CHAPTER 7: Eat Shit

PE was something you had to take until sophomore year at Stanton. Thankfully, it was the one class I had this year with Sasha. After two years, the administration figured out that it wasn’t wise to put us in one class. Coach Downey was the unlucky one this year. The class was doing laps around the track under the sun. To our credit, we really tried to participate, but when the football team came out for their practice, Sasha pulled me away and up on the bleachers so we could see them properly. Draven was in the team, so I barfed in my mouth a bit when Sasha started mewling like a cat when he took his shirt off.

“Can you stop?” I complained in disgust. “That’s very sexist.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be a hypocrite, Ashley. You’ve always had a hard-on for beautiful tattoos and that man might be the sexiest canvas I have ever seen.”

Coach Downey walked up to the base of the bleachers and threw his hands up in frustration. “Girls! Come on, I don’t wanna give you detention!” he whined.

Sasha handed me her water bottle. I groaned internally. “No, Sash, don’t—”

But Sasha was already shouting back. I slumped back. “Then don't give us detention, Coach Downey! Besides, I have occasional asthma.”

The gym teacher gave Sasha an exasperated look. He threw his arms and clipboard up, letting it fall to his sides defeatedly. Around him, the cheerleading squad was laughing. “Occasional?” he sighed.

Beside Sasha, I couldn't control my giggles. “It appears when I want it to!”

Coach Downey glanced to his sides and just sighed. He scratched his five o'clock beard. “Just see me after class. Both of you!”

My smile dropped. I glared at Sasha and hit her arm with her water bottle. “I hate you,” I said, standing up and down the bleachers to go after Coach Daveson.

“Hey, wait!”

I stopped and turned back. Gabbe, the black haired bombshell from the Cheerleading squad waves as she saw me along with Katarina, one of the most charming girls on the team. I waved back and both girls left the practicing team and hooked their arms on either of mine.

“Oh, uh, hello?” I greeted, unsure why I was being strongarmed by these two cheerleaders.

“Have you heard the news about Jada?” Kat said, immediately launching into gossip. “James from the football team got her pregnant. She's out of the team now.”

I vaguely remembered Drew telling me about this that day in Spanish class. I looked at the two girls beside me. “Olivia kicked out Jada?” I asked about the captain of the squad. “But—”

Gabbe flicked back her long ponytail. “She's pregnant, Ash, she can't do the routines.” She twisted her mouth. “Olivia's pretty upset about it. She doesn't trust anybody else to replace her when she graduates next year. Unless…”

A wide, minx-like grin spread across the girls' sweaty faces. “She's always been so fond of you, Ashley. I mean, you'd be great for the position!”

Kat nodded vigorously. “You made the jackets, you helped choreograph that routine that took us straight to nationals—you'd be perfect for it!”

“Olivia's talking about it all the time now. If she didn't have a dentist's appointment today, I bet she would have talked to you,” Gabbe pipped.

Kat gasped. “Gabbe! Oli's coming to the party at Callaway Creek tonight.” She grinned at me. “And you'll be there, right? For your friend Blade?”

I craned my head. Sasha was a few feet away, arms crossed and face amused. “Heh, I’ll talk about it to Olivia this evening. I, uh, have to catch Coach Downey.”

The two girls walked away happily, having done with their mission, and I watched them with a frown. Sasha sidled up next to me.

“Everyone's thinking it, Ash,”she sang with a smug smile.

I rolled my eyes. “Screw off, Sasha.”

I left her to jog up to where our PE teacher was. There was just no way in hell I’d go back to dancing. Not when I was smack dab in the middle of a brewing war.


Sasha twisted her mouth as she stared at her high-heeled boots and at the ditch that would take us down to the creek.

“Maybe deciding to wear heels wasn’t my brightest of moments,” she said after a moment of deep contemplation.

I shrugged, not caring since I wore my most rugged pair of sneakers. She sighed with irritation now directed at me.

“Just suck it up, Sash. Look, you run down really fast, use momentum to slow yourself down.” I patted her shoulder. “If it doesn’t work, tuck and roll.”

Sasha nodded. “Right. That’s easy.” She crouched, looking like she was gearing to sprint and with a war cry that overpowered the blaring speakers of the party a handful of yards away for a split second, Sasha madly dashed down the ditch.

I grabbed the metal fence behind me and clutched at my stomach, laughing hard. Just as predicted, Sasha was fine at the bottom of the ditch but the crazed, fearful look in her eyes made her seem like a total newbie.

“Oh, ha ha ha,” Sasha mockingly called back. “I’m getting a shot of tequila. Find me when you’re done laughing!”

“No, no!” I said in between fits. “Wait!”

Sasha flipped her finger at me and stormed away. What a loser.


