Chapter one rain

" Evelyn sighed deeply it was another day on the ship since the great of fall of los angles and the collapse of Chicago's economy bricks lay scattered across a bartered old city once known to most as cracked rift the town which held together its survival of humanity while trying to keep automation at bay which had failed now the nations navies are pure machine blood not of human blood Evelyn felt a cold hand rip at her skin the metal hands feeling cold and jagged while she tried to

Move it spoke in the shadows of the densely filled streets "the same Evelyn whom would do anything for her Prince of a husband now that didn't turn out well did it said the mystery of The darkness " fuc fuck You said Evelyn her anger reaching boiling she knew that voice the same voice of London's bombing or the shards destruction leaving nothing but soot and ash while the streets were flooded with dust but she couldn't do anything he was proven well payed his way to say he was a innocent man hence the uproar in America due to the bombing of los angles but the law was corrupt and now he was alone with her Evelyn in a world now torn apart by the Great War and his own fuelled self desire which mommy and daddy didn't satisfy " you know I hate as much you do me but I have retired that life since my mind was nearly corrupted by siga industries I have been a pure blood said the voice " Christoper your a hypocrite you have changed so much and well what ever you have is a waste of my

Time I just want to read a

Good a good with wine sad yes but I don't have a tale of being a puppet in a newest book said Evelyn while walking away " pity said Christopher knocking her out " make sure she's sedated the mother ship will take 4 hours just to charge the ion field so make sure it's (boom boom ) what the fuck is that asked Christopher it's a explosion on Elysian what the hell would they. Be blowing up that place " it's a genetic and agriculture corporation replied Christopher while rubble covered the streets and Evelyn was left a asleep in a world in complete chaos again but this was a tale of chaos not the happy ever after she wished she could have " 6 hours passed when Evelyn found her self in a area shaped like a prison cell " tell me Evelyn do you know what happened during the war when you was with you family when the rest of us had to fight to survive Said a Droid with red beading eyes and legs which strode passed her his mechanical joints sliding fast while groaning from pressure being pushed against them " of course I do but I wasn't given a choice none of us are said Evelyn looking away " your right my dear but I'm not the teller of the story I'm the eye of the tale forgive my foreign way of speaking said the droid " you have the same spirit as your bother you know said the droid " my brother died because of your fucking people Arcadia was your only home said Evelyn " Arcadians were cilorans they didn't accept us in their false idol of corruption in the prosperity which brung their demise the only reason they accepted us was because London was trying to get back on its feet said the droid crushing the control panel Evelyn smiled everything one had a breaking point and his was Arcadia " which was the city built after the riots of discrimination against a genetic breed of humans known as cilorans which inherited genetic abilities or genetic powers as some saw it as but they were seen as impure humans and so the city of Arcadia was built a utopia for all the impure humans except until the destruction of Arcadia brought back hatred against them making the hatred and discrimination cycle ever endless Androids used to live in. Arcadia but after the battle of Miami Androids became play toys to be hunted " Arcadia was fine until everything that's ever happened..humanity was comfortable for a period of time in which we never saw our world become divided and now riots and revolution are being spoke in the city lower class it's becoming divided and yet we taking and rebuilding the philosophy of Arcadians " my names white sparrow I say this because it's apparent you want to break free chuckling and I can't let you go so let's talk he said " sure said Evelyn before the pleasure chat. Could be enjoyed explosions ripped through the ship " warning external hall has been destroyed all systems have failed all lower decks flooding with radiation warning war warn then crackling " fire burst through the ship and rubble covered the rooms found inside while the ship began to fall apart the hall way burst open and Evelyn and the white sparrow were thrown .TO BE CONTINUED