The larger the storm the larger the rainbow will be whispered Arjav's mind.His mindset was completely changed and nobody could expect what will happen the next moment,he was just like a bomb which could explode the next second.The only thing his parents could do was to throw down their ego into the garbage can,but unfortunately they weren't willing to do that.One of their relatives named Richie Russell asked them to give up their race after money and to show some love towards their son for the sake of his future.

Sasi D'cruz wasn't willing to do what Richie had said.He asked Richie in anger "can you be Arjav's godfather,can you take care of him,can you manage him".Richie replied "I love Arjav, he'll definitely come back to his old behaviour.I'll try my level best"

Unfortunately,Arjav was hiding near the staircase and listening to their talk .He knew the fact that it was time to raise his voice against his parents.Arjav slowly closed his eyes and prayed to god "oh god please give me the courage to argue with my parents.I know that its a mistake to argue with one's parents but my situation is much different,please grant me sorry dear god"

Arjav placed his left foot on the entrance to the living room and he slowly walked towards his parents just like a panther moving towards its prey.Arjav shivered for a moment and said "dad and mom had become mad running after money.Our routes are entirely different.I think you guys need money,but money can't buy me what I require the most and that is the love and affection that a son needs to get from his parents.I'm sure that I wont get that from you side.All that you guys need to do is just leave me alone". "You bloody ***** " replied his father.""Shut your mouth,I know what to do" replied Arjav in a flash.His mom said "you are my son,be a good boy Arjav".He replied "why should I be good for one reason when there are a million reasons to be a bitch".Those words penetrated into his mother's heart and she was heartbroken.She hadn't expected her son to say so.

The long sreak of holidays had ended and school days was nearing Arjav.He wasn't willing to attend classes but he had to.Arjav remembered the good things his friends had done for him and the sweet memories came into his mind like a dove.

Arjav woke up at 7:00 AM the next day.He dressed up like a professional and he had a wide grin on his face.The school bus was waiting in front of the gate of his house.Arjav didn't even glanced at his parents faces.He quickly ran out of the hosue and boarded the bus with a sweet smile.The bus reached the school when it was almost 9:00AM.He entered his classroom after walking for a few seconds.Unlike others Arjav didn't had female friends, therefore some students who hated Arjav made fun of him.

It was indeed a good day for him as there was atleast a few who cared for him.

Arjav was so happy to meet his friends again. While talking with his friends he slowly forgot the issues within his family. With his friends Arjav brought about the good in everyone's mind, making him a really good boy, and a perfect student.Rayappan,one of Arjav's friends who was hailing from TamilNadu had some control over Arjav,they both were good friends. Arjav would say Rayappan is his 'chunk'.

Since it was the first day of school everyone wasn't present and Arjav wasn't in a mood to make new friends because he was deeply dampened by the atmosphere in his home.

The school bell rang when it was 3:00PM.Arjav was shocked for a moment on hearing that unexpected bell.He recovered soon from that quick shock and boarded the school bus within no time.

Within some time the school bus stopped in front of Arjav's home.He slowly got off from the school bus. On moving towards his home he felt like walking towards a lion's den,but he was courageous enough to withstand any trouble.When he entered his home he heard his father shouting to a person via his mobile phone.His father used some Malayalam words which were unfamiliar to Arjav.He asked his father why he was shouting with a peron on the phone and using words which he haven't heard of before.His father replied in a harsh tone "who gave you the right to question me,don't talk to me because I hate you and I don't want a son like you".Arjav said softly "hey you middle aged rich man,I have the right to raise voice against injustice and the constitution guarantees it.It doesn't really matter whether you hate me or love me, anywayI'm your son and you can't deny it".After saying this Arjav laughed at his father.

Sasi replied "get lost".Arjav replied "one day you will regret,agony will hunt you down,remember one thing dad 'nothing breaks like heart'.I'm sure that one day the light of love and truth would shine on you".After saying these words Arjav started climbing the stairs.His father called him from behind and said "how dare you call me 'you middle aged rich man".Arjav replied "if you could use unnecessary words against my uncle,I can also call you like that".His father replied "Ahh!! I know that you guys would even call your father a bitch".Arjav replied "You've mistaken.We the new gens have called every males 'bro' and females 'sis'.I bet,there isn't any discrimination in that two words and no revolutionary hadn't made that kind of a difference in our lives.We call men bro and you call them bitch and that's the difference between us.Think of it dear dad!"

Afrer a fiery conversation with his father Arjav went upstairs to his room to have a bath and to have a nice nap afterwards.

Arjav somehow pushed that day by…..

It was morning again,as usual Arjav dressed up for going to school and had his breakfast.He boarded the school bus earlier than usual.

The school bus entered the school compound when it was almost 8:50AM.Since his school bus was a little lateArjav ran to his classroom.