I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes and grinned. “Well, if it isn’t the guest of honor!”

Draven rolled his gray eyes. “That’s corny.”

“But you like being the center of attention,” I surmised, smirking. “Exhibit A: you, my friend, being fashionably late.”

He looked at the hella expensive-looking watch on his wrist and shrugged. I knew for a fact the party had been going on for three hours because that was the exact length of time it took Sasha to get ready. Draven didn’t look like he wanted to join the festivities just yet though, but looking incredibly disturbed.

“How does a bunch of high school students pull of something like this in a—” he craned his head to read the sign on the fence, “—‘Restricted Private Property’?”

“Because those said high school students put up that sign there,” I said, unperturbed. “The creek’s a good local secret, plus you can’t disturb the neighbors you don’t have.”

Like Sasha, I tipped myself over the edge of the ditch and ran until I was stable on solid ground. I waved Draven over. With little difficulty, he copied what I did and later landed beside me. “Somebody needs to build some stairs on that.”

“Shall we?”

Draven and I entered the party together but soon came the divide, because everyone wanted a piece of ‘Blade’. I didn’t fight the throng of jocks and girls when I was pushed to the side and instead launched my first mission of the night: get buzzed. Drew’s setup was pretty straightforward. A large bonfire was set up in the middle of the clearing, away from the overhanging branches of the edge of the forest. Speakers were scattered around the clearing. Vincent manned the drinks that were mixing like crazy in his gold blender while a handful waited by his table. Off to the path left of the clearing were bright lights.

It seemed that somebody borrowed from the school’s theater again to illuminate the whole creek and all its glory. The water, even at night, was clear and the creek itself was deep and wide enough to wade in. A couple of kids were already messing about in it, obviously drunk. Because that’s what you had to be if you decided to dip into ice cold waters.

I grinned, unable to wait in excitement.

Vincent cheered when he saw me lining up for a drink. “I’ve been wondering where you were!” he shouted in greeting as he handed out drinks in solo cups to two of those in front of me. “Sasha was just here, you see.”

I sniggered. “Yeah, she’s not exactly fond of me at the moment.” At Vincent’s questioning look, I smiled. “She wore heeled boots and went down the ditch, Vince. Imagine that for a second.”

Then he laughed, throwing his head back and both of his hands clutching his sides. His laughter was so infectious it had me starting up again, and soon, Vince and I were bent over his blender and a bunch of half empty liquor bottles losing our damned minds.

“What are you crazies laughing about?”

My heart leapt outside of my mouth and back again. “Hale?” I choked out. “What are you doing here?”

Hale’s long, black hair was tied behind his head tonight, giving way to his sharp, angular jawline and defined cheekbones. He was wearing a white muscle tee, exposing his arms and tattoos, and looking severely out of place at a high school party.

“Hit me up, V.”

Vincent, who pretty much sobered up once he saw Hale, nodded stiffly and followed, handing me one of his drinks as well. Hale took a sip and sighed. “Man, you have a gift.”

“Thanks, man.”

I tapped Hale on the shoulder. “What the hell, Hale?”

He sighed and cocked his head to the side, giving me a once-over. “A nice party such as this didn’t even warrant a dress, Nicholson? Consider me shocked.”

Crossing my arms, I glared at him. “What are you doing here, Hale? I am not asking you again.”

Hale took one, hard look at me and shrugged. “I don’t know, Jeff, you knew she’s incredibly annoying.”

I whipped around, searching wildly. “Payton? He’s here?”

“No, Ashley,” Hale said while rolling his eyes. “I have an earpiece on me and a mic.”

I grabbed Hale and dragged him away from Vince and looked out for Draven. If he saw me now, he’d be suspicious of me, thus adding to this whole mess. Hale just let himself be dragged, sipping casually and waving to the kids he knew.

“Why are you here, Hale?” I asked once we were in the woods and away from prying eyes. “Is there something wrong?”

He didn’t answer at first, and it took me a second to realize he was probably listening to whatever Jeff Payton was whispering in his ear.

“Hmm,” he mumbled after a while. “I dunno, buttercup. I suppose we expect something to go wrong, that’s why I’m here.”

“You?” I scoffed, one eyebrow up. “Really? That’s not comforting at all. And we do have cellphones to call 911 if things go south. So, tell me: what kind of ‘disaster’ are you anticipating?”

Hale took a large gulp, threw his cup on the ground and pointed behind me. “That kind.”

I turned back to figure out where Hale was going to and saw Draven talking to a bald man slightly taller than himself all decked in black. By the look on Draven’s face, their discussion wasn’t looking too good. Nor peaceful. Nope. Especially not when Hale entered, reached his back for… holy shit, was that a gun?

