Make Notes While Studying

Making notes is another effective tip for a health study.

I prefer writing on paper rather than on your mobile phones or laptops. When you write, you remember better.

Come on! We can't make mental notes of literally everything can we? Nah. I don't really think so!

Plus don't think that, "I don't need to write any notes I can borrow it from a friend." no offense, But this is absolute nonsense.

Need a reason? Oh yes. I have it. The reason is: Only you can understand your notes.

the way you write them you know what each thing means and every alphabet means which is written by you.

Others cannot get it. Usually, people have messy notes and I totally prefer to make them messy, not intentionally of course!

But notes are meant to be messy, friends! If you start designing them and waste time, You won't be able to note down anything!

Notes are just for your help and not for others or your teachers to see. So no need to design them too much and try to make your handwriting beautiful as no one is there to judge you.

In fact, Write as fast as you want and one more important point, NEVER make them too LONG.

I expect you to take notes but not note down the whole chapter dude! It's very tiring as you already have the book. Then why waste your time writing the whole thing again?

Only and ONLY write IMPORTANT points.

No need for extra information. Notes should be enough for you to know the main points of a chapter or a topic without reading the book and it should contain both detailed and brief information but within a limit.

Make mind maps. Yes, make them. Don't forget the flowcharts too! Again asking why? Yep! I have an answer enough to satisfy you and convince you.

Mind maps and flowcharts are very beneficial because they can describe the whole topic with common symbols and drawings which makes it 100% easy for you to understand.

So without reading complicated explanations make a mind map and solve all your problems!