bakugou x reader 1

I'm this story your name is violet and you are not in UA you didn't really want to just to let ya know...

you where just sitting in your room when your mom came in the room. "honey can you come down stairs" your mother asked "sure" you said putting your phone on your side table and standing up. "thank you" your mom said as she turned around to go to the living room, you put on some slides and went to the living room you saw a woman sitting on the couch. "hello there your violet right" the woman asked standing up "yeah" you said as the woman reached her hand out "I'm" the woman said as you shaked her hand. sat down on your couch while you sat down in an arm chair across from her and your mother was in the kitchen. "so your probably wondering what I'm doing here" said as your mother sat down some cups of water on the coffee table, your mother sat down on the same couch as as said "I'm here to ask you to join the pro hero course at UA" you where silent for a few seconds not really knowing what to do so said "I am a pro hero and I work as a teacher at UA, I am new to UA because UA has decided to make a new course that is called the pro hero course. there is already a hero course that students can get into to train to become a pro hero for the future but with this new course people with very powerful quirks will be chosen to come to the pro hero course. in this course you are gonna become a pro hero while in the school instead of training for the future. you will still be training in the hero course but it will be tougher and harder than the hero course but because of this you will also already have a prepayed for collage of your choice so that you can become a pro hero while also being able to do another job if you would like. most things with this school will be payed for and there will only be a few people to be allowed in this course. I would be your teacher and I have done some research on you and I think that you would do great in my class, you will get your own dorm building it will be bigger than the other dorms and will be pre payed for by the school so would you like to join UA" said (I just realized I forgot to explain what looked like so lemme do that, was a tall and was wearing a black suit with no tie. she had very curly long hair that was black, she had short black nails and had naturally light pink lips. she had dark skin which you found very flattering with her makeup. she had long lashes and light blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean) you where just sitting there not really knowing what to say still so your Mather said "violet I think that you should take this opportunity, I know you never really thought about becoming a hero but if you do this you would still be able to do your passions and most things would be payed for" "... do you want me to do this" you asked your mother "I think it would be the best thing for you" your mother said smiling. you sighed and said "I'll join" "that's wonderful, we will let your old school know about this and we will transfer you to UA can you show up to school tomorrow" asked smiling "I guess but don't I need like a uniform" you asked "I already brought you one" said pulling some clothes out of her purse and handing them to you. "thanks" you said grabbing them "so what's your quirk" you asked "oh I can make bee wings apear on my back they can help me fly while also making stingers form at any part of my body that I want and I can shot very sticky honey out of my mouth" said standing up "that's a cool quirk no wonder your a pro hero" you said standing up "thank you, I should get going I have a very busy day but I hope to see you tomorrow oh and before I forget here is your student ID I already had it ready for you" said reaching in her purse and pulling out a student ID. "thanks" you said grabbing it, "I can't wait for tomorrow" said smiling as she and your mother walked over to the front door talking. you went up to your room and layed your uniform along with your student ID on your desk and just started playing on your phone while laying down on your bed.....

thanks for reading (to be continued)