Erza (P.O.V)

With one pull he throws my top on floor or taking control of everything.. in such a short period he even unhooked my bra..

Vincent (He roughly squeeze my breast): "Be ready not to moan.. I'm gonna show you.. no one is stronger then me.."

I put my hand on my mouth but he tied them with bed..

Vincent: "Don't you dare to cheat Erza..!"

When did our argument become the game? This pervert again trick me..!! He is taking revenge of last night..

He take of his shirt and put my nipple in his mouth and sucked it to hard that I moan while taking deep breaths "uhhh........... ehhh........... uhhhmmmm...."

He start rubbing his hard bulge under my abdomen.. almost on my vagina and clits..

Vincent (While teasing the other nipple with his finger and thumb): "Baby did you moan? Is it a proof I'm the strongest one?"

Erza: "Shut up Vincent.. don't be childish and untie my hands.."

Vincent: "But I just started baby.. see I just rub myself a little with you.. and your underwear is wet.."

Erza (Frown and blush.. again think of an idea): "Vincent.. you can do it this after you untying my hand.. can't you? I also want to hold you.. like this it's too uncomfortable.."

Vincent (He saw my puppy eyes and untie my hands): "Baby I also wanna see.. what trick you gonna play now.."

Erza (As soon my hands got freed I put it on his chest push him): "Listen Vincent, I know I accept your proposal.. and you are my boyfriend..

But kindly could you take things slowly? It's my first time in all these things.. I do felt uncomfortable.."

Vincent (sigh): "Okay.. I'm sorry.. but now you can't wear any of these clothes.. what do you want? Should I give you my shirts?"

Erza (roll her eyes yeh): "Yeh it's okay.."

Vincent (came forward a little and whisper): "Sorry.. I never realized it that you feel comfortable or not.. but I've to ask some questions.."

Erza: "What is it?"

Vincent(he kissed me): "Did you felt uncomfortable?

Erza (hesitant): "Ehh.. noo."

Vincent (Came forward and hug me): "now?"

Erza (sigh): "No.. listen I'm not talking about these little interaction.."

Vincent (sigh and rub his head): "Okay.. I understand.. you want to take things slowly.. not want to have Sex yet."

Erza (smile a little): "Yes.."

Vincent: "Just one more thing.."

Erza (rub her forehead): "Now what?"

Vincent (greedily): "Can I play with the jell... I'm bean with them (pointing finger towards my breast) like squeezing.."

I look at towards my breasts.. and I realized that I'm sitting half naked in front of him.. I immediately cover my self with divet..

Erza (and glared at Vincent): "Get lost now Vincent..!"

Vincent (stubbornly): "No.. first you allow me to touch them then I'll leave.."

Erza (irritated): "okay but only one time in a day..!!"

Vincent (compromise): "Okay one time a day including sucking.."

With that je immediately left without giving me any chance yo reject..

Erza (but I still shout): "Don't you dare to think Vincent..!! I didn't give you permission for this..!!"
