I'm going to be mated (2/3)

Hiro blinked his eyes open. But everything was so fuzzy.

That was such a weird dream. He thought back to the forest, and the weird orbs that tasted like honey. He wished it could last a little longer but oh well. Now that he was back on earth, he would have to go to school again.

"Are? Usually Aria would be waking me up by now. I wonder what's keeping her busy?" Hiro said. "I guess even she can be late sometimes. ."

He tried to get up from his bed that was colder than usual. Did he forget to turn off the A/C again? "Wait. Eh?"

For some reason, his body couldn't move. Hiro tried to move again, still a bit drowsy. "No, wait. What? Areee~?!"

He was now fully awake and only now realized that he was in a completely different place. This wasn't his room!

He was currently in a medium-sized dungeon-like room, with stone-cold walls and ceiling that had a few mosses growing out of them. Light was provided to him through the glowing crystals that lit up on top of the room. And he was lying on a bed, made out of yellow feathers? Or was it hay?

Also, his body was tied up in ropes.

Hiro's mind raced. Had he been kidnapped during his sleep?! "Help! Is anyone there?! Please help!"

His voice echoed in the room. Hiro struggled against his boundaries but quickly ran out of stamina. He was panting as he took a breather to collect his thoughts.


Suddenly, the walls opposite to him opened up and slid to the left. And from it, he could see the hollow hallway lit up by torches and a bit further, the staircase that led up.

Did he really get kidnapped after all?!

The tapping of feet resounded throughout the room, as two figures appeared from the hallway. The first thought that Hiro had was that they were absolutely beautiful and that he was definitely not on earth.

The two women were striking. Both of them stood at a relatively tall height and sported tanned skin as well as extremely fit bodies that were accentuated through the silky, see-through underwear they were wearing. However, the way they held themselves were different. The first one looked wild whereas the other one was more cool and collected.

But the thing that caught his attention was the two sets of fox ears and tails that swished happily on their body.

The first fox woman's brown eyes glowed in the dimly-lit room. She looked down at the state of Hiro's body before a certain glint appeared in her eyes.

"Hi there, little nymph. The name's Lupa. Sorry for keeping you in all those bonds." The wolf woman grinned, revealing her canine teeth. "Although it does make the situation hotter."

For some reason, Hiro was turned on. Extremely so. The way the wolf woman held herself just lit a certain fire inside him. The heat was spreading through his body like a rash and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

Lupa motioned to the other wolf lady beside her. "And this one's my sister, Luna."

"And now that introductions are out of the way, let's get those clothes off of you, shall we?" Lupa was grinning and drooling like a fool as she tried to grab at Hiro's clothes.

"Wait." Luna said, grabbing onto her sister's hair.

Lupa's head yanked back. "Ouch! What did you do that for, imouto-san?!"

Hiro just looked silently at their antics with confusion in his eyes.

Luna sighed. "I know you're horny but if we're going to mate with him, we're going to do it right. Get the lube."

All Lupa could do was grumble before she went out of the room and walked upstairs.

"I'm sorry about that, little nymph." Luna sat beside Hiro. For some reason, the hairs on Hiro all stood up at her presence. This was a different experience compared to Lupa but it still made him horny.

Luna questioned. "What's your name?"

Hiro stared into Luna's slitted eyes in wonder. They weren't there before!

"Hiro." He whispered silently before looking at the ropes. "Um. . .Did you guys do this?"

"That's right." Luna answered without hesitation, her stare never leaving Hiro's eyes. She loved how the nymph looked so innocent and seductive at the same time.

She glimpsed at the lower regions of her mate and had to shift her position to cover the little tower. Clearing her throat, she studied Hiro's face before speaking. "Do you want to know why we did it?"

Hiro slowly nodded.

Luna's bony fingers slid across Hiro's warm, open back. His body twitched through the simple contact as he held in a moan. Her fingers were cold and long.

"You see, by the time my sister arrives back, you're going to be fucked silly against your will." Luna declared, enjoying the shocked look on Hiro's face. "Be glad. You're going to taste the dicks of both the first and second fang."

Before Hiro could question what she meant by that, he felt a certain weight on his bounded body as his lips were captured in a lock by Luna. His eyes shot in surprise as his mouth was pried open. "Mmph!"

Luna's tongue was rough and long. It wiggled in his reluctant mouth and explored the new territory before convincing all of his defenses to submit. Hiro simply accepted his defeat with tears in his eyes. He could feel how the lewd tongue rolled around gently in his mouth, coiling and making love to his own tongue.

Erotic, wet sounds reverberated across the room as Luna french-kissed the nymph. She was going to lose her mind. The moment her lips made contact with his plump ones, she felt like she was kissing a cloud that had the taste of her favourite velvety ice-cream.