All the students had got a small surprise and that was they had got a new classmate.Her name was Stacy Parks and was from Melbourne.On seeing her Arjav's face blushed and snowflakes rained on his mind.He was out of  the whole world when he glanced at her eyes.Her blue eyes, long straight blonde hair and adorable smile attracted Arjav.Soon his class teacher asked him "why are you staring at her,there is still time left,so you can introduce yourself to her later.Now you may go and take your seat".Arjav felt angry at his class teacher for distracting him from staring at that girl but he wasn't willing to express it.He slowly walked towards his seat and got seated.When Arjav turned to his left he noticed that there was space left for one person to sit.He prayed to the almighty for making her sit next to him.Fortunately his wish came true as the teacher asked Stacy Parks to sit beside Arjav.Once again his face blushed and his mind was filled with contentment.She was so cute looking that Arjav couldn't take away his eyes from her.

The first period ended when the school bell rang and it was a short break for the children.Arjav's heart beated to talk to Stacy Parks.Again Arjav started looking at her bright eyes but it wasn't long as his friends appeared in front of him in a flash and his view was cracked.Arjav asked his friends "oh shit,why did you guys cracked my view".His friend Rayappan asked him "what view?".Arjav replied "I want to be Stacy's best friend".Rayappan said "its not the answer to my question bro!".Arjav replied "I don't know.I just want to make friends with her.But when I go near her my courage drains away and I starts blushing and sweating".On hearing these Arjav's friends laughed aloud. "That's too bad bro" said Maxim.Arjav replied "Oh no Maxi you are coming from an extremely different setup.I know that you are hyper expert in dealing with girls, so you are the only one who could help me out in this matter"Maxim replied "First you should introduce yourself to her and ask about her whereabouts".Arjav replied "I'll try".Maxim replied "You moron,this is the 21st century,a modern world and even now you are not even able to talk to a girl.Oh!! when  will you improve yourself dude".Arjav replied "what,I don't think that this problem has any relation with modern world and 21st century".Maxim replied "You won't understand it bro, I'll tell  ore about that later.First you go and meet Stacy".Arjav replied "Yes,I'll surely talk to her.

Arjav slowly walked towards Stacy Parks to introduce himself.For a surprise it was Stacy who first started exchanging words with Arjav.They became good friends in the matter of a few seconds.She told about her kith and kin and her hobbies.Arjav was surprised on hearing her hobbies as she had told him that she's a good singer.Arjav asked more about her parents and came to know the fact that her parents were Indians and were hailing from Kerala.Arjav experienced goose bumps on hearing those words.Drops of snow showered on his heart as he was extremely happy.Within a flash she asked about Arjav's parents and he too shared his family details with her.She was also surprised on knowing that Arjav was a mallu.

The intrerval was over and it was time for the next period.

Time passed by and they both became close friends.Now,Arjavfelt free to talk to girls and he thought that it was all because of Maxim.He ran towards Maxim and hugged him tight and thanked him for his help.Maxim told "bro,we are friends and there is no room for this thanks.Friends are one of the best gifts from god,they are the only ones who won't leave us when our heart weeps".Arjav's eyes were filled with tears and said "ah!You've got some philosophy in your head Maxi.Bye bro,I will text yoi in whatsapp when I'm free.

When Arjav started leaving for the school bus Stacy came near him and asked him to help her to find bus no.7.He replied don't worry,come with me I'm too going home in bus no.7.Then they together boarded the bus and sat in next-next seats.Stacy wanted to have his mobile number and Arjav shared his mobile number with her.Arjav said "Stacy,today my brother will come to pick so I'll get off from the bus at the next stop". "Its okay,said Stacy".Arjav felt like sitting on a tortoise as the bus was moving slower than usual and it was indeed a blessing in disguise for him.After some time the bus reached the next stop and Arjav got off from his seat and said bye to Stacy.She said "Oh I just tricked you,my home is in the opposite side of this road"Arjav said while smiling "Ah,you are good in telling lies too".She smiled and they together got off from the bus.

Arjav said "Hey Stacy my brother is coming look right.He is Jithin Joji Sam and he's a world famous photographer".Stacy repied "OMG,I've heard a lot about him and I wanna take a selfie with him".Arjav replied "yeah why not and I'll send you those pictures when I'm free.

His brother's Rolls Royce Ghost black badge floated through that highway and it was moving towards him at a high velocity.The moving paradise on road stopped near him and his brother got off from his car.He was wearing a black tuxedo and had black sunglasses on his face.Stacy felt like standing near Mr.Universe as Arjav's brother was super handsome.Arjav asked him to take a selfie with her and he agreed.They together took a selfie and exchanged some words.

