Chapter 201: Encountered with a diety!

Yutao not wanting to tell her the things that have happened between him and Bingbing he reluctantly shooked his head and fake a smile.

Xialin smiled at it.

They soon bid their goodbye and turned to leave the place.

Huojin holds Xialin's hands and asked charmingly, "Then...Miss Xialin where do you want to go next?!"

Xialin smiled sunnily at it and spoke up enthusiastically, "Next is...Lihua's house...!"

Huojin shooked his head and smiled cooly at it, "As you wish Miss Xialin! We will be going to Lihua's house!"

The way that Huojin mentioned Lihua makes her feel as if he had known her for a long time.

Amused by it Xialin turned to gawk at Huojin's jade face and asked curiously, "Huojin..... I have never introduced Lihua to you! How do you know her?!"

Huojin bends his head and smiles handsomely. He then lifted his charming face and spoke up intoxicatingly, "I know everything about you! Even your past life...!"