Met again

*Mature content!!!!!

After three months..

" Hey angelin ,how do I look." She turned around flapping her dress.

" You look gorgeous as always baby."

They both chuckled.

" Hey come you guys . Let's go. I have been waiting for you like an hour."

J said while being annoyed.

" We are women, J and we will take time." Angelin replied with arrogance.

" Anyway , J look at rose. How does she look ?"

After he saw rose ,he went in a daze .

" Oh my.... You are gorgeous and you truly are changed from your past self."

" Isn't it. My students will always be like this." Angelin said.

" Then can I become your student also??" He said teasing her.

" Ok. But are you comfortable being in a woman's avatar." She chuckled while saying.

" No.....My manhood....." They all laughed.

" Let's get going then." J said.

" Alright..Let's go rose." Angelin said.

Rose nodded in agreement.

* * * *

They soon reached at the black diamond club.

" J are you sure that James jerk won't be here ."Angelin asked in concern.

" Yes . He is getting engaged today to his lover Lilian. So he may not be present in this place today ."

" What about Micheal ? Will he also not be present here."Rose asked.

" No . He will be here and moreover this James and Micheal are rivals . So he is not likely invited to their engagement ceremony. "

" Also I have received some news from my connection that he is here today ."

" Rose looks like this your chance do your best."

"..." She nodded in agreement.

" Let's go in then." Angelin said.

" Let's go ..."

They all went inside into the crowded place. There were many people inside the club.

" Let's go inside to our spot ." Angelin said.

They all went inside the room which was specifically meant for angelin.

" Where is he ?" J asked.

" Who??" Angelin asked.

" Micheal or who?"j said.

" He will come at the right time. He is like a tiger, to hunt him down we need a prey. "

After saying that they both looked at rose.

" Alright. I will go. Hope that I don't cross across other jerks." She gets up and left towards the bar. She took a seat and ordered some shots.

As she was searching for Micheal. She saw some knowing figures. It was none other than her college friends liya and dracy, whom she hold dear in her heart. As she saw them , she quickly walked towards them with excitement to meet them again.

But she froze there, the moment she heard something from them that she shouldn't have.

" Liya have you heard that James is getting engaged!!"

" What?? when !!!" Liya asked

" Today!! And you know, what is the funny part there. He is going to get engaged with a girl who looks like Mariana."

" Really!!!"

" Yes!!!" Dracy nodded in agreement.

" To bad. If it wasn't because of that showoff bitch rose. Then they would have been together now."

" Yeah!! Poor him."

" I never thought that a showoff bitch like her would turn out to be a killer ."

" Yeah.. But I think she may have gotten for her sin now."

" Yeah she may be getting rotten in jail."

" Yeah... I can't even imagine her face after being in prison."

" Pfft... We should really have seen her in prison.."

" Yeah..."

Rose's face became dull after hearing those gossips about her being a killer ,from her most trusted so called friends . She never knew how they felt about her when in fact she always gave them her best.

She left from there and walked somewhere else unconsciously. She never knew how far she walked. At a certain place while she was turning , she bumped into someone.

" Ahh....." She rubbed her head in pain.

" What the hell.... " The person infront of her shouted at her in anger without seeing her face.

When she heard the sound she looked up and stared at him. It was none other than Micheal. While she was searching for him every where,he was here bumping on her.

After he saw her face he cooled down .

He gave her a hand to get up.

" I am sorry !!!" She said.

" It's ok. It may be my fate to bump into a beautiful woman like you. I am pleased ." He said while flirting with her.

She chuckled when she heard his reply .

" Anyways . May I know your name."

" For that you can guess. This is not our first meeting anyway." She said .

" Are you saying we met before?" He asked in confusion.

" Yes!!" She nodded in agreement.

" When and where??" He asked her .

" Well we met here in an awkward time." She said in embarrassment.

" We met here. So you are saying that...." He looked at her more closely .

" Ah.... You are that naked woman."

After he said that there was a thunder strike in her heart. He mentioned the time when she was naked and he was still remembering that embarrassing moment.

" Ha .... Ha....." She laughed awkwardly.

" So you were that person. What was your name...mmm. Aaa.. Yes rose."

" That's right. " She said with a firm voice.