Her tail was swishing excitedly behind her as she made out with the nymph. A shudder ran through both of their bodies before they were forced to break contact for air.

A thin line of saliva, connecting their lips, dropped from Luna's mouth before she lapped it up. "Uu~ Delicious~"

Whereas, Hiro felt like he was going to explode. He was sure his entire body had turned into a tomato from the kiss. "Haa~ Haa~ Why Haa~ did you do that?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[ [Seduce] has been activated. ]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Luna reminded herself that she was a wolf of intelligence and wisdom. But just by looking at Hiro's flushed face and teary eyes, something tugged at her heart-strings.

"Hiro~" She leaned in for a kiss.


Luna gently cupped Hiro's face in her large hands and winked at him before turning to her sister standing at the opening, holding a bottle of lube with a scary look on her face.

She sighed. "Couldn't you have picked a better time? Or better yet, just leave us alone?"

Lupa tapped her feet incessantly. "Luna, I can accept you making moves on MY mate. But. Starting without me is unacceptable!"

"Tsk. You're always like this. What an annoying sister." Luna cursed at her sister.

"Haa?! Is that something you're supposed to say to your sister?!" Lupa yelled.

Hiro just stared aimlessly at the bickering among the two very beautiful wolf ladies and wondered what he was going to do with all the heat that was still left in him. He wanted to continue the. . .kissing but he wasn't so shameless as to ask a girl for it!

He gripped onto the ends of his skirt. "Ano. . .~"

"Hii!" Lupa and Luna immediately turned their attention to him with a scary expression on their face before immediately switching to a soft smile.

"Yes, what do you need, little nymph?" Luna asked.

Lupa looked at Luna with a gaping mouth. They were on a nickname basis already?!

Hiro smiled wryly. "Um. . . For now, could you please untie me?"

Lupa looked at the ropes that were completely holding the nymph in place. Mating with all of those ropes binding her would be extremely hard. "Well then, Do you promise to not run?"

Hiro quickly nodded his head. He would literally do anything to get out of these itchy ropes.

Lupa glanced at her sister for a second and after seeing Luna's consent, she proceeded to tie them off. The long ropes fell down in a heap beside the bundle of hay that they were using as Hiro's bed.

"Mmph~ This feels much better~" Hiro stretched, showing off his impressive body line.

Both of the sister's crotches started to tighten. Something was rising and it would not be good for Hiro.

With lustful thoughts in her mind, Lupa and Luna sat beside Hiro.

"Eh? Um. ." Hiro felt like the world was going to cave in. These two beauties were sitting beside him and feeling his body over! He looked down at his hands and avoided the heated stares.

"That part is-No. Hyaah!"

"Mm. . ."

"Ungh. . ."

Lupa was going to cum. Even just by fondling his soft body, she knew that mating with this nymph was definitely going to be amazing. And the little moans he was making made her want to pound him until he broke.

After a good few minutes of fondling, both of the sister's hands rested on each of his buttcheek. The first thing they noticed was that it was as soft and perfect as it looked, almost jelly-like.

"Please. .Hyaa! No. . . " Hiro begged, tightly forming his hands into fists.

They couldn't take it anymore.

"Hiro~" Lupa tilted Hiro's head up as they looked into each other's eyes. He knew that look. The look that had been sent towards him his entire life, ex-life, the hunger that wanted to swallow him whole, he recognised all of it.

Now that Aria wasn't here to save him, he didn't know what to do.

All he could do was silently close his eyes and accept his fate. "Mm..ph~"

Lupa's heart skipped a beat. Seeing this extremely seductive nymph offer himself to her like this sparked the hunt inside her and boosted her ego.

She grabbed onto his tiny head and pushed herself onto him. "Pwah~"

He tasted so good! She used her 100+ years of experience and relentlessly beat his tongue into submission. Rolling her tongue around in the new territory, Lupa made sure to lick every orifice in his mouth.

Hiro shuddered again. This was a different experience. Whereas Luna was all gentle and smooth, Lupa was a wild animal, gladly sucking all of his saliva.



"Hngh! Ahn~"

"*Pant* *Pant*" Luna was breathing heavily with an intense look. The scene was so erotic! Panting heavily, she slowly reached for Hiro's crop vest and tore it off cleanly.

"Hyah!" Hiro accidentally broke his kiss with Lupa as he moaned. A stream of cold air suddenly attacked his open chest, perking up his pink nipples. But before he could look at what was happening, Lupa kissed him again.

The two perky nipples enticed Luna. Her breathing was growing even more ragged. "Hiro~ Your nipples are so pretty~"

"Hyah!" He moaned into his kiss. Something warm and wet suddenly latched onto Hiro's nipple, playing with the teat, twirling and coiling around it.

Hiro couldn't take the barrage of attacks anymore. He was nearing his limit. His little dick made a small tent on his skirt.

