Mermaid's Revenge { Episode 1 }

Author's P.O.V...

It was an adorable full moon night like you've never seen before you can see an empty and lonely beach, it is soo silent

If you are alone in this world then this silence will kill you because as I said it's beautiful and beautiful things hurts most.

You can't see anything but can hear wind, sometimes fast sometimes slow, sea water splashing on the rocks slowly.

The sea was calm and not any kind of disaster expected but all of a sudden a high wave comes bringing a surprise along with it.

( Surprise?!!! ).....wanna know what is it?

A Mermaid....Male Mermaid

That high wave throw a beautiful Mermaid on the sandy land of the beach and went back.

That mermaid was badly injured, unconscious and his body was having several cuts which were bleeding after an hour he recover his unconsciousness himself.

Mermaid's P.O.V...

I slowly open my eyes not knowing where I am. All I could feel is that chill wind on my face and woundes I am still lying on on the sandy land looking that how moon was spreading its sparkling brightness in the dark night.

I can see moons brightness dancing on the calm sea waves it seems like all the stars came down on the earth to make this scene beautiful and magical.

I haven't seen this much beautiful seen ever in my life because I used to live deep down in the sea " this view is so beautiful, who can think that the humans who live in this beautiful world can be soo merciless and heartless." I said with a pout, while managing to sit somehow.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" I said looking at my tail "wh-why my tail didn't turned into two legs just like human being have!!????!" I said with shocked reaction on my face.

I am a magical mermaid my name is Xiao Zhan, I have magic powers since birth. My parents practice so hard to gain magic powers when they got married and my mom gave birth to me I already got some powers inside me when I was a baby.

I am really afraid that what if any human see me like this I don't have much energy to fight back because I am injured or should say badly injured.

I started looking around to make sure that there is no human being or any other creature otherwise I will be in danger.

" I need to meditate to gather my powers" I closed my eyes and quietly starting to focus on my tail to turn it into human legs.

After an hour i successfully did it and also recovered my half of the wound by myself.

To be continued....☺💖🐇🤘

{ Hey guys! This is my first story, this story is based on my imagination. 😊 hope you all will like it and English is not my first language so if u find any mistake so please please don't mind it 🙏🙏🙏 and don't forget to vote and comment and tell me if you like it☺see you guys very soon with Episode-2 }
