Take Your Time

He's not here. I am safe. Well, safeish. I think I will be okay with Alexi here but seeing what happened with Dillon tonight it may be best if I am on my guard. Heaven help me if that bastard finds out where I am. Tonight was a reminder that no place is truly safe. I will have to be more careful. I can't hide in here forever. I eventually need to finish that conversation with Alexi. After taking a moment to steel myself for what's ahead of me, I leave the bathroom and go back to the living area of the suite. To my surprise, I don't see Alexi here. Walking into every room I realize he's not here. Where the hell did he go? Whatever, I'll deal with him later. Wanting to make sure Dillon is okay and doesn't need me, I grab my phone and call him. Getting his voicemail, I try again to make sure he didn't miss it. When I hear his silly message play again, I hang up and text him.