Small Things Matter

Now we are going to know the importance of some atomic habits in our lives.

Let's start with a very simple example. We all brush our teeth when we wake up. Right? Now, This is a very small task. but it carries a lot of value in our life. If you stopped this habit for 7 days, you can still get back on it. but what about 1 month? Can you still repeat it? Nope, it would be harder than before. The food in your mouth will start rotting. Which eventually would lead to tooth decay. If you don't treat this, many things can happen. Tooth decay is a simple word but the pain behind this is too much for anyone to handle. Your tooth will hurt very badly every day. This will lead to frustration and a bad mood. You'll not be able to work because of your bad mood.

Tooth decay at night will make it a sleepless night for you. Even if you sleep, you might have nightmares. This will lead to insomnia and so on. Wait, where did this entire problem come from? From changing your habit.

It was a simple task, but if you don't complete it, this thing can happen. I have suffered from tooth decays in my childhood, so, I know how it feels.

Most parents say, "When you reach 9th standard, start studying for 6 hours plus some coaching classes." Or something similar to that.

You guys tell me, can anyone study for 6 hours straight, without a single distraction? Well, it's possible if you're a robot.

Even if the entire world says study for 10 hours or 8 hours straight, I would recommend you never do that. Instead, I have another way for more productive study.

This method is called "The 45/15 Rule". It's also called the Pomodoro Technique. This time management method was invented by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.

How does this exactly work? In this, you have to work nonstop for 45 minutes without diversions. Just cram your brain up with those ugly textbooks (just kidding they're not that ugly lol). But when these 45 minutes end, you can relax for 15 minutes. Do whatever you want. Listen to some music, talk to your mates and family, etc. Just do anything except studying.

Studying for a small period and then suddenly disengaging from it can make you take lesser stress. With this, your syllabus would be completed more easily than before.

Remember, Hard work is great, working hard, totally blindfolded, is not a excellent idea. Not only work hard but work smart.