When Nothing Goes Your Way

There are times when you feel like nothing is working out. No matter how hard you try to work hard, sometimes you just can't do that even after doing it for a long period of time, you don't get the results that you imagined.

You start feeling lonely. People don't get you. When you try to tell this to your friends or parents, they just brush it off. To them, It's not serious but you took it seriously.

You feel like crying but tears don't come out. Why? Because you don't know what to actually complain about.

This is something that happens to me like, LOADS OF TIMES. Thus, I know very well how it actually feels. To cope up with this either we start with some heavy eating if not this, you'll at least start watching Youtube or play video games.

It does make you feel better for the time being but in the long run. It's like you're running away from your problems. I know that this line--"Face your problems fearlessly" sounds really useless, but it's really good if you use it properly. Let me ask you this-- Have you ever talked to yourself? Even once? Not like, out loud (That will make you look psychotic) But in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, or something. If you haven't yet, try it once. I seriously recommend this.

Ask yourself. What are you angry or sad about? After explaining the whole thing to yourself again, Twist the words in whatever ways you can to make it sound positive. Be your own teacher, friend, and even parent.

What is the importance of these three people in your life? They guide you, love you, and support you at all costs. Right? I think you can do that to yourself even better. You can also guide, love, and support yourself at all costs.

It's scientifically proven that if you talk to yourself a little every day, your mind will function better. It may be awkward in the beginning but you'll get used to it later. If you still can't do that, just think that you're talking to god or your imaginary friend. Oh, and of course. It doesn't sound childish.

As long as you're content, it's okay. You can also watch some motivational videos of successful people. It might pump your spirits up again.

Once again, There's not a single problem in this world that can go without a solution. All the bad times pass. At least one day, they do. If they don't, take a chill pill and be calm from inside. If you are calm from the inside, you can surpass any storm easily.

Think about what you're good at. You can even start learning a new language. You can even try drawing, writing poetry and songs! Remember, You're not doing this for others so that they can give you some appreciation. Do this for yourself. Write whatever, Draw anything. It doesn't need to be at the level of Vincent Van Gogh or Picasso.

Take care of yourself.

What do I mean by this? Buy beautiful clothes for yourself. Learn new styles for your hair every day if you are a girl. Don't wear clothes which have stains on them or if they are a little raggy. Again, not for anyone to look at you. To make yourself happy. As for the clothes, they don't need to be Gucci. I bet that if you try to keep your face clean and tidy, wear nice and neat clothes, you'll start feeling better about yourself. You found a new good quality about yourself after all! It will also help you a lot in the long run. Do you want a good first impression? Not a problem! As you are always presentable. It will also increase your confidence in yourself.

So, Don't take too much tension about so many things. As long as you don't lose yourself, We're good to go!