Just Perfect

"Aunty Layla..."

"Shhh... mom said not to wake her up."

"But I want to meet her already."

"Well you are just going to have to wait until she wakes up."

The sound of whispering makes Layla stir in her sleep. For a moment she forgets that she is not in her usual bed so she gets confused as to who would be whispering so early in the morning when she is usually alone in Simon's house.

She tries to go back to sleep but the whispering is followed by giggles which force her to open her eyes.

Her heart leaps into her throat when she is met with two pairs of blue eyes that are looking directly over her.

"Yay she is awake!"

One of the two tiny creatures screams making her grit her teeth and close her eyes at the sharpness of their voice. She wasn't expecting that at all and she wonders who they are while she pinches herself just to make sure she is not dreaming again. The pain from her leg confirms that fact and she takes a look around and finally realises where she is. But she frowns again.

She is back in Caleb's bedroom and he is nowhere to be found. she doesn't remember how she got in this bed when she had fallen asleep on the couch last night.

"Last night." She mumbles to herself. She remembers waiting for Caleb to come home but she dozed off when she got too tired. She was even a little upset that he didn't try to let her know he wouldn't be back. She tries to remember if she saw or heard him but two hands grab her cheeks making her look at the beautiful little girl that is demanding for her attention.

"Good morning..." The little girl greets her in excitement and she smiles happy to be woken up to such happy faces.

"Good morning and how are you?

"We are fine aunty Layla." They answer in unison and that warms her heart. She loves being called aunty too even though they are not her nieces.

She sits up on the bed so she can have a good look at her tiny guests. They too sit in front of her each on either side looking very expectant. She looks from one to the other wondering where to start from and she figures knowing their names would be the best place to start.

"So what are your names again?" She smiles at the two girls and they face each other looking confused for a moment."

"We didn't tell you our names silly." A tiny voice that she is used to by now replies.

Layla smiles at the boldness of the one who looks like the youngest of the two.

"Well then, what are your names?"

The girls giggle before answering.

"Am Emma and she is my big sister Emily."

"Oh my aren't you so smart." Layla retorts and the little girl beams with pride.

"So who are you here with?" She is sure they must be visiting because there were no signs of anyone else living here apart from Caleb.

"With mommy, she is in the kitchen making breakfast with...."

"Shhh, it was supposed to be a surprise." The other girl cuts her sister off in a whisper making Layla frown.

"Oh really?"

"Yes.. so we can't go around telling anyone what they are up to in there."

"I see." She replies with a smile even though she feels a tightness in her throat at the thought that these could be Caleb's kids and that their mother is most likely enjoying her time with him just a few metres from where she is. It doesn't even click in her mind that she is the one in his bedroom.

"So when are you leaving?"

Layla's eyes widen at the girl's question but before she can answer an unfamiliar voice makes her turn towards the door to see who just walked in.

"Now that is enough Emma!"

A tall slender beautiful girl walks in through the door and the bubbly girl goes quiet. The person Layla assumes to be the mother to the girls comes closer and stands over Caleb's bed with a huge smile which Layla thinks is gorgeous.

The smile settles her heart a bit when she realizes that there is no way she could be involved with Caleb if she can smile at another girl sleeping in his bed.

"Girls? Go help uncle Caleb finish up."

Emily and Emma look unhappy but they do as they are told and a look towards Layla makes them smile again as they wave at her before running out.

"No running in the house!" Their mother screams after them.

Layla chuckles when all the girls do is scream loudly but one can tell they are still running. The bed dips in front of her and she turns back to the person who she can now tell is sitting right in front of her. She finds her still wearing a huge smile while her two hands are on her own cheeks.


She greets her unsure of what to say but all the girl does is squeal and lunge forward giving her a tight hug. Layla feels a lump in her throat when all the warmness from this stranger tells her just how happy they are having her here. She can't help but hug her back too letting her know how much she appreciates it.


The girl exclaims when she pulls back looking at her with glossy eyes. Layla is surprised at her strange behaviour and is about to say something to her when the door to the bedroom opens again.

Her breath hitches instantly when a very familiar and very handsome figure walks through it. Unable to look away she takes her time admiring him as he walks over. He is just in a short and Tee again but she finds him breath taking still. The strength in those muscles as he takes each step towards her makes her gulp and when he smiles at her, a huge smile crosses her lips answering his.

"Good morning."

The sound of his voice makes her heart thunder in her chest and when he bends to peck her cheek her eyes flatter closed and only open when she feels him pull back. She does a little dance in her head when she feels her morning getting brighter with his presence.

"Good morning.." her voice is barely a whisper as she looks up at his smiling face.

"Awwww this is so sweet!"

A click sound of a camera and someone's loud squeal breaks their moment making them turn to the source of the disturbance.

With her phone in hand, the girl looks like she's been caught with her hands in a cookie jar making Layla chuckle.

"I will just be in the uh....kitchen. Please take your time, no need to rush."

The girl winks at Layla before exiting the room and Layla's cheeks flash red at that comment. She clears her throat just to get her composure back before looking back at him.

"You have to forgive Janice. She can be too much sometimes."

He looks nervous but she just smiles at him.

"It's alright. It's not everyday I get to meet someone who is that happy to see me." Her eyes go to the door that her happy visitor just exited.

"Then you my dear need to meet more people."

Her bed dips and his hand on hers makes her look back at him nervously. She finds him looking at her intently and she wonders what he is thinking.

"Am sorry I couldn't get back early enough last night."

His apology makes her heart tighten a bit. Not that he even has to apologise to her for anything but the fact that he is makes her feel like crying. He is just perfect. With Simon she was just happy that he was back even though it would just be for a short while before he would leave again.

"It's alright as long as you are ok then am fine." She looks up at him and tries to hold his gaze but fails when his eyes feel like they are piercing her soul. She looks down on the sheets in nervousness but he brings her face back up to him.


He pushes some of her loose hair behind her ear.

"Am sorry. I should have called or something and I promise I will make it up to you."

He smiles and she smiles along with him.

"So how are you?"

For someone who spent all that time working she is surprised he looks so bright early in the morning.

"Am more than fine, now that I have seen you."

"Is that right?" She can't hide the excitement she feels when he says that.

"Yep... now let me have a look at your leg."

She doesn't even have a moment to think before his warm hands are on her leg and she blushes. It's his job but she can't ignore his touch on her skin.

"So who is she?" She tries to focus on something else other than him.

"Who Janice?"

"If she is the beautiful woman that just walked out of here then yes."

He pauses and laughs before answering her.

"You think she is beautiful?" He leans back looking at her and she bites her lips.

"What, you didn't notice?" She smirks with arms folded.

"She is like my sister. That would make me weird." He too smirks making her laugh. His words makes her smile inwardly too. It seems she was worrying for nothing about what his relationship with her was.

He goes back to working on her leg and she notices that she feels little to no pain today.

"Some good news. You may get to use your leg today but don't just over do it okay."


"Sure. I think it should be able to support your weight for sometime only." His emphasis being on sometime.

However the news still makes her happy and she unconsciously moves to give him a hug which he receives gladly and holds on longer than she intended.

When he pulls back he gets up and helps her up too.

"Come I will introduce you. And I hope you are hungry because if you think I cook up a storm wait until you see Janice's tsunami."

She bursts out laughing as she limps beside him after making sure to let him know she wants to make use of her leg today. She holds on to him tightly feeling like today is the beginning of the rest of her life.