Chapter 71: Yutao's marriage!

Huojin then turned up at the Cold palace of the Fog Forest holding Xialin in his arms.

Reaching there, he laid down Xialin on the thick icy bed and beams at her intensely. She was spreading on that thick icy bed wearing the beautiful red dress.

Huojin was so enraged thinking that the mortal has defied the deal with him.

He strived to punish the woman but was unable to do so....Huojin was left enchanted by the beautiful figure of that woman that he felt a sudden restlessness in his heart.

Even though he was so furious to feel like wanting to harm or even kill the woman but it was in vain .

The intense jealousy had taken over his heart. At that instant he felt like he craved to own the woman but then he was keeping hold of himself. The image of Xifeng on his face had calmed his wild heart for a moment.

Feeling wasteful, he instantly withdrew the golden bee spirit from her and send it to its place.