" I didn't think it was you. I mean you look quite different. More beautiful than before. "

" You flatter me !!!"

" No I am serious. You look more gorgeous than before. Was this your actual appearance."

" Do you have any doubt?" She asked

" No. Well I am quite surprised." He said.

" Really!!!"

He nodded in agreement.

" Well it will be displeased for you if I make you stand her for a day . So shall we."

He stretched his hand forward showing his gentleman side . She followed his path and they soon reached his room.

"Well ,take a seat !!"

She sat near the triple seated sofa. He came with two wine glass in one hand and holding a wine bottle in other. He gave her a glass containing wine and he took other for himself and seated beside her and putting the bottle in the table beside.

While he took the sip he stared at her like scanning machine.

" It's the same as before. " She said while taking a sip elegantly.

" Yeah nothing has changed since we last met. Excluding the cleaning ."

They chuckled as he said.

" So 'rose' is this your actual name."

" No my name is rosezia Jacob." She wiped off her lips while saying.

" Ohhh..."

" And my name you would have known already."

" Yeah. I know your name and about you as well."

" Then you must not have heard any good words about me isn't it?"

" No . I have heard many good words about you. From a special person of mine."

" Really !!! Can I meet that person."

" That person is already gone ."

" Oh... Sorry for making you remind that."

" It's ok. Even if I remember that person then , I have only good moments ."


" I had this question supressed in my mind till now. "

" I know what your question is. Isn't it about that time when James bodyguard came looking for me."

After he heard her reply he got stunned . He never knew she was this quick witted .

He nodded when she said.

" Well he was someone I loved . But not now."

" So you are saying that you loved him . I must say you really had a bad taste in men. "

She chuckled when she heard his reply.

" Well he was my crush and the person I really loved. But that doesn't mean I expected anything in return from him. But....." Her body began to tremble in anger.

Her words got interrupted in the half way. He could see the sadness in her eyes, that something must have happened between them. For her to tremble this much.

" But he took everything from me."

Tears was formed in her eyes as if it will drip in the next moment. As she was about to burst out he locked her lips with his , making her melt with his sweetness . She could taste the wine flavor in her mouth with his saliva. Tears fall down her cheek .

As he saw that she wasn't resisting him ,he slowly grabbed her thigh and moved his fingers through it to the top.

As she felt his fingers through her body she backed off from his kiss. Even though she wanted it .

" I am sorry!!" He took his hand back while apologizing.

They were kept in an embarrassed position. He was keeping control over his body. With one kiss he was addicted to her. He wanted to have her more than anything. His body had the same reaction to her touch.

" Can you help me ??" She said in a low voice.

" What?? With that..." He was thinking about physical relation.

" I want your help to destroy James Ardian. "

When he heard her reply , he became stunned. But it doesn't mean he can't do that. He can destroy James if he really wanted to. But he didn't had a fixed reason for to do so.

" Sure ....But what will you give me in return if I do so." He smirked.

" I will give myself to you." She said with a forced smile.

He was stunned to hear her reply . But he just smiled and took of his coat and came closer to her.

" Sure..." He locked her lip with his, making her flow with his sweetness again. This time she didn't resist him.

His hand went through her thighs to her inside. Her body began to burn with his fire. He kissed her from her lips to her neck which made her to have an tickling feeling.

He took her to the bed and slowly btook off her dress one by one. She helped him in unbuttoning his shirt as well.

She completely took off his shirt while only his pant was left in his body . There was a swelling in his manhood. He took her hand to show how his body is reacting with her one single touch.

" Can you feel it ..." He made her touch his manhood.

She could feel his heat with a large sized bum..

She nodded as he asked her.

She lay down on his bed , while he took of her all dress making her completely naked. He came across her top and kissed her forhead , eyes , ears and lips.

He teased her with by messing with her nipples .From that he goes downward throughout kissing her body. He made her have so much pleasure that she was becoming addicted to him.

He put his finger through her main part to which she was completely melting with pleasure. She was having the feeling of ice melting with which she wanted it more . She was moaning with pleasure and pain.

She grabbed his hand and said ..

" Now stop . I want more than this."She couldn't hold on any second with this pleasure more.

He smirked as he heard her reply.