Stacy slowly crossed the road and Arjav waved his hand at her and said bye.She too waved at him and she entered into the compound of her house.His brother asked him "Aha!!When did this happen".Arjav replied "What?".

His brother asked him "till the last day you were afraid to talk with girls and now what happened?".Arjav replied "one day each and every person will undergo a change,and I've changed".His brother replied 'Ah! I agree,leave that.Its already late and we have to go home swiftly.They both entered the car and started traveling bact to their home.As usual Arjav and his parents quarrelled on petty reasons,but this time Arjav wasn't heartbroken .After having a bath he texted Stacy Parks and sent her those photos with his brother.They talked for some time and after a while they got engaged in their own works.

Time passed by and it was the next day.Arjav had some plans on this day and nobody knew it.

Arjav was extremely dull as Stacy Parks wasn't present on that day.He wondered why she didn't tell him that she won't come to school the next day.Rayappan understood that Arjav was dull due to the absence of Stacy.He asked Arjav "why are you dull bro,we haven't seen you like this before,is something wrong". Arjav replied "I wanna see Stacy right now"Rayappan said "She may not be well bro and one more thing.Why are you shouting to see her,I think you are just friends and not secret lovers.see bro,if you are hiding something you'll melt"Arjav said "yes, I'm hiding my love from you!!". His friends Rayappan and Maxim was shocked on hearing those words.Maxim said "I think she's the only girl whom you've talked to and now you fell in love within 2 days.I'll be with you bro until this ends" Rayappan also said the same thing and Arjav said "Thanks guys, I've to make Stacy understand that I loves her".Maxim and Rayappan said "that's a good idea but you shouldn't make it crawl like a tortoise"

Stacy was present the next day but Arjav failed to convey his words.That whole day passed by and they were still friends.

8 Months passed...…

The school was about to close and Arjav was a complete failure in opening his heart to Stacy.Arjav believed that Stacy considered him as her best friend so he wished not to break that strong bond.

The school was closed for summer vacation and it was time for everybody to stay home and enjoy.For Arjav it wasn't the time to enjoy as he missed Stacy a lot.He texted to Stcay several times a day but he didn't get a reply.He was extremely depressed  and he said to himself "I'm the culprit of my failure,I won in my studies but I failed in my life".Arjav cried hard in hs locked room and the pillow wiped off his tears.He said to his pillow "before some days I used you to get sound sleep,but now I'm using you to hide my tears,thankyou mr.pillow".Arjav was going through the toughest of times and he didn't respond to the messages from his friends.His mind said "She is gone forever,there is no hope left.You are a loser and you aren't eligible to live in this world".Arjav couldn't control himself from thinking wild.He was at the brink of committing suicide.But later he understood that she is still alive and he could find her in the near future.Arjav decided to go to her house so that he could atleast see her.For making that plan successful he told everything to his brother Jithin Joji.His brother's eyes were filled with tears as he hadn't seen his brother sad like that before.They decided to go to her house after an hour.

As planned,they both went to her house.Arjav knocked the door but there wasn't a response.They waited for a few minutes but nobody came out of the house.When they were about to leave a stranger came near Arjav and said "That family had went to their home country and won't come back".With a broken heart Arjav and his brother went back to their home.

Arjav decided to contact Steve to ask him to trace Stacy's present location.Steve was an expert hacker and cyber specialist.

Finally,Arjav asked Steve to trace her location.After a few minutes Steve called him back and said "Sorry bro,I couldn't trace the location because that number no longer exists". "Thanks for your time Steve" said Arjav and he hung up the phone.Arjav's last hope was his brother.

While Arjav was staring at their class photo he received a message from Rayappan saying that he is going back to India.On seeing that Arjav thought of going to India.

Arjav decided to talk to his parents and he went downstairs and called his parents.His parents came near him and asked him why he called them.Arjav replied "Papa,I'm really sorry" after saying that sentence he cried aloud and touched his fathers feet.His father replied "why are you crying my dear son,once upon a time I was also a son and I've also done these kind of things.So don't take these things too seriously."Arjav repied "I won't behave bad to you anymore,now I know the intensity of the mistake made by me".Arjav started going back to his room but his father stopped him from going and said "I think you would be interested in the thing I'm going to say".Arjav replied "tell me papa".His father replied "We are going back to India as my work in Microsoft is over".Arjav's face glowed in happiness as he was about to ask his father to take him to India.It was absolutely a blessing for Arjav.

They packed their belongings within a day and their air tickets were ready in no time.Probably this trip would change Arjav completely.The next day they travelled to Melbourne airport for leaving to India.Arjav's father had booked business class tickets for a better journey and faster boarding.After some time they boarded the plane.

The aircraft started moving,it became faster and faster and finally took off from the runway.Arjav was flying with flying thoughts to see Stacy again.