
"Actually.. There is something on my mind." Jess said while sitting on the couch.


"I... have been feeling very.. different lately."

"Different you say?"

"Yes, I... feel as if.. I.. belong here. I don't know what it is but I.."

She looked up at the man seeing him with a small grin.

"You what?"

She looked down at her hands placed on her legs. It was very weird to say the words but.. it was all part of the plan.

"Love you Dad."

The room was quiet as she looked up she saw his eyes widened with a tear that slowly fell from his cheek.

"You have no idea how long I have been wanting to hear that Paigee." He said while making his way to Jess. She felt really uneasy when he didn't seem to stop. She slowly backed up not understanding what he was planning next.

She looked down seeing his keys dangling from his pants pocket.

'The keys.'

She quickly looked up at the man coming up with how to get the keys without him knowing.

Suddenly the unexpected happened. Jess tensed as she realized the man was LEANING IN. Her eyes bulged out when he was inches from her lips. She quickly back up with instant reaction. The man looked at her with a sick grin. "What happened? You love your daddy, right?" He asked in a voice that didn't sound like him.

Jess's mouth gaped open as she realized this guy was wanting... her. Her whole body began shaking as he leaned in again. Jess closed her eyes knowing this was the only way. She felt as if she could throw up the moment his lips were placed on hers. She did her best to hold back tears. He placed his hand on her stomach leading up. Jess's stomach flipped upside down.

'Get this over with.. Please..'

She slowly grabbed his keys while forcefully forming a tight balled up hand to prevent the keys from clinking. She quickly put the keys in her tight pocket. She placed her hands on his chest pushing him back. She wanted to cringe for the next part, but she knew if she did in the slightest he wouldn't believe her acting.

"Can we.. move this in the bedroom?" She asked while looking up at him.

His eyes lite up as he grinned.

"Oh course darling." He said while getting up. He made his way to the hallway.

"Hey dad." Jess hollered.

The man looked back.

"I wanna hear you say my name.. it sounds nice coming from you." She said while leaning on the front door.

The man smiled.

"Don't keep me waiting... 'Paigee.' "

At that moment she heard the front door unlock. The moment he looked away she turned the doorknob while opening the door in the slightest. She quickly made her way down the hallway.

"Let me freshen up first."

"You have 5 minutes." He said from the other room.

She cringed as she closed the bathroom door to seem like she was in there but instead made her way to the boys room. She quickly went inside and saw the boys hiding against the wall. She held out the keys and nudged her head toward the front door. She placed her finger on her lips to signal to be as quiet as possible. The boys followed her down the hallway while being as quiet as they possibly could. They all felt as if the walk was a thousand steps, this was the moment of truth. If they were going to get caught and suffer or actually escape the hell hole. When they passed the couch, Jess lightly ran to the door while opening it letting all the boys out. She closed the door making sure she didn't make a noise. She quickly ran to the truck seeing all the boys were already waiting. She manually opened the door on the driver side. She unlocked from the inside on the passenger side. Jess let the 10 year old in the middle seat as the oldest put his brother on his lap while sitting on the passenger side. Jess quickly got in the car while softly closing the door not to make a noise. She prayed to god the engine would start up RIGHT AWAY. She turned the key in the ignition hearing the car start up. She breathed out in relief as she put the car in reverse. She backed up into the road. Once on the road, she put the car in drive she heard yelling. She looked over and saw the man without a shirt with a rifle in his hands. Jess's eyes widened in fear as he aimed at them. She quickly peeled out on the road. The area echoed with a gunshot. The oldest grabbed both the boys head ducking them as he ducked his head. Jess was only praying she wouldn't get shot in the head. Luckily the bullet missed them. When the truck was believed to be far enough to not be in range.


It felt as if time seized to a stop the moment Jess felt a mind numbing pain in her gut. She slowly looked down seeing blood gushing from her upper hip. She slowly looked over at the oldest seeing the horror in his eyes. She breath out hard as she placed both her hands on the wheel as tight as she could refusing to stop the truck for any reason at all. The oldest was speechless and stunned she was still driving. He was nervous to offer to drive but if they took the chance to stop the car they could be followed by the serial killer. Jess was breath harder and harder trying to force her thought off the big hole on her side. The thought of blood made her faint. The fact she hadn't so far was a miracle.


Jess drove for about 10 minutes before any other houses were found. She breathed out in relief when she realized she wasn't that far from her sister's house.

"Are you doing okay?"

She glance over at the oldest seeing him look at her in utter worry. She simply nodded looking back at the road. The rest of the ride was silent as she was ONLY focused on one thing.

'They must make it. I owe them that.'