New home

after we got to our castle,my dad asked the maids to help him clean up,of course my servant did not like it so i thought that i should be the one to clean him.i took him to the bathroom and started warning the water.

"so what's your name"i asked,he was curled

up in a ball and looking at me with one eye

"akemi yami naruhito"he answered

"sosa kea fujimura"

i was looking at him he was beautiful ginger

hair that reached his tailbone,gold eyes that

were so sharp that it could kill and his body was mascular but small

"ah,the water is warm"he pointed it out

i realized that the

water was hot...

was i starring that long??

"i can bath myself,so you can leave"

"i can't but i can look away"i leaned on one of the pilers facing the wall

"okay" after few seconds i heard some cloth

fall to the ground and like 4 minutes water splashing.

i had to only wait for 30 minutes after he told me that i could look,when i looked i was in shock he had freckles on his nose and checks,on his shoulder that maneged to 'overflow' and on his outer legs.

"are you only gonna stare at me"he raised his eyebrow

"sorry,just...your beautiful"i scratched my neck,he looked shocked

"um, thanks"

"BELLA"i called out and soon a girl in black dress and black shoes came in.

"hello young master what can i help you with"she said in a sweet voice

"bella can you take akemi to my room"before

i know it she had a dark face

"of course young master"she forced a smile

"wha-"before my new servant could finish i


"I'm goings to bath and will be there in a

minute"he just nodded and walked over to

bella and she turned around.both

disappeared from my i sat in water

all i could think about was him with or

without closeing my eye

Akemi pov

as bella lead me to a silver door,she turned


"this is master sosas room you will wait for

him in there"the sweet and happy voice she

was replaced by annoyed and angry voice

"okay"i entered the room and was mat by a

king sized bed,book shelf full,and walls had

some tape of grow outs that worked like

holders for the certain.

i shut the door behind me and sat on the bad

and for some reason he was all i could see.

his silver hair that reached his shoulders,his

sapphire soft eyes.i laid on his bad and soon

fall fast asleep