Chapter seven an eye opener

Smoke filled the air while the combine ship bursted into flames and the sky was caked in flames turrets fired at the wreckage

What the said kyra her knees felt shaky

" hmm a destructive display all for the world to see what a joke said James his smile cracked into a mask of sadistic joy

Evelyn felt her self scoff from

Both disbelief and a certain amusement but all was divided under a question of both the morales of her love of Andy and his death if he is responsible for this even if he died four days ago since the neo district was torn apart after the data servers died and water flooded the main car parks and over come the lower parts of the neo district she knew he needed to be stopped cliche as it seemed Andy was eccentric and a great man but his mind was shrouded under depression and his memories of his mothers neglect and his father beating until blood would spill and the look of his mother gave him chills it made him a man of both revenge and cold to everyone except a selected few that example was Evelyn but now things changed

" this is getting ridiculous muttered Evelyn

" on the contrary of your opinion it's become to degraded to be called destruction of fun this is a sign which they want everyone to know but it's archaic why destruction most choose political control slowly knocking the pillars of society out of place and calling it a quote mistake of lack vision sighted by a lamb shrouded in cloth of course most choose to use the quicker use of bribery a messier way which if I was a gang leader would choose the first it's simply taste if you want debate said James his coat shrouded him in the darkness leaving his voice as only entity to show he was still talking and was with them

"He has a point said kyra as she and the rest of them dismissed the current dire events which were taking place " we should leave now I can just imagine the carcass's that will be made from us in the current minutes we stay here said James while beginning to trudge through the snow and mud made making a sloshy snud snow and mud basically muddy snow hence its abbreviation

Both kyra and James left Evelyn in the darkness of the golden orange fire leaving her to collect her thoughts and sneak through the sewers and towards the harbour