Chapter 178: Oasis of the Crystal desert!

On the side, Huojin has arrived at the Oasis of the crystal desert.

Arriving there he was smiling to himself charmingly, hoping to see his beloved Xialin.

As he turned to look around for her, he finds the Oasis to be empty. No one was there, it seems that Xialin hasn't arrived yet.

Realising it, Huojin soon went towards the black rock and seated there to wait for her. While he was waiting there he was enjoying the beauty of the place.

The Oasis of the crystal desert was another hypnotising beauty.

The dark blue oasis water was glowing beautifully by the demon blue crystal stones scattering beneath the water surface, keeping it shimmering and beautiful. Nearby to it was the tree of the sweet-smelling demon cherry flowers.

Because that it was the time for the flowers of the cherry tree to be in full bloom all of the pink cherry trees near to the water surface were blooming beautifully, making the place even more enthralling.