It's Ok To Cry

He paces about in a circular pattern in his hallway debating on whether he should knock again or just walk in. He has been getting no response from her and he is getting worried. She has been too quiet for his liking and feels like doing something about it. He walks back to his kitchen even though his mind is still in that room wondering how she is.

Frustration is mounting in his head with not being able to get to her. He wanted to give her space but he didn't think it would take him this long to see her when she is so close. He is usually a very patient man but when it comes to her and making sure she is alright all that goes out of the window.

He walks over to his counter top and his eyes fall on the many plates he has laid out there. He has probably done too much but he doesnt care. For so long he has imagined doing this just for her knowing how much she enjoys her food. He rubs the back of his neck nervously this is definitely more than a king's breakfast but since he wasn't sure what she liked he ended up cooking more than she can probably finish. There is pride in his eyes over what he sees. It may be his creation but he can't help but be impressed with everything he has on there. He has pulled out all the stops not just with the cooking but with the presentation too. He never cared to show off but he kind of lives to see that glint in her eyes every time she is impressed with him. He is addicted to her smiles and they are like his lifeblood. A wave of rage momentarily sweeps through him when he remembers her tears. His heart has never ached for anyone the way it did when he saw her looking that helpless.

He shuts his eyes to get rid of that image and walks over to pour himself a cup of coffee. Somewhere in his heart he is jumping for joy that she is finally here. This might just be the chance he has been waiting for. Not that he wished any tears for her but if this is what brings the girl that has made him feel things that have stirred his very soul then so be it. It was killing him knowing that she belonged to someone else with every waking day. Many a time he almost blurted out the feelings that have been boiling in his heart. He may be a well respected doctor, a specialist at that but when it comes to her all that doesn't matter if only he can be her everything.

He takes a sip of his coffee and the sweet taste reminds him of their moment the day he was taking her home. His heart skips a beat and suddenly his body is reacting to those memories like she were right in front him again. He never thought he would ever lose control with a woman but that day with her sitting so close he found it slipping no matter how much he wanted to hold on to it. That slight contact with her lips acted like the final push to every one of those strings helping him hold on to his control to break. He found himself floating towards her with no means of stopping himself. All he wanted was to feel her lips on his own. To taste her and his own sweet creations as they melted in her mouth.

"Get a hold of yourself Caleb."

His mind protests not wanting to take this journey that will only end in him thirsting for her even more. Even though that makes no difference because just knowing that she is just a few steps away from him is more than enough for him to go crazy.

He takes a deep breath before he sets his cup down. His patience has finally run out. He runs back upstairs taking more than one flight of stairs with each leap. He is going to get her even if she protests. All this waiting is not good for his heart.

He gets to the room that she is in and he is about to knock when the door suddenly opens. The seconds it takes for her to fully open the door proves just how impatient he can be because he feels like its taken forever to finally lay his eyes on her.

She stands right in front of him looking nervous. He can tell she has just showered and all those wet locks falling on either side of the face are enough to distract him. She is breath taking to him even in her state. He clenches his fists to keep himself from reaching out to her and taking her in his arms.

"Good morning. " she greets him nervously with her crutches in hand. He can tell she is trying to be strong but fails terribly when a lone tear escapes her right eye. She quickly tries to wipe it away but her crutches get in the way and more tears flow out of frustration. She looks down trying to hide from him but he takes her chin and lifts her face making her look up to him.

"You don't have to hide from me." He speaks to her softly but that action has her sobbing loudly. Caleb is quick to pull her into his arms and holds her their hoping she can feel just how much his heart feels for her.

"Layla?" He calls out to her but it's like his voice just makes it worse. He feels her hold on tighter to him and he welcomes it with him pushing her more to himself. She is wailing by now and he can't keep calm. He detaches himself from her against her protests but quickly scoops her up letting the crutches fall to the floor. He carries her to his room not caring if she will hate it or not. He sets her on his already made bed that he didn't get to use last night. He was too agitated to even sleep a wink. Thanks to the many times he has pulled all nighters at the E.R his body has gotten used to getting little to no sleep at all.

He sits in front of her and looks intently at her all the while letting her know it's ok to cry and he won't hold it against her. His own throat is getting chocked up with every one of her tears and he wishes he had a magic wand to wave all her hurt away. The only thing he finds himself doing is taking her in his arms and trying to comfort her. He holds on to her like his own life depends on it.

"Hush now Layla."

"Am here, please don't cry." He holds her up to himself not caring that her tears are soaking him wet. Her shaking self makes him start rocking her trying to calm her down. Just like his strong muscles cradle her soft frame he hopes she understands he will be strong for her no matter what.

For a while they stay like that with him showing her that he is not going anywhere.

After what seems like forever she becomes a little calmer and pulls back from him and he lets her. She looks up to him with puffy red eyes and a face stained with tears and he thinks she is still perfect.

"Am sorry." She says while she wipes her face dry.

"Don't ever be sorry, it's ok and you are worth everything." He speaks softly as he looks at her warmly and his hand joins hers in wiping her tears.

His heart warms up too when a slight smile crosses her lips at his words.

"Much better."