put a sock on it but she ignored him.

“The Carters are back!” she exclaimed. “Their older kid is not, though, since he's in London at a boarding school, but their younger son—he goes by Blade now, which is weird—is with them!”

I raised a brow over my cup of tea. “Wow. You said all that in one breath and you didn't even break a sweat.”

“Ashley,” Dad said with faux gentleness, glancing at me atop his newspaper. “You gotta give your mother her due! That's all she does all day: talk.”

Mom's green eyes flashed but she was too into her news to be sidetracked. "Anyway, I invited them over for dinner—"

"Hazel, you did not!" Dad shouted, aghast.

Mom tipped her chin up defiantly. "Yes, I did, June. Dancing with the Stars is canceled for tonight."

Mikee and I groaned along with Dad. I was so looking forward to watching Val and Derek and their swishing hips!

Mom rambled on about tonight's festivities which all three of us couldn't care about. Seriously, I love my mom and all, but she's so chatty. Deciding to skip this shout fest, I amble up to my room and find that I have a few notifications on my phone. Picture after picture of the party was posted online and it looked so much like a blast. Chloe tweeted that all was well with our gatecrashers. I roll my eyes at that. Chloe's parents were rich and can get away with almost anything if she charms them to it. I scroll down a bit more before I decide it was time to check the Underground.

Okay. Basically, the Underground is what we rule-breaking kids of about two towns over come to dig our fingers in all kinds of stuff that our parents would undoubtedly have a cardiac arrest if they knew. The Underground throws way more cooler parties that can make Chloe's party look like a quiet soiree of boarding school girls with their prim mothers. Mikee, Sasha, and I are all members of the Underground and we get all sorts of kicks from it. Mikee gets all his software, games, and other computer stuff from the Bay, being one of the resident computer rats that keeps the Underground invisible from the authorities. Sasha and I are mainly there for the hot guys and the great booze that doesn't require us to present fake IDs.

Sometimes, like next week's Saturday, the Underground guys who want more ways to make money host Fight Nights. Three rounds, two minutes each, and the one who has his ass knocked down the most gets the money. I've never been, but Sasha went one time and she said that the guys who fight were worth sitting through six minutes of blood spewing everywhere.

Cool? More like stupid.

I heard Mikee before I saw him. "You know about this?" I asked as I turned on my swivel chair.

Mikee shrugged. "Yeah. I was the one who posted it way early this morning. Jeff texted me the details and it's the biggest that's happening in the Underground in a very long time. Stakes are higher, too."

"No party then?" I was honestly disappointed. The last Underground party I went to was about a month ago.

"Surely an after party is happening, and it's gonna be pretty big so I'll be working with the others, cover up tracks, you know?”

I nodded. He cocked his head to the side. "Do you have to ink anyone up later?"

Oh, yeah. Did I mention I'm the Underground's resident inkmaster? It's a thing I found I had a talent for when I first joined the club. Now when the old tattoo artist moved away, the job was passed on to me.

"The eighteen-year-old actually has homework to do. Tell Jeff to tell the folk I'll drop by tomorrow."

Jeff is kind of the ringmaster of the Underground. He and his three brothers built it up from scratch when they were starting high school. Orphaned at a young age, they had to do everything just to get by. It's a whole mess of a life story, I'm telling you.

Mikee nodded and left, irritatingly leaving my door open. I got up from my seat. I had enough homework to kill me so I picked up my schoolbag by the window behind my study desk, which was facing me, when I saw it.

And by it, I mean the hottest tattoos I have ever seen in my entire life on beautiful tanned canvas.

The house beside ours, the one I was staring at, had been empty for quite awhile now. It only struck me as funny now that this was—is—the Carter's house. And if Mr. Carter doesn't have washboard abs, fine pectoral muscles and tattoos on his body, then I can only deduce that this is in fact the little boy I grew up with.

Stormy gray eyes lock with mine. With a slow and deliberate smirk, he stalked toward the window, gave me a mock salute, and shut the blinds.