
I can feel my head aching as soon as I open my eyes. Probably, because of the lack of sleep. We stayed up late last night and went to bed at around 4:00 in the morning, I think.

As I get up and flinch because of my headache, the bright light that is coming from my window shines through my sleepy face. I glanced at the clock and saw that it is already 9:45 in the morning.

I only had 5 hours of sleep so no wonder why my head hurts like hell. I'm not used to sleeping so late. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to splat some water on my face.

While washing my face, fragments of memory started building inside my head. Pieces by pieces, the fragments slowly form a piece of memory. It was the memory of me, Alexander, and Alexis.

Every moment that I've spent with them, it all comes flooding back to my head.

I turned the faucet off and went outside the bathroom. That is when I heard the chattering of people downstairs. I slowly walked and listened to the chattering noise and when I looked downstairs, I saw Elie and my other classmates.

I walked to the stairs to go down as I slowly process of what's happening at this moment.

When someone noticed me, they all gathered to the front of the stairs and they said in unison, "Happy Birthday, Asher!".

I guess my day is not yet done. They were all smiling and looking at me.

"Guys, I-What?" I stammered and chuckled while looking at them.

"It's your birthday, right? November 17?" Elie curiously asked while holding a cake.

I nodded my head in agreement, "Yeah."

She smiled and handed me the cake. Jason on the other side placed a lame party hat on my head. Now, I know I look like a kid at a 7th birthday party.

They were waiting for me to blow the candle and of course, before blowing the candle, I need to wish. But this time, I kept my wish to myself and finally blew the candle. The house was filled with cheering and clapping after I blowing the candle.

My mom is in the kitchen, watching us. I went to her as my friends started to go to the living room and have fun.

"You threw a party?" I asked while smiling as soon as I got to her. She shook her head and smiled too. "No, your friends decided to talk to me and have a surprise party for you."

"So, you didn't threw the party, but still, you're a part of it?"

"Hmm, kinda." she said and chuckled. "Happy Birthday, son." she then muttered and smiled. I smiled back at her then she gave me a hug so I hugged her back as well.

I then went to the living room where the whole pals are. We started playing games and stuff. We did even watched movies. We also talked about everything. We insert a topic then we talk about it for at least half an hour before we think of a new one.

The party was fun. No wild drinking, just pure genuine stuff.

After hours of having fun, everyone has decided to go home and end the day. "Alright, bye! Thank you guys for coming!" I waved my final goodbye at them. Roller and Jared were the final guys to leave the house.

I cleaned the living room right after they left with the little help of my mom. "You know, Mom? The party was not that bad. I mean, we get along pretty well and no harm has occurred." I said while I pick up some scattered chips on the floor.

"Well, you should thank your friends. They were the ones who engaged to throw you a party." she responded while sweeping the floor.

I shrugged and went to the trashcan, "Already did."

I heard her chuckle and she continued on sweeping the floor. I did one final check on the living room if there is any more trash left and then went to the kitchen to prepare the table.

Dinner is already served. All of us gathered at the table to have our meal before ending the day.

"You know what, Asher?" Alexis started a conversation. "Why don't you buy a bike or a car?"

I gagged and coughed after hearing what Alexis said. "I'm still not yet on the legal age, dude. I'm 17, not 18."

"Oh." he realized. We continued on eating and enjoy the food then Archer cleared his throat and called our attention. We all looked at him and waited for his response.

"Can I tell you guys something?" he asked while glancing at us.

"Anything." I immediately responded.

"Okay." he sighed. "I just wanted to say thank you to the three of you. I mean, you let me in your house and let me live here for at least a month now. I seriously am a stranger when Asher first let me in here and you accepted me so, I really thank you for that."

My mom genuinely smiled at him. Staring at Archer like his own son and I'm happy about that. Archer has helped us a lot also and we treated him like family.

It's a pleasure for us having him. Even though his anger issues are still not fixed.

The dinner then ended. Alexis invited Archer to play some PS4 in his room before going to bed. My mom and I were left in the kitchen to clean up. "He is a good kid. No wonder you got friends with him." my mom blurted while washing the dishes.

"How can you say that?" I asked as I wipe the table with a cloth.

"Well, all of your friends are nice and idealistic."

"Trust me, Mom. He's not that good when I first met him." I exclaimed and finished wiping the table. I bid my goodnight to her and decided to go check on the two.

I opened the door to take a peek and saw them playing happily and cheerfully. That put a smile on my face and then I walked in. "You guys have the time to play 'til nine, alright? After that, you go to bed and sleep." I ordered while watching them still playing.

"Yes, Big brother." they both said in unison, mocking a deep voice. I performed a grin on my face and left the room. I went downstairs to grab and drink some water.

Mom is still in the living room, watching the television. While getting the pitcher from the refrigerator, I heard a knock from the front door. I quickly glanced at its direction and told mom that I'll get it.

I unlocked the door and opened it. My eyes grew wider and I can feel my jaw dropping while I stare at the well-built man in front of me. I took a step back while still staring at the man.

"Dad?" I muttered out of a pure state of shock.