
Wang Yibo's P.O.V....

"So with that our meeting ends here now you all can proceed with your works"

All employees said " Ok sir " and I left the meeting room after that they left too and went to their working area and I went inside my office.

I sits on my rotating chair laying my back comfortably on the chair with my eyes close *sigh*

" Sir our company is good at progress since it was started and still it is progressing well, I should say better than before."

"So what??"

"Sir you look tensed."


"Yes sir, I think-I think.... you sh-should take some days rest."

"*Sigh* Ziyi you can leave now."

"Ok sir" said Ziyi with a nod and left my office with a smile on her face.

"I don't know why I feel soo nervous in front of him" said Ziyi while walking far from the office.

I saw her talking something to her own self but never bother to ask and I just ignored it.

" Yibo can I come in?" A familiar voice dropped in my ears.I opened my eyes to se the owner of the voice.

He is my cousin brother Wang Hao Xuan, he is the manager of my company, after my parents death his parents took care of me we both are just like siblings, his parents are now living in another country for their work and now we both live together.

" Brother you don't need to ask for my permission to come inside."

"Ok ok" Xuan laughed a little " oh yeah I asked because I saw you sleeping."

"No, I wasn't sleeping."

"Oh! Really! you were sleeping, it's all because last night you haven't slept early."

"Brother, last night I slept on time."

"No, no, no, I I know very well you slept 2 hours later then your regular time."

"By the way, I wasn't sleeping, I was just tired and I wanted to relax."

"Then why don't you take some days off from your work?"

"Hmm.....I guess you are right."

'Ziyi also said the same, I think I should take some days off from work.' I thought.

"Hey! What are you thinking??" Xuan asked me when I was busy thinking the same thing.


"Ok, so have you thought of getting some days off from work?"

"Yeah, but first I need to explain all the work to Ziyi."

"Ahh.... Leave it all on me bro."

" i am so lucky to have a brother like you, thank you soo soo much bro." I'm really happy.

"Hao Xuan patted on my shoulder and said "no need to thanks Yibo, it's my duty to share burdens with you."

"Okay, let's go home." I said, waving my hand.

"Hmm." He nodded .

At The Beach....

Xiao Zhan's P.O.V.....

'oh god!, Why this woman is pealing me i mean she's asking lots of questions!! why? why?,' i asked to myself.

"So, now tell me where is your home?" Asked that old lady.

' should I tell her that my home is the sea?' I asked to myself, suddenly my brain responded to my question 'no, no, no, don't do any stupidity! what if she will kill you then who will take revenge of your parents murder?!'

"Hey!!, What are you thinking again??Huh" asked that lady.

"No-nothing, actually I live....I mean I don't live....No, no, no wait, I mean my home is destroyed." *Sigh* I finally finished the sentence.

"Oh God!! You are a boy with lots of confusion!" She hitted my head softly.

'women's attack!!' I hitted her back.

"Ouch! Why did you hit me??!" She asked while rubbing her head.

"Because you attacked me first."

"Attack!!" She burst into laughter "hahah...Ok ok oohahaa..Ok what's your name by the way?"

"Old lady do you have any Short-Term-Memory-loss problem??"

"Why did you asked??, And Don't Call Me Old Lady!!!!!!"

"Because you asked my name more then 30 times in last 3 hours! Now, listen carefully....My Name Is XIAO ZHAN!!!!!!"

"Ok ok...Umm....You don't have any place to stay now...So, would you like to stay at my home?"

"No!" A quick reply from me "I...I....No....I mean I would love to stay here only."

"HERE!!" She looked at me with wide eyes "here On this beach where no one comes??!"

"Ye--yeah, anything wrong?....By the way I love the night seene of this beach."

"Oh! If you already made your mind to stay here only, then make a shelter for yourself."


"Eh, what is 'hmm', I'm serious! Let me help you."

"Ok" I said with a wide smile.


Wang Yibo's P.O.V...

It's 12:10 A.M but I'm still working on my laptop reading some important mails, suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is this?, Come in the door is open."

someone stepped in I looked at his face "oh brother, why haven't you went to bed early?"

"I think I should ask you this Yibo."

"brother.... actually i was just checking some important mails." while turning my laptop to his side.

"Oh really!~ these are some? Or soo many?" He said while scrolling the page.

"Yeah bro, and all these are important and I almost finished my work, I'll be going to bed after some minutes, don't worry Okay?

"Ok then I'm going to sleep first *Yawning*."

"Hahah yeah."

"Sleep, sleep, sleep ok, I'll come and check" he said while going out of my room.

"Fine, fine, fine, I'm sleeping bro." I said with a smile on my face and closed my laptop.

To be continued.......