~~Another sneak peek from future updates~~

Musa (P.O.V)

Vincent (look at me with his deep eyes): "What do you think about the name of childrens?"

Musa (I look away instantly.. I can't handle the spark in those eyes): "I didn't think any yet."

Vincent (try to frank with her): "Can I recommend the name?"

Musa (I shook my head): "No.. they are mine.. only I'll give them the name.."

Vincent (Sip his words but said it): "When will you come out of this trama? Didn't you accept my proposal before..!!"

Musa (sigh and then Smirk): "And you also forget it that you proposed Erza.. the women in front of you now is Musa.. Erza is long dead now..!!"

Vincent (look at me helplessly and tightly gripping me on my shoulders): "It's just a mentally trauma Erza.. Go to psychiatrist.. you'll be fine.."

Musa (angrily and got out of control): "Don't you dare to call me Erza again..!! I'm Musa do you understand..!!"

Vincent (try to calm her down): "Okay Okay.. you are Musa.. Erza is already dead inside you.."

Musa (with teary eyes): "I'm sorry Vincent.. I don't want to hurt you.. but what did I bare.. no ones know..!!

My memories are all mixed up.. it hurts my brain Vincent.."

With that I start crying in his arms..

Vincent (control his tears): "I'm sorry baby.. I didn't protect you very well.. it's all my fault.."

Musa (Change her expression suddenly and Smirk amd shout): "Yeh it's all of you and dad fault..! Then go and die don't show me your face.. Go... Just Fuck off..!!"


Vincent (P.O.V)

I instantly inject her injection and she fall in my arms.. doctor said that I inject her this injection whenever she got a panick attack like this..

Vincent(I kiss on her forehead and this time my tears got out of control): "I'm sorry Erza.. it's really all my fault.. I should protect you.. but I got failed in this.. don't worry I'll take this revenge with you..

But right now your health matters first.. I'll do anything to make you back normal..

I put her on bed and call the doctor.. he came in 15 minutes..

Doctor (Move his hand forward to greet): "Hello.. Mr. Vincent. What can I do for you?"

Vincent (I shake my hand with him): "Sit Mr. Albert. You know I talk about a case before?"

Doctor: "Yes I know.. I will talk to you about this.."

Vincent (impatiently): "Did you find any solution about it?"

Doctor (start explaining): "Mr. Vincent.. the case of Miss Erza is rare and too dangerous.. we can't take risk.. it will damage her brain.. She even got insane because of this.."

Vincent (I gulp my saliva in fear): "Then what should I do to make her normal?"

Doctor (warned me again): "Don't be impatient Mr. Vincent.. I told you.. you've to handke it with patiently.. start it from beginning.. take her back to her home.."

Vincent (look away): "It's in Uk.. and right now she hate her father too..!!"

Doctor: "Don't irritate her.. observe her.. where did she felt calm.. give her time.. but she got an attack again.. give her the injection again.."

Vincent: "Okay thanks doctor.."

I drop doctor outside if the villa and came back in her room..

I move towards the baby bot and stare at the babies.. There are two girls and a single boy..

Vincent (I look at them hatefully): "Alexander..!! I've my ways to take revenge.. you'll regret what you've done.. I won't care about that there is Erza blood in them.. I'll destroy them in front of you.. and you won't be able to do anything."

I move back at Erza and rub her head.. "get back normal my Queen.. I miss you so much."