Luna noticed it despite Hiro's attempt to cover them with his hands. She traced her finger across his other nipple to his stomach and finally circled around his groin. She flipped his skirt off and within it contained a cute, pink dick.

She wanted to tease the little buddy, so she traced his penis to the tip with her finger and lightly flicked at it.

The action may be light but it was more than enough to send Hiro over the edge.

"I'm cumming!" Hiro broke his kiss and screamed. A powerful rush of fireworks exploded inside Hiro's body as his body arched with his little dick shooting small streams of cum over the edge. Dark spots invaded his vision as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Lupa and Luna merely witnessed the erotic show with stunned faces. Some of his cum landed on their faces.

Hiro fell down on his make-shift bed. "Haa~ Haa~ *Gulp* Haa~"

He panted for air and covered his face with his arm. He didn't want to show the two wolf ladies his embarrassing side. His energy left him, making him feel like he had just run a marathon.

Sweat clung onto his body, highlighting all of his curves to the extreme. The dim lighting from the candles didn't help either, giving him a sheen of gold. Now he truly looked like a fallen goddess.

Lupa gulped. She was well known for her high libido and sexual experience but for the first time ever, as she peered upon this extremely sexy scene, she felt nervous. She glanced at Luna and noticed her sister was the same.

They nodded at each other.

Hiro's head was spinning, he didn't know that or-. . .orgasming felt this mind-numbingly good. He felt someone's large hands clasping onto his waist, fondling it a little, before something poke at his thighs. He peeked from under his arm and saw a menacing head.

"E-EH?!" He widened his eyes in shock.

"Hm?" Lupa said, acting as if she wasn't doing anything weird.

"W-W-Why do you have a p-penis?!" Hiro screamed.

Lupa tilted her head. "Why wouldn't we?"

Luna also looked confused. Last time she checked, everyone packed a penis. Wasn't that the norm for this world?

"No! Don't act like I'm stupid!" Hiro shook his head multiple times. "I thought girls weren't supposed to have a. .um. .p-penis!"

The sisters furrowed their eyebrows. What was this little nymph saying?

"Don't you have a penis as well?" Luna questioned.

"Yeah, but I'm a guy!" Hiro answered. Wasn't that general knowledge?

Lupa and Luna had a look. "What's a 'guy'?"

They had to be joking. Hiro knew this was a foreign world but surely, common sense wasn't this distorted?!

"Ah, if you're talking about someone like you, they're called Omegas." Luna made an educated guess. "Generally known for being the fairer of the sex."

She pointed to both herself and her sister. "And people like us are called Alphas. The more dominant of the sex."

"Anyway," Lupa ignored his confusion and clasped Hiro's heavenly thighs together.

"Wait. Wait! Stop!" Hiro tried to get up and stop her. But unfortunately, Luna was holding his arms together above his head and kissed him. "Mmf?!"

"Woah. You're a little slut, aren't you?" Lupa looked at the wet, winking hole. "To think you're already this wet. If that's the case, penetration won't be a problem."

"Ah, wait." Luna broke the kiss. "Don't go too rough on him. I don't want him all loose for my turn."

Lupa was focusing on getting her dick in but gave her a thumbs up anyway. "Just. . .a little. ."

���OOh!" Her tip went in. Instantly, her dick was wrangled and milked by his amazing ass. "No. Shit-I'm going to nut."

Hiro could only let out tears of pain as he watched the woman steal his virginity away. His ass felt full and tight, his breathing ragged from Luna's devious oral techniques. For some reason, it didn't hurt, just a slight discomfort in his groins as his guts were rearranged by the mean cock.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[ [Synergy] has been activated. ]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A wave of pleasure attacked both Lupa and Hiro. Their sensitivity doubled as their bodies synergized, feeling everything the other partner was feeling; the big, fat cock that was destroying his guts, or the extremely tight and wet flesh-hole that was trying to wrangle Lupa's cock, everything was felt between the two partners.

"Shi-I'm cumming!" Lupa roared, digging her claws into Hiiro's small waist. She stopped thrusting, and gave all of the boiling hot cum she had into Hiiro's tight tunnel.

"Hngh! Nnf ~ ~" Hiro clung onto the bed-sheets for dear life. This orgasm was twice stronger than before and his body shook like he was having a seizure. Hiro could feel the warm stream of semen flooding his insides, searching for an egg to find.

"Ahn~ Hnn~!"


_ _ _ _ _ _ _

[ You have leveled up. [0-->2]

Stat points are ready for allocation. ]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hiiro's belly felt full and warm, almost as if a real baby was there as Lupa popped her dick out, spurting the last streams of semen all over Hiro's belly.

"Fuck! Take it all, you slut!" She yelled out, marking her scent all over the nymph. And, by the time she was finished, Hiiro looked as if he had taken a shower of milk.

