The Accident

"How ironic…"

Layla's gaze travels to the furthest end of the garden below. Seated by her open bedroom window, a coffee mug in hand, she laughs at the irony of her waking up to the sight of this particular garden. The same garden in which she swore that she would never fall for anyone full of themselves like Simon Dawson. The CEO of Diamond Jewellers. A typical billionaire. Confident, good looks, expensive cars and clothes. Ruthless in the business world and yet many still want to partner with him. The women that cross his path would kill just to be with him, except her. At least that's what Layla thought at the time when she dared Simon Dawson to make her fall in love with him.

She was confident he was not the type of guy she would ever fall for. But maybe she underestimated Simon and her own heart a little too much…

In a few hours she will be ditching her maiden name and taking on her future husband's. She can't wait to walk down that aisle, something she has spent countless hours and days dreaming about. Getting married and having a family of her own has always been a dream of hers after having grown up all alone around strangers.

A very beautiful custom made ring with a sparkling diamond sitting on her slender ring finger is the evidence of her dream coming true. "Tomorrow."

She closes her eyes, enjoying the cold early morning breeze and the cooling effect it has on her face. Layla has been doing a lot of facials during the past weeks and it feels good to now just enjoy the cool air blowing on her delicate skin with no skin care products on.

The morning is quiet. Just the way she likes it and she savors it before the house fills up with people she hardly knows.

With nothing to do, she relaxes into her seat. It may be her wedding day, but there are no errands to stress her, no deadlines to be met, no arguments to be had over what she wants. Thanks to her fiancee who had insisted that their wedding planning be done by a professional wedding planning service.

It's not exactly how she had pictured it. She always imagined that she would go hopping from shop to shop to look for the particular wedding accessories she wanted, trying on a hundred dresses while having fun with friends. But apparently that is not exactly what goes on when your fiancé is one of the country's top billionaires. Her fiancé insisted on everything being done for her.

She laughs when she remembers the argument they had about it, which she ended up losing of course. It had bothered her at first, but not any more. All she wants now is to become Mrs Layla Dawson.

A smile escapes her lips at the thought before the door to her room opens.

"Good morning ma'am."

"Please just call me Layla." She says looking away from the window to face the person that just came into her room.

"You are going to get me fired." Mavis protests. "Mr. Simon insists on addressing his future wife properly."

"Then I will have a chance to hire you." Layla grins at her personal maid who just scoffs at her response.

"Sleep well?" The older lady walks further into the room, a tray in hand.

"Yes I did, surprisingly. What bride gets to do that a day before her wedding?"

"You apparently." Mavis hands her a muffin. "Something for your stomach before all hell breaks loose around here."

"Thank you." Layla loves the comfort and care she gets from Mavis. Ever since Simon assigned her the maid, they get along really well. Mavis treats her like her own daughter and Layla loves her like she was her second mother.

Her own mother died when she was only thirteen. And with no one to take care of her, she ended up at an orphanage. As far as she could remember she had never met her father nor relatives from either her mother's or father's side and never bothered to look for them either. She feels like that part of her life ended with her mother's death.

Over the years she has tried hard not to think about that life, but today it's been hard not to. It's one of the reasons that made her leave the warmth of her bed and choose to get lost in thought right by her bedroom window. The change happening in her life now makes her wish she had family around. Even just one person to share this happiness with. She has never felt so alone.

"You know you can tell me what is bothering you."

Knowing Mavis has seen through her mask, Layla drops it and sighs. "It's nothing. It's just that…I just wish my mom was here that's all."

"Oh baby..." The older woman reaches for her and gives her a warm hug. "You have us... you have me." She says rubbing her back. "You have Simon and his family adores you."

"I know." Layla says wiping at her tears that keep refusing to be kept at bay. "It''s just not the same you know." She's grateful for all the love and support Simon and his family have given her, but if she had a choice, her mother is all she would have wanted.

"I know, baby." Mavis tightens her hug, keeping her in her embrace longer. Layla appreciates that.

"You know, I never met my dad and my mom would always tell me that she would walk me down the aisle when the time came." A sad chuckle escapes her lips as she stares out of her window again. "Didn't occur to you that you wouldn't be around too, did it?"

"Do you think that you could that for me? I mean walk me down the aisle tomorrow?" Up until now, Layla had been fine going down that stretch solo, but she figures it will turn out to be too lonely and she'll probably soak her dress at all the thoughts of what could have been.

"Oh baby." It's the older woman's turn to cry. Mavis looks at her and gives her her biggest smile.. "Of course I would be delighted! I may not be her but I consider you my daughter and I may not walk as elegantly as your mother, but I will do my best"

"Trust me, elegance and mum would never fit in the same sentence." Layla comments and they both laugh at that.

"Thank you." Another hug from Mavis and all is right in her world. At least for now. "No more crying...I'm getting married tomorrow" Layla beams as she springs up from her seat. "Let's celebrate, over a milkshake."

The older woman just shakes her head as she decides to leave the room.

"I'll get the shakes."

"Oh no you don't. You know I love your milk shakes, but they kind of won't do for our toast. I will head out and get my favorite professionally made drink." Layla winks at her maid.

"Are you sure that's safe with those, you know, people waiting to take photos of you?"

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. I was Layla Jones before I became future Mrs Dawson." A little cat and mouse game will give her some excitement as she tries to evade everyone wanting to see a glimpse of the future Mrs Dawson before the wedding.

She puts on her hoodie and shades and looks at Mavis with a mischievous grin before walking out of the room.

Free as a bird, the bright blue skies and warm sun rays bring a smile to her face. The street is busy as usual and she gets on her way before she's spotted. Thanks to that little side door used by the employees of Simon's residence and her when she's not hanging onto her fiancée's arm.

With a spring in her step she starts walking towards her favorite place to get their drinks. It is just on the other side of the road so this mission will be over before anyone knows it.

She gets to the other side unspotted, but a step later, she freezes on her spot. Someone just called out her name and it's no paparazzi, no. The voice is very familiar. She last heard it eleven years ago.

She turns with glossy eyes, unbelief fueling the ache in her heart. Right there by the roadside, stands a very familiar figure, her long brunette hair flowing gently with the wind. She looks just as Layla remembers. And when the woman smiles and holds out her hands, Layla's eyes begin to water.

How she wished to see that smile again. To be held by those arms once again. Layla doesn't need to be invited twice. Her heart thunders in her chest while the world fades around her. With one step she moves, her mind focussed on nothing but the woman before her.


The last thing she remembers is that smile and the sound of a woman screaming, then darkness....