Nandini's pov

Jan 4th,2020.


My cellphone pinged a notification for which i have been waiting from 3 hours, oh! You must be thinking what message it is right? Let me read it out for you guys "Happy birthday baby, iam so sorry i thought to wish you at 12, but sleep took over me and i just woke up now, are you there? Don't tell me that your waiting for my wishes at this hour?"

Yes guys it's my birthday, my special birthday because i turned 18 this year, i love my birthday's and i'm kinda obsessed with my day alot, but i always get disappointed with him because he makes me feel like a unwanted person at the same time he loves me to his eternity, what a typical and complicated guy he is, but whatever it is he is mine!!...

"Tqq so much, and answer for your question is a big No!! Iam not waiting for you, it's just that iam still getting calls so, i still woke up to receive the calls, that's it" i lied to him, because I don't want to get scolded by him and let him insult my day which he often do, cause he don't believe in special days and even birthday's too!!

"Oh!! Please, don't lie to me i very well know about you, just shut up and sleep, it's already 3.35, good night" came a reply from him, which ofcourse dissapointed me, common be practical it's my fucking 18th birthday, and getting simple wishes from your boyfriend upsets you right, but i don't want to get my mood spoil with this known and habituated thing in my life....

"Gud n8t, swt drms" i sent him and logged out of my what's up....

I had experienced different shades of colours in my life, oh god!! Let me tell you it's most complicated thing.

Oh shit!! I totally forgot to introduce my self.

Heya!! people, this is Nandini murthy.... daughter of krishna murthy and sujatha murthy, Rishabh murthy is my younger bundle of joy, who likes to irritate and annoy me ...you can't expect more from your brothers other than this....i was born and got up in banglore, but i did my intermediate in Hyderabad, currently pursuing my 1st year, bsc.biotechnology in banglore. And the person who texted me a while ago is my longtime Boyfriend Manik Malhothra, he is my childhood love, but never dare to open up this topic to him, but a year ago on valentine's day we proposed each other and got to know even iam his childhood love...destiny brought us together.

Mine and manik's parents are best friends they thought to tie us together when we become major.., when this news disclosed me, i was the happiest soul in this world....and this made my love story a little complicated, but i still have a ray of doubt about his love towards me which i never understood.

He is mumbai guy, Me along with my family used to meet manik's family for holidays, tours and family events. We used to be best friends in childhood, but when this new feelings started growing inside us, we eventually distanced ourselves. But now we opened up about our love and i expressed myself but manik being a stubborn boy never shares his problems with me, i used to get upset with his things, when i ask him he simply ignores my questions and diverts the topic. And i decided not to force him in anything.

it's been 5 months i joined my college but still i can't make a strong bond with my friends, i already have my best of friends with whom i can share every single detail of my life without any hesitation.

Shreya, she my gem and i like to call her babygirl, my bond with her is strongest one. we talk for hours, share things, whether its happy or sad she helped me a lot to survive my 2nd year inter, and our friendship lasts forever....

Navya, is an another gem, my twinny oh!! Yaa even it's her birthday today....this was the connection between us when i met her for the 1st time and now its strong

These both are helping me alot to get me out of my depression....

Yes, you heard right!, Iam in depression, its being More than 1 half year, iam suffering from this thing, i tried a lot to get out of this but no use,..

It's all started when i came to know about my chacha's death, late venkatesh Murthy, he is like my second father....i never expected that one loss will change my life upside down, In this process i have hurt so many people without my acknowledgement....

I avoided all types contact with my parents for 3 days iam so upset and depressed with this news and they didn't let me know about this because of my stupid board exams....

And things in life changed a lot from then, iam not the same old nandini who is chirpy, bubbly, crazy, friendly ....but this one is new nandini who fears to make relations with others, who fears to love others, who avoid people and want to spend alone time....

I started spending more time with shreya and navya, where my other friends aliya,mukti and soha mistook me of avoiding them, and this made my life and depression more complicated....

I started hating crowded areas and noisy areas, i want some peace, but it's no where to get....i even started avoiding Manik it happened upto 9 months, i even tried to suicide so many times, iam telling you it's not easy to take ur life with your own hands and eventually i failed in doing it.

I used get myself locked in washroom for hours to get peaceful mind, i used to take seductive tablets to get sleep, i cried, cried and cried until i get sleep...

This is a part of my vurnerable life, but on my last birthday, i got interacted with manik again, he never asked me about my avoiding thing because iam a hostler so he didn't get to know about my state nor i told him, after talking to him, i again started feeling happy and content, i sort out with my friends and a happy going life, but after my 2nd year completion, i return back to my home...

After my entrance examinations, i got a lot of time to join back my bsc, it's almost 3 months break and this made my mental state back to my old days, being alone at home worsed my condition, i started writing, doing different things to distract my mind to not to get depressed but nothing helped me out, i thought to find my peace in manik, but he never got time to listen to me.

