A Ray Of Sunshine

Hell....that's what this place feels like. Her very own personal hell. The darkness and quietness of it haunts her with each second she stays here. Her own body feels like it's being held down, keeping her pinned on one spot. She feels imprisoned with no hope of seeing the light of day.

If she had known that despite all her efforts to be happy she would still end up alone in darkness she would have given up on life a long time ago. All those moments she kept on pushing herself and telling herself that it would get better suddenly make her feel sad.

"What was all that for?" She thinks to herself"

It just seems so pointless for her to come this far and yet still end up alone and worse in total darkness. She still can't see or feel a thing. The only reality she knows is her heavy self that she can't seem to move. Not even lifting a finger.

Her throat feels dry. Her tears have stopped or she just does not want to cry anymore. With eyes still closed she stays still not even wanting to think of anything. She just wants to lay there hoping she will soon be nothing like the nothing that surrounds her.


She had been quiet for a while when she hears her name being called. At first she thinks she just imagined it until she hears it the second time. At the same time a sharp pain rips through her chest and she cries out in pain.

"Stay with me, stay with me Layla"

There is urgency and panic in the voice. It keeps on calling out to her, telling her to hold on. She doesn't know who the voice belongs to but at this point she doesn't care. She is just glad to hear it. Its been so long since she heard any sound in this place and the quietness was making her feel like she was going to lose her sanity any minute. The voice is like a ray of sunshine in this darkness. She opens her eyes quickly trying to see where it is coming from. But all she sees is the dark void. She is still thankful though because this means she is not dead at least not yet. Hope is budding within her once more. Her will to live strengthening her. Even though she can't move her mind is alive again. Her survival instincts are kicking in at full force.

"Come on Layla..."

"Get back to me..."

She opens her mouth trying to tell whoever it is that she is right here but nothing comes out. She struggles some more not wanting to give up but still she can't seem to get anything out. The person doesn't stop calling out to her and she is thankful. She is afraid they might give up too. The gentleness in their voice brings some calmness to her soul.

"Am right here!" She screams with her mind.

"Am right here please get me out of here"

"1, 2, 3 clear!"

Another sharp pain hits her and she feels like she will pass out any moment.

"Come on Layla...Come on, that's it"

The voice urges her on. She feels energised as she calms down some more. Something about that voice makes her want to follow it. To follow whoever it is. She looks around and still finds herself in the same spot. She wonders what she can do to get out. She still feels helpless just laying there. No matter how much she is called she can't get herself to move. She starts getting frustrated. She is one person who is used to getting things done one way or another so being stuck here is starting to give her a headache.

Just then she hears a light beeping sound. She tries to see where it is coming from but sees nothing. It keeps on beeping and the rhythm helps ease her frustration. Slowly she can feel her own heart beating at a calm pace. Everything is quiet again and the pains have stopped and she feels a little better.

She tries to think about where she could be, focusing on the little she could remember.


As the first memory hits, her head throbs a little but she is determined. She tries to think as hard as she can. She remembers seeing her mother standing across the street and herself walking back to where her mother stood.

"But that doesn't make any sense"

Her mind seems to be confused. Her mother should not be able to be where she saw her. She is beginning to think her sanity has slipped. But still she can't get over the fact that she saw her with her own two eyes. And her mothers voice was as clear as day.

She breathes in deeply trying to keep her oncoming headache at bay.

Never in her whole life did she think she would ever see her again in the flesh but there she was. It feels like a dream even though she is convinced she saw her.

She spends more time day dreaming about being with her mother again. She smiles when she thinks about sharing her favourite milk shake with her just like old times. She keeps her mind from dwelling on the possibility of it being just a dream. Even if it was she doesn't care one bit because that is the only thing she can do in here any way.

"Am sorry Miss Jones. This might sting a little but I promise it will make you feel better." She hears that voice again but she is confused.


Was she in a hospital?

Layla panics as more thoughts flood her head.

"Why am I in a hospital?"

"Am I injured and how badly?"

"How long has it been?"

"What day is it?"

"My wedding, oh God Simon!"

With every unanswered question she panics more and her heart rate speeds up. She can hear the once calm beeping sound match her speeding heart.

"I can't be here, am supposed to be home getting married" tears are already falling and she is back where she started.

"Layla listen to me, you are fine and everything will be alright. Just calm down, ok?"

She opens her eyes when she hears that voice again. It's as if the person knows exactly what she is going through. Even just by the way he is talking to her she starts calming down. She finds herself responding to him in the most natural way with her own heart holding on to the hope he is giving her.

She wonders who he is and how it is that he can affect her so. Even her once heavy body feels lighter. Her surroundings haven't changed but it feels less of a prison than before thanks to whoever is looking out for her. She smiles at the thought of someone being there for her. It's not something she has enjoyed often in her life.

Maybe everything will be alright and for the first time since she's been here she falls asleep.