Focus And De-Focus Have Their Significance

They carry equal importance in your life. When we are focusing on one thing for a long time, we need to de-focus. Why so? So that we can concentrate on our studies better.

When a person concentrates on one thing for a very long time, their minds get saturated from it. This causes them to have a less effective study.

Now some warnings and tips-

De-focus doesn't mean you'll watch Netflix in your breaks. I suggest you walk around or maybe complete your household chores.

If this is hard for you, Try this- In the first half of your studies, when you take a break, walk around or do household chores and in the second half of it, when taking a break, you can watch Youtube videos, check your Instagram, etc.

I told you all last time too and am repeating, Those breaks shall not be extended to more than 15 minutes. If they do, you'll forget every urgent task of yours and go back to your unproductive lifestyle.

There are times when we all get lost. Lost not literally; but forgetting our purpose in this world, our goals, basically our main path.

To wake you up from the endless sleep of lostness, your parents would always be there. If not, You can also wake yourself up.

Look at the mirror. Scold yourself, but remember not to be too harsh on yourself. Like saying words like "You're nothing", "You suck", "I hate you".

This will hurt your mental health somewhere inside. Even parents need to be careful when they are trying to keep their children on the right path. But they are also humans. They cannot understand you completely; in fact, no one can do so.

So who understands you the best? You, yourself. So try to be your guardian, best friend, or parent. Put yourself on the right track when you are slacking down.

Don't bother yourself with those "odd timings".

I'll give a simple example. Like so, you're planning to form a new year revolution. You resolve to do exercise for one whole year.

Unfortunately, you forgot to do it the next day. You lost all your motivation and say "I'll try it again next year".

This happens with almost everyone. Right?

Even I think I'm going to study for 45 minutes after watching this particular video for just five minutes. Now, this duration increases "magically" and we keep procrastinating.

It doesn't matter when you start. Today, tomorrow, next year, or whatever.

What matters then? Did you even start it?

If you don't even start how are you going to see the results? Honestly, we don't care about the process. We want the result just after doing something for 15 minutes. How is it possible?

The result is for others to see and for you to know that you have a good sense of commitment.

The process should matter more than the result.

No one wants to see how you struggled hard and achieved something. They want to see what you are right now.

Instead of playing video games, you can try reading books during the time of your de-focus. It doesn't always need to be something productive. Just for some entertainment.

However, Entertainment doesn't mean you make it your obsession. No matter what it is about, it will destroy you inside. You shall know what you should do at what time.

If you positively use your distractions, you're going to be productive throughout.

For some people, Pomodoro never works. Like take me for example, They work for me but just for a short amount of time. I'm the type of person who doesn't do anything for one whole month and then I'll get "energy" from nowhere and I became a whole hard-working freak. Without any breaks, I keep working at the same pace and after completing my work I take a long break again, haha.

So, basically, it varies from person to person. To some people de-focusing works and for some it doesn't. What type of person you are? Try to find that out. For me, To-do lists work the best. They help me complete a lot of tasks that I have. One reason as to why is it so is-- I love cutting out the tasks which are done. I don't know why I get this satisfaction when I cut off a task or put a tick mark in front of it; I feel like a sense of victory. Who knows, It might be effective for you too, Right?

I've seen many people who work hard all day and watch Youtube videos and do all the things they really want to do at night. So in proper words; throwing their sleep cycle out of the window. This not only makes you mentally tired the next day but also physically so tired that you might sleep for 5 to 6 hours straight in the day. This will ruin your work hours for the day. Having your entertainment time for half an hour is also not that bad; Don't ruin a natural cycle that has been going for years just because of your distractions.

Avoid eating junk food or consuming caffeine while studying. It will make your energy levels high only for a few hours. After its effect decreases, you'll feel very low and would feel like eating more or will start scrolling down your social media on your devices.

Drink water instead. Eat raw vegetables like cucumber and eat fruits. I know raw vegetables are "boring" to eat, but try eating fruits at the very least. I personally think there is no problem in eating it instead of other junk food. It will not only make you healthier but your energy levels will also rise and will motivate you to work further. Chewing carrots and cucumber is actually very soothing while working. (I know it sounds a little crazy)

If you can't do anything from the above, just drink a lot of water to keep you hydrated. You don't need to get up, again and again, to get a glass of water from your kitchen; just keep a bottle of water on your table. It will make it easy to reach and when you forget drinking water, You'll remember it this time as it's right in front of you.