
It is Friday. This day is one of the most exciting day in every week. We don't actually do lessons on Fridays. We just spend the day playing, sleeping, talking around and other stuffs. It's like a free day.

Except for the athletes that are assigned to have trainings on Fridays.

When I got to school and walked through the hallway, I found someone who's having a hard time opening a locker. I went to him and asked him, "You good?".

He glared at me and said, "Do I look like good to you?" he said, a tone of annoyance was present in his voice. The attitude, huh.

I didn't respond and just smiled a bit at him and grabbed his locker, he then stepped away. He was confused at first but when he realized that I was helping, he let me do the work.

I tried opening his locker that is stuck, the reason why he can't open it. I tried pulling it but nothing's happening until something sharp touched my arm. It was a pocket knife that was offered by him.

Looking at him then to the pocket knife I grabbed it and put it between the slight gap of the locker. I squeezed it in then the locker opened.

"Don't put this out when you're in the halls." I said while giving him the knife. I patted his shoulders and walked away from his locker.

When I got into the classroom, people were doing different things. But, who the hell cares? It's Friday anyway. I went to my seat, put down my bag and reached for my phone in my pocket.

I also got my earphones and plugged them in my ears. I have nothing to do anyway so I decided to listen to a music until my left earphone was grabbed. Shocked, I glanced at the person who grabbed it finding out that it was Candice.

She grabbed a chair and placed it in front of me then she started talking. "How was it?" she asked while seating.

"What 'it'?" I asked back.

"Your check up?"

"Oh, right." I smiled. "It was fine. The doctor just told me what to do and what not to do. He explained what kind of thing this is. Though luckily he didn't say I was gonna die so..I can still mess around."

"You really are a tall-sarcastic-hard-headed-punk, huh?" she said while looking stern at me. I let out a chuckle, "What about you? What happened yesterday?"

She leaned back to her seat and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Well, same thing just like weekdays."

"Boring and non-sense?"

"Yeah, but yesterday's a little different."


She sighed, "Well we didn't do anything yesterday. Except for Mrs. Ceneries' subject. She gave us a worksheet for us to spend our free time doing it."

"Always a queen-bitch, huh?" I smiled, staring at her. She burst out a laugh, "Yeah. Always." she said.

We were quiet for a few seconds then that broke when Kylie busted in. "Hey, Candice, coach Andie's looking for us." she said while holding a ball.

Kylie is one of Candice's friends. She's that shy person when in class but when with her friends, she transforms into a joker and make jokes that no one can hold a laugh.

Candice stood up and went to Kylie. All of the girls came with them.

"Have fun." I smiled and said. Kylie closed the door behind her. I plugged my left earphone and started playing music. I started closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Then someone hit me.

I got shocked and saw Justin laughing and sitting to the chair where Candice sat. "Dude, you've been here for like only five minutes and you are deciding to go to sleep."

Always an annoying prick. "Why do you care?" I asked out of annoyance. He laughed again. "You need to get out of here."

I got confused and asked him, "Why? Does somebody wants to kill me?" I jokingly asked.

"Dude, I said get out in this classroom not get out of the school. And if somebody wants to kill you they're gonna get through me first."

"You? They're gonna get through you?"

Justin nodded. "Uh-huh."

"Bro, you can't even stand in front of Agatha for a minute."

"That's not true!"

"Oh yeah?" I teased a smile. "Agatha!"

Justin was quick to put his hand on my mouth and was shushing me. A burst of laugh came from me while his hands are still covering my mouth. I shook away his hand and looked at him, teasing him.

"Girls are scary, okay? Don't laugh at me." he sat down in relief. Well I did laughed at him again then he stood up. "Come on." he said.

I followed him outside the classroom and we walked through the halls.

As we walk I noticed that the basketball team were having a meeting at the end of the hallway. But, I also noticed that their coach, Mr. Eric, was not there.

Now they started walking towards our direction. I saw the guy whom I helped earlier. He was a part of the team and they look like they're preparing for their training.

We continued walking and got out of the hallway. Justin went to one of the benches and sat. I looked at him without saying anything, then he said, "What?"

I looked at where he was facing and saw the volleyball team doing their training. My eyes went back to Justin, "That's why you need me to come with you? Stare at those girls?" I said with my eyebrows raised.

"Dude, I just want you to lay off to your phone. And not the girls, their training."

"Wow. Coming from your damn mouth." I said out of sarcasm.

"Just sit here." he seriously said.

I have no choice but to sit and started watching the team. Candice was there. She's going all out on their training. That's one thing I liked about her. Determination.

"Bastard." Justin then spoke.

"Pardon?" I asked, looking at him.

"You were refusing to sit here with me and watch them and now you're enjoying it." he said then teased a grin.

I chuckled and looked away from him. "I am not enjoying it."

"Really? Then why the hell are you so focused?"

"I'm not. I'm just curious about their training."

"Liar." he laughed. I raised my fist then put out my middle finger. He performed an exaggerated gasp then laughed at me.

Minutes later, while we are still watching the training. Jason, a member of the basketball team, called me. "Hey, Asher."

"Yeah?" I broke my gaze from the training and looked at him.

"Mr. Eric wants to see you." he said with a stern face. I glanced back to Justin then to Jason. I don't know what's going on. "Follow me." he ordered and walked away.

I stood up from the bench and followed him, leaving Justin alone. We were walking through the hallway and then Jason pushed a door open. There's no sign or anything on what the room is called.

As I enter the room where Jason went, I saw Mr. Eric and the basketball team present. Now this is a meeting.

They're all looking at me when I entered and while closing the door. "What's the matter?" I asked, confusion running on my mind.

"Boys. Get out." Mr. Eric muttered. He sounded serious so I got scared because I thought I did something wrong. The team passed me by and I was left in the room alone with Mr. Eric.

"Sit." Mr. Eric then said, pointing at the chair in front of him. I went to the chair and sat onto it like he said. He then crossed his arms in front of his chest.

I waited. Fear is ravaging through my body. The feeling of coldness around the room was present and the silence is literally so loud.

He then broke the silence and spoke while staring at me. "We want you on our team." he said.