"*Pant* *Pant*" She fell on her butt on the cold hard floor. Her body was still slightly twitching, still going through the orgasm as all of her sexual experience was thrown out of the window. This. . .he was the best fuck she had ever had! His tight hole, soft body, lewd expressions, all of it just drove her to the edge, making her nut in record-speed.

Lupa sweated like a truck. As she looked at the steaming asshole from which her semen was pouring out, her desire to mate rose even further but unfortunately, her little buddy wasn't responding. She looked down and tried to flex it, but it had been milked to the point of exhaustion.

"Ugh!" Hiiro's parched mouth brought him back. Dear god, how many times had he blacked out by now? His chest rose ever so slowly, unaware of the horny predator that was leering at him like he was a piece of meat.

Luna's arousal was at its peak. Her balls felt extremely heavy and if there wasn't anything to coax the cum out of them, she was sure they would explode.

"Nn~ Mnn~"

Luckily for her, there was just the perfect little omega for the duty. With nervousness in her steps, she moved towards the laying nymph, and flipped the half-unconscious omega over, an easy task due to his feather-like weight.

Now that he was on his stomach, Lupa could finally appreciate his bubblebutt that had been fucked rough just recently. Her sister's cum flowed out of his tight hole, making his butt look even sexier-if that was possible.

She quickly took off all of her underwear, revealing her 8 inch dick in all of it's veiny glory.

Luna straddled the nymph's ass and hot-dogged Hiro's bubble cheeks, using her sister's semen to lube her dick up. She didn't mind the ethicalities of her actions since at this point she'd do anything to fuck Hiiro's-if her sister's over reaction served as proof- tight, heavenly ass.

She aimed her cockhead at his creamy ass and slowly pushed herself in, making herself at home.

Meanwhile, the fat invader brought Hiro back to reality again. "Nngh?!"

"No-Wait! Hyaa-Stawp~" Hiro felt the air sucked out his lungs as her fat dick snuggled inside his gut. He clawed at the sheets, his back arching from the uncomfortable pleasure.

"Nmf." Luna pressed onto the small nymph's back with her entire weight, fully settling her dick inside his ass. Sure, it was warm and tight with a soft suck on her dick but surely, this wasn't enough to make her sister, well known for her libido, collapse?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[ [Synergy] and [Succubus Ass] have been activated. ]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

���Wait. Eh, Ah. What?"

"No-No, Mmf~"

Suddenly, she felt her dick being coaxed, wrangled and begged into releasing it's sperm. The tight, warm walls transformed into little fingers as they twisted and contorted around her hot cockhead, playing with her sensitive tip. This hole was way too good!

Now she knew why her sex deviant of a sister broke in round one. She also knew that, in her last wisp of sanity, this stupidly good hole would destroy her for anyone else.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Luna tried to take her dick out but it stayed selfish. As her strength was slowly being sapped away, her arms buckled under her weight, dropping her body onto Hiiro's smooth body. The drop had the unexpected effect of making her dick reach up, sending a shock of pleasure to Hiiro's brain.

"Nnya~ Take. .it. .out" Hiro begged but the pleasure was getting to him. He tried to get up from his position but Luna's taller body held him in a doggy position.

"Wai-Stop moving-Nngh!" Luna whipped her head backwards, eyes rolled back. If anyone of her comrades or friends saw her right now, they'd mock her for eternity.

The usually cool and composed Luna, losing herself over a simple asshole? She'd be the joke of the century.

"Fuck! FUCK! I'm cumming!" She pulled on Hiro's long hair hard, using them as reins to drive her cock inside as deep as possible. "Take all of my cum, wench! Get Impregnated!"


Hiro thought he heard the familiar sound rang but it was hard to concentrate on anything when you were being railed by a 9 inch cock.

"Shit! Shit!"



Moans and curses rang around the hollow room, telling the world of the lewd acts that were being performed here.

"Shit! Shit, shit!" Luna panted and wheezed, cursing at the unconscious femboy that just ruined all her future prospects of sexual partners. She wiped the drool off her sticky face and let go of Hiro's hair making him fall on the bed with a 'plop'.

She pulled her dick out with an audible pop. Her stacked chest heaved up and down, her mind numb, her mouth dry and all of her energy drained. Her senses slowly returned and only then, did she notice the heavy smell of sex in the room.


Luna turned her attention to her sister and felt pity for her.

Huddled up by herself with a ruined cock but an unsatisfied, frustrated look on her face, Lupa's eyes switched from her sister and the little femboy that was blacked out.

Luna now knew that the rumors of her sister having almost endless stamina was true. After all, even after experiencing an ass that divine, she still wanted more.

Her, on the other hand, didn't want to even move a muscle. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this exhausted.

"We'll talk. . .about this. . .tomorrow." Luna collapsed onto the bed, sleeping beside the unconscious femboy.