Chapter 98: Taste of your own medicine!

As soon as Chunhua came out from there, she felt restless. She was worried sick thinking what if things go wrong, actually things were about to go wrong.

She wasn't able to go to the practice room feeling unsettled, therefore, Chunhua sneakily watches on Immortal Huojin every move.

As soon as Tu finishes drinking the elixir, Huojin took the love drug and went towards his room with Tu on his side.

Chunhua sneakily follows them.

Huojin then kept the elixir onto the table.

Taking the chance, Chunhua uses her prowess and instantly made the elixir to went crashing down the floor.

Acknowledging that the love drug was now spilled onto the floor, Chunhua smirked at it.

Feeling relief she then came towards the practice room.

On the other side, Huojin was left bewildered, "Oh...?! It just spilled like that?! Then....what shall I answer when Chunhua ask me about the elixir?!"