Mental Health Is As Important As Physical Health

Many people nowadays have started taking care of their physical health but they often forget about one more important thing, e.I, Our mental health.

Every one of us is under some kind of mental stress. What is stress all about? It's all about your work, dreams, people, and health.

Work and dreams are connected. We dream of getting a good job (That comes under work only). It gives us happiness if we can achieve it but we get frustrated if things don't work the way we want. We also get under stress trying to figure out how are we going to achieve it? What if it didn't happen? What if we ended up on the streets? Even if it looks almost impossible, All of us mostly have the habit of thinking about the worse case scenarios.

Why did I mention people, though? To be honest, 90 percent of our all problems are because of people themselves. It's not certain that it would be random people. It could be our parents, relatives, friends, our teachers and even ourselves.

People give us a sense of happiness and they are the reason because which we fall under stress. It's both a boon and a curse. This earth is nothing without humans but we are the only destroyers of this earth too. Just the same as, Without a villain, a hero cannot exist.

If life would be perfect, we would get bored, no? It's just as if we're watching a television show or movie. The story would be too plain if the protagonist lives a happy life without any misunderstandings or any type of spice in his or her life. It has too many struggles, it would be too painful to watch. Some authors like creating stories full of pain that can make people cry just because of a mere character. Others like making stories which will make people laugh, something very light and fun to watch. Some may even leave an empty ending for the readers to think about what will happen next.

All these stories carry their significance. That's how life is.

Fortunately, 95 percent of the "spice" is in our hands to control. The rest 5 percent is meant to happen.

To be able to know the heights of heaven, you have to go through the deep, dark pits of hell.

Health is an obvious reason and doesn't need explanation. If you are unwell physically, your mental health won't be great either.

Now, Back to the point.

To improve mental health, You need to stop taking stress about these four things I mentioned above.

Everyone is different. They have different beliefs. They have different perspectives so it doesn't need to be going to match yours.

Why people mock you about your "cons"?

Well, there are various reasons. Some do it because they enjoy it, others have it as their habit which has become a part of their character. No matter what you do, you can't change them.

How can you get rid of them? Just ignore them.

Some people are saying it for your good. Seriously, Only parents fall in this category. If someone else except parents falls into this category, consider yourself lucky.

Wait, I have one more reason, They're jealous of you. You don't have to take it to heart, though. Thinking that the person is your close "friend" or relative and how can they be jealous of you etc. Always remember, You can only be jealous of a person who has something which you don't have. So, you should be proud.

I'll tell you guys a short story now-

Once upon a time, there was a painter who decided to put his painting on the street. On the side, he wrote, "If you find any problem with this painting, you can circle it with a pen or a marker." A few days later, When he came back to check upon his painting, he was shocked. The entire painting was filled with circles drawn by different people. Months later, He made a new painting. He put it on the street again, but this time, he wrote, "If you find anything wrong with this painting you can correct it". A week later, when he came back, he saw that there was not even a single "correction" made on that painting.

So what did you learn from this?

People want to find your weak points and mock you about them and they cannot help you in it, they'll only make jokes about you to make your morale down.

Now about dreams and workload.

If your workload is very high, there is mostly only one reason which is; Procrastination.

You can low it down by working. Not hard but smart. Not by taking stress, though. Will crying and ruining your mood complete all your homework? Or do you expect that god itself will descend to this very earth just to help you out?

If miracles don't have become the miracle yourself.

As for your dreams, There are countless ways of achieving them. If you can learn by just reading the ways and all, you're lucky. Why? Cause' many people have to face it to learn the lesson.

No matter what book, motivational speech, or just anything you listen to, they'll lead you to only one way; which is a success. To be able to achieve it, you need to implement everything little by little in your life. Habits are not a destination, they are a journey, the journey to your success.

To achieve your dreams, you need to work hard. 95 percent is your work and 5 percent is your luck.

Both of them are important for you to be able to achieve a dream.

Sometimes luck is more than hard work because of which you become successful and sometimes it's hard work because of which your bad luck is defeated.

Don't worry, if you worked hard, you'll not end up at zero. If you think about becoming a judge and you couldn't at most, you'll become a lawyer. Trust me, it's way better than being between the jobs.

For health, You have to take care of yourself. There's no particular guidance thing you can have. For improving mental health the best idea is to try meditation. If you don't have time for that, look at a thing in your house or just anywhere. Focus on that point intensely. It will improve your concentration and would also distract you away from workload and stuff. Trying acupressure is a great idea too. Trying pressing different stress points on your face (You'll find more details about the stress acupressure points easily on Google). Trust me, acupressure and meditation work.

I bet you'll experience a change in yourself, a change that would make you a better self.