I used to spend sleepless nights wetting my pillows without any reasons, i used to take sleeping pills to get sleep, i shared this thing to shreya and navya they consoled me alot, but a part my heart wants to get consoled by manik, i want him to give me strength and let me know he will be with me forever, but he never understood my state, instead he used to make funny comments about my state, this behaviour of him pissed me.

I started feeling insecurites about him from 2 months, his careless attitude about me made me think all impossible things about him, i even enquiried him about this, but he just used to avoid or scold me for my stupid questions, but i need a proper answer from him, a proper consolation, which make me feel free out of my depression... but no, he never care about me. This is what i think about him , but still i love him.

Ohh shit it's 4 and i need to take a nap.iam going to take a day off tomorrow, but my mom is so strict, she will wake me up early morning to visit temple as it's my birthday today.

At 7.00am

My sleep got disturbed with my mom's shouts to wake me up, i got fresh up and wore my white kurti with my pink legging, i always dress myself in comfortable clothes, I don't give a fuck about other's.

Temple is a peaceful place, but i lost hope in god after my chacha's death, i never prayed him nor asked him any sort of wish, i simply deny to go to temples, but on my mom's insist i used to visit sometimes.

It's a sunny day today and my thoughts got disturbed by manik's video call, i badly need this because i want him to make me feel special atleast on my birthday and this made me happy, i pick up the call without any second thought, when i reached my terrace.

"So, what's up birthday girl? How you are enjoying your day??" He asked without looking at me and this pissed me alot

"Nothing much, visited temple on mom's insist, she made my fav food and a peaceful day with lot's of blessing and wishes, that's it. What about you?" I said with a irritated voice.

"Oh calm down tigress!! What's with your tone?" He said by looking at me and finally it happened...he is looking at me without blinking his eyes after checking me out for whole 5 seconds, he spoke.

"Ahem! Someone is looking so beautiful today in traditional wear." He said with an intense feel voice. And this made me look away from his eye contact, because iam blushing like hell, he barely praises people and getting such beautiful comment from him made my cheeks red.

"Woh!! It's my birthday so,I thought to wear something different today." I said trying to be normal suppressing my happiness.

"Achaaaaaaaa" he streched the word making me blush even more, he know how to calm my madness so easily, his one simple gesture calms my volcano down. I can't stay mad at him for a long period and that's the only thing i hate myself about.

"Haaaa" i said with the same tone imitating him, for which i got awarded with a laugh from him.

" Tell me, what are your plans for tonight's party??" He asked me.

"Nothing much my 10th friend's will visit me and a small party." I said him kicking a stone on ground.

" Ok then, it's your 18th birthday. So what you thought about my one night, which you promised to give me once you turn 18." He asked me, his question made me stops on my tracks, i started blushing... and i turned my camera off blushing even more thinking about the thing he asked...

"Turning your camera off will not let your promise fullfill madam, u have face off for it , not only face even many more partsssss....." he said smiling mischievously at me...His confession made my heartbeats uneven, my body got heat up, and even my fingers are trembling and my cheeks are getting hurt with my blushing, the thought of making out with him giving me goosebumps all over my body, I can't take this anymore and i decided to cut the call.

" Ok bye. i have to go, mom is calling" i said looking away from him.

"Fine. listen to me, you know right i never force you in any thing." He asked feeling my hesitation. I noded my head at him.

"Then how you thought that i would force you into this, listen!! I don't you to feel uncomfortable with me, i was just kidding it's nothing serious, you know that right." He asked smiling at me but i know, how he is supressing his desires for me.

"Hmm i know, i even remember my promise and i will try to fullfill it when right time comes" i said him without any hesitation in my voice.He looked dumbfounded with my confession, he never expected such response from me.

"Really??" He asked with a excited tone and his desirefull eyes are speaking that how badly he need me.

"Yes" i simply replied him with a smile.

"Then next month will be a perfect plot for it, because iam coming to banglore for my job interview, and i will be staying in your villa for sure, it's a easy way for us to plan this and ofcourse it's our first time so, I need my quality time to feel you, u know what i mean...?" He asked winking at me , his talks make me blush till my cheeks hurt and his eyes makes me feel like dig a hole and bury in that.

" Let's see when it happens, chuck that topic and tell me how is uncle and aunty??" I asked him to which he shook his head in disbelief and smiled at me. I very well knew he is not going to leave this topic so soon.

" Abhi se itna sharmana,then what happens when we actually do it nanduuuuu...." he said smirking at me, ohh man!! Don't do that, i so love his smirk but sometimes it indicates danger, which is of course harmful to me.

"Aisa kuch nai hoga, don't get your hopes high, mister!!" I replied with a sarcastic tone.

" Hoga nandu, iss baar bach kar kahi nai javogi, it's manik malhothra's oath. Get ready for our suhagraath baby." He said last line winking at me. And only i know how much iam trying to avoid my blush with an angry glare, but i eventually failed and blushed at last at which he too smiled and said.

