Is That Relatable?

Now imagine that you are succeeding , getting knowledge and enjoying your life to the fullest right now. You are inside your cozy home , all alone. Having a cup of coffee with the perfect taste you want it to have. There is a sofa in which when you sit you feel like in you are sitting on a cloud , which makes you even more comfortable.

Watching netflix side by side and watching your favourite movie or show. You are having one of the best times of your life and suddenly...Your parents come with some close friends or relatives. The problem is no one but soon...They sadly become one. They come in your house and start bragging about their kids. "My son studies 14 hours a day!" some super exaggerating stories which is filling your parents' mind up.

After they leave , your parents shut the door with a loud 'bang' and they look at you. "Did you listen what her son and daughter do? What do you do all day huh? Just watching netflix and youtube all day with nothing to do. Did you study the chapter which is going on in class? Aren't you ashamed.." blah blah.

Congrats! Your day is ruined. Who to blame? No one. The best target? Your life. And you just say in a angry tone , "My life sucks!" and go to bed.

Now this one was toxic. At some point your parents are right. They are thinking about your future and don't want anyone to insult you. It's actually the people who came to meet you. They are not directly at fault , but they are just negative and toxic. Everyone has a toxic side. Even you have one and you don't know?

When you are rude to someone or negative , only the people around you can see it and you can't. It's not that it is supposed to happen every time. It's just that it happens in most of the cases.

When things like these happen , Just absorb what your parents said right about you. Are you lazy? Do you procrastinate your work? etc etc. And do not pay attention to the outsiders. Like , c'mon...How much do they know about you?

They people who know the least judge the most. So keep calm and listen to what you think is right. If you can't judge which is right or wrong , just listen to your parents.