I didn’t think. I just ran. And you might think I was running far away from all of it, but no. I ran to Draven and Hale like a bat out of a cave, which was stupid because how could I fight a gun? With my bare hands? But I had to get to them. I had to.

However big the strides Hale was making didn’t compare to the swift movement of the man in front of Draven who pulled his own guns out; one shiny, silver barrel pointing at Draven and the other at Hale. Draven’s wide, gray eyes met mine in a second of fear before I heard the gunshots.

Instinct had me dropping fast to the floor. The screams of teenagers quickly sobering up sent shivers down my spine. When I stood, will I find a familiar face inanimate on the forest ground? Was Hale and Draven okay? I peeked out from the tree that shielded me and was washed over with relief when I saw Hale and Draven standing but still at gunpoint. Hale had his own out though, held up by one taut arm.

Everyone was running away and quickly revealed about ten men with more guns trailed at Hale and Draven. I wasn’t too far out, about fifteen more paces until I reached them, so I had no problem hearing.

“Ahh…” The man opposite Draven and Hale sighed deeply, looking amused and devilish with the fire behind him. “Only one measly bodyguard, Blade? In LA you had at least three.”

Hale chuckled mirthlessly. “What is this kid? The Queen?” He spat on the ground. “You should take your men and leave before things get ugly. This isn’t your territory.”

The man tutted, dismayed as he studied Hale. “You must be one of New York’s pitiful fighters. I can tell from the loose tongue you have.” Then he grinned, revealing jaggedly sharp teeth, drawing his tongue over them carefully. “Oh, my sister would love to see you writhing in the Pen.”

“Anton,” Draven called out to the man. “Enough already. I told you I don’t have her fucking pendant. And if she’ll be wanting it badly, she shouldn’t have given it to me in the first place!”

Anton laughed, a low and deep rumbling in his chest that shook him as he dropped his arms and rested both hands on his hips. Hale shifted slightly. I couldn’t see his face but his body was all stiff and tense. Just like I was. I desperately searched the ground for something—anything that could help, but I may as well have been wishing for the dirt to squeeze a rifle out of its ass.

“I always did tell my sister she was stupid to trust you.” Anton smirked. “The same cannot be said for me. The pendant, Blade. Now.”

“Eat shit.”

There wasn’t even enough time to gasp when the sound of guns being set off started ringing loudly throughout the forest. I threw my body on the ground immediately, blocking out the noise with my hands as I screamed. This was it. This was my crappy ending: caught in a crossfire where we were obviously outnumbered. Hale and Draven were probably dead by now, at least a handful of bullets must have pierced through them but the attackers showed no sign of stopping. I didn’t want to see though. I don’t want the image of my friends lying bloodied on the ground haunt me for the rest of my life.

I could feel the hot tears pouring from my eyes as I pressed against the tree for dear life. Just as I was about to accept a scene of my mother lying across my casket and telling my corpse that this was what I got from partying, two strong hands picked me up from the ground and carried me to their chests. I was hit with the smell of sweat and a hint of something sharp and smokey.

“Santos! Murphy!” The one who carried me shouted as loud as he could for his comrades. I peeked through my lashes and saw two men carrying a thick wide steel.

Shields. They were carrying shields!

I craned my neck and saw the angry look in Jeff Payton’s usually calm blue eyes and, despite of it all, felt unerringly secure. Backup was here. I was safe. Jeff swiftly put us behind the steel plates where the sound of bullets still hitting the other side was much worse, brandished a gun of his own and started firing. His arm was straight, gaze unwavering, but one hand was still grasping mine.

“Extraction team, get Hale and Blade from behind the boulder,” Jeff ordered his men. “They’re retreating. Make sure no one gets away. You two, cover us!”

Santos and Murphy began retaliating with their own rifles, providing Jeff and I ample cover. He dragged me beyond the trees and to the fence where a convoy of black SUVs were waiting. Without a word, he pushed me into one and closed the door behind me. When I looked out the window, men even bigger than Murphy and Santos were escorting us. Jeff got in on the other side and started methodically scanning me for what I presume were injuries.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

I opened my mouth, but no words would come out. My gaze strayed towards my hands which sat on my laps and saw how much they were trembling—I was trembling! Jeff's eyes were soft when I looked back up but made no move to coddle me. I was grateful. I couldn’t handle that right now or else the tears might come. Instead, he tapped his driver’s shoulders and nodded to me.

“Better to cry it out now when it’s only me here, Nicholson,” he said, eyes hard. “Because I am promising you, once we get to headquarters, we will give them hell.”

It should not have comforted me, the thought of exacting revenge on other people. But I decided that if these people were okay with traumatizing a bunch of high school students with guns like it was Tuesday, then I was okay with giving them as Jeff suggested: Hell.