" I so want to goble you and eat you up, especially when you blush...but now don't tease me i might land at ur place without any intimation." He said which made me smile, this boy knows me very well, he just sprinkle his magical words to make me smile.

"Fine. Now i need to go, my friends will land at any time, bye. See you." I said to which he kissed me of course on camera and even i too returned his kiss and i ended up the call.

I blushed thinking about how our first will be and talking about 1st, i have to tell you guys about my first kiss

such a hysterical kiss it was...going down to my past memory lane...


July 24th, 2019

It was a rainy day when malhothra's visited our villa for a holiday trip, till the time it's been 4 months we confessed our love but never dared to get close to each other physically, touch tho dur ki baath we never face off each other after that confession, iam seeing him after 4 months and iam a kinda nervous and excited at the same time.

I was looking at him from corner of my eyes, He is checking me out from top to bottom, iam wearing a white t shirt and black tight pants and his look always make me feel more nervous and naked, god! How he always manage to make me feel tremble just with his intense eyelocks. And since the te he landed in my home, He is trying to get my attention but i didn't dare to even look at his direction, which of course pissed him off, now iam sure he will not live a chance to get close to me.

"Ahh!! Aunty mein bohut thak gaya hoon, i need to get some rest, can I?? " He asked my mom with his eyes on me.now i know, what's going on in his mind.

"Aree nandu, manik ko bedroom dikhao, manik beta tum jao aur aaram karo agar tumhe kuch chahiye tho nandu se kehdhena vo karlegi" said my mom giving full access to get close to me and i mentally slapped myself for my mom's stupidity.

"Ab iss monster tumhe pakka nai chodega" i thought and started walking.

manik is walking behind me when we reached near his room i opened the door and walked inside, he came after me locking the door. I already started sweating thinking about the possible things happens behind doors.

When suddenly he pulled me and pinned me to wall with my wrists locking in his long palms besides my head and his face is exactly infront of me, and his eyes were boring into mine.

" Why you are ignoring me??" He asked with a husky voice, pusing his body into mine, this movement made my breathe stuck in my throat, i never in my life got this close to any boy, and here his body is completely pressing into mine and i forgot to breathe, my body's temperature is raising, his breathes are faming on my face, our lips are inches away, iam feeling dizzy with this new feeling. And the intensity in his eyes making me feel nervous, my forehead started sweating slowly.

"Answer me!! nandini." He demanded me looking at my lips with his intense and desireful eyes, with this i parted my lips and took a small breathe to answer him.

" I..am no..t" my stammering voice came out as a mere whisper and my lips started trembling.

"Then why you are not looking at me, when you very well know, iam trying to gain ur attention." He asked me while rubbing his thumb finger on my lips slowly and my ragged breaths not at all helping the condition and i clutched his waist tightly with my one free hand for support.

" I was just feeling nervous, that's it." I said him looking away from his eye contact. He started nuzzling on my cheeks with his nose breathing heavily and i very well know what's going on in his mind and what he want to do, but iam not that daring one to initiate the thing.

He started kissing my cheeks, he gave number of pecks, with each kiss my hold became tight on his waist, and his another hand slowly losing the grip on my other hand and started travelling towards my waist giving me goosebumps and hold it by pressing my sideways of waist, and his nose reached my neck drawing a slow line from my cheek to neck, which made my heartbeat rapid. He stated nuzzling my neck and kissed me on my sweet spot behind my ear, i shivered under his touch. He came upwards eyeing my lips, without any further delay he pressed his lips on mine, and my heart stopped beating for a second, i started sweating,but he didn't make any moment, within 5 seconds he withdraw his lips, looking at me with desireful eyes, after eyeing for another 2 seconds he took my lips into his mouth pressing his body into mine and his hands holding my waist bothsides,mine are resting on his neck.

He started chewing my lips, but I don't know how to kiss or respond so, stood numb there, but his next movement made my knees go weak, he pressed his body more into mine making me feel his erection on my lower abdomen and his one hand travelled upwards my body and rested on one of my bosoms and started pressing it lightly kissing me.

After a few seconds we broke the kiss.

"I love you nandini" he said with his husky voice on my lips and pecked my lips tightly making me smile and blush, with this i crushed into his arms burying my face in his chest, he chuckled sensing my shy.

" I still need words nandu" he demanded hugging me even more tight.

" I love you too, manik." I confessed him, with this his smile became more wider and hugged me tight swaying us left to right kissing my temple.


Back to present...

I still feel his touch on me, it's magical exactly like him....my first kiss was magical and memorable....

precap: nandini's pov continues...


heya guys!! how have you people been.

iam publishing my new story, which is complicated but have a happy ending.

Read to learn the ups and downs in the love life.

This story is even available in WATTPAD.

love you guys.