Magical Sunset

"I think Simon is following her." Caleb speaks quietly as he gets the first bag out of the car. They just reached the lakehouse and he and Darren have stayed back to unpack while the girls have gone inside. He couldn't wait to let Darren know what is going on after bumping into Simon.

"Are you sure?" Darren asks, shocked.

"Am sure of it. It's not a coincidence that he happened to be at the mall the same time we were."

"Wait, he was at the mall? Is that the reason she…"

"Yeah, I just didn't want to worry you guys. You know how Janice gets, especially when the kids are involved."

"I get it man. What are you going to do about it?" Darren looks at him thoughtfully.

"I don't know yet. But I won't let history repeat itself." Caleb replies as he gets the last bag out of the car.

"You don't think that he would…"

"I won't risk it. I won't let it get that far." He cuts Darren off.

"Especially that there is history between them. Damn it!" His fist connects with the hood of the car.

"Cool down man. We'll figure this out together hmmm?" Darren pats his back and he just nods.

He is not sure he will remain calm for long though. It's not one of his strong suits when people who are close to him are being threatened. And Simon did more than threaten Layla today. When he found her trapped in his hold unable to get out, It literally took everything in him to keep his cool when all he wanted was to beat the hell out of him.

"Did you find anything more about her family?" He asks Darren after a moment.

"Not yet, why?"

"Because I think something weird is going on there too. Am yet to ask her what really happened back at the mall but she says she saw her mother again." He looks up at his friend thoughtfully. 

"But that doesn't make any sense." Says Darren.

"I know and the jerk wants to convince her that she's got a few screws loose." Caleb's words drip with spite.

"How convenient." Darren sneers.

"Glad you get my point." Caleb sighs feeling tired all of a sudden. 

"But are you sure she is you know...alright?" Darren asks, looking apologetic.

"Of course she is. You know me, if I even thought there was a hint of what Simon suspects, I would have gotten her help already." Caleb answers with confidence. He has had some time to study her without her knowing and he has no reason to think there is any truth in what Simon is insinuating. 

"I'm sorry, my bad. But you know I had to ask right?" Darren looks at him with a sorry look.

"Of course. Aren't you determined to keep my butt out of trouble?" Caleb smirks.

"Damn right about that, especially now that you are totally whipped." Darren says amused. 

"Yeah, didn't see that one coming either." Caleb runs his fingers in his hair nervously, making Darren laugh.

"She's good for you." Darren suddenly says with a smile.

"You think so?" Caleb looks over at his friend surprised at his words. He is not one to easily give him a green light on his choices, but he is doing it again on Layla.

"I know so" Darren replies.

"Now let's get this stuff in there before I end up sleeping on the couch." Darren says and they both burst out laughing. 

"The couch is too comfortable, she might just give you a tent." Caleb smirks.

"Don't be mean man. You know how hard I have worked for this." Says Darren with a pout.

"Of course I do, but then again I know Janice when she wants to be Janice. And do me a favour and fill her in on everything for me. I think I'm gonna take Layla downstream." Caleb says as he steps into his cabin.

"Sure, just don't go all Dr. Young on her." Darren smirks.

"I was beginning to think you guys decided to head back home." Janice says the moment they come round to the kitchen.

"We were just taking care of some stuff." Darren answers his wife while Caleb searches for Layla. 

He finds her sitting on a stool by the counter with a coffee mug. She seems distracted but manages to give him a smile the moment she spots him. 

Her state tugs at his heart. He can tell she is trying to keep it all together but he knows from the expression on her face that she is dying inside. 

He places the bags he is carrying down before walking over to her. He had wanted to put everything away before heading to the lake but he figures it can wait. 

"Hey." He greets her when he is by her side.

"Hey." She replies trying to sound cheerful.

"I want to show you something. Mind coming with me?" He asks.

She looks hesitant but he takes her hand in his and gives it a light squeeze.

"I promise you will like it." 

"Sure." She sets her mug down before walking out with him.

"Shouldn't we let them know?" She says pointing at Janice and Darren who look totally lost in each other. 

"Already did, so don't worry about it. Besides I don't think they will hear us anyways." He grins, making her laugh.


He leads them outside after grabbing their coats and she looks at him questioningly. 

"Don't want you freezing."

"Oh... And where exactly are we going?" She quirks an eyebrow and smirks slightly.

"I will show you when we get there." He too quirks an eyebrow and smirks slightly, while he loves that she has loosened up a bit.

"Come on." He takes her hand in his after putting on their coats and leads them towards the lake. 

The sun is almost setting and it's already casting some beautiful shadows in their path, making their stroll soothing. They take their time as they walk in comfortable silence and Caleb is glad he thought of this. 

He takes a risk and snakes his arm around her waist. To his delight she doesn't move away and he pulls her even closer to him.

"Thanks for doing this." She says after a few steps.

"You are welcome." He says, turning her way for a moment before facing the path again.

"Are you ok though?" He asks after some time and she sighs loudly before answering. 

"I will be."

He turns to her and finds her looking ahead.

"I'm here for you, you know? Whatever you need."

"Thanks." She answers as they keep walking and enjoying the cool breeze.

"So what's this place called?" She asks, breaking their silence.

"Magical sunset." He replies with a smile.

"It's a beautiful name for a beautiful place." 

"Really? You like it?" He didn't think much about what she would think of the place and now that she mentions it, he finds himself beaming with pride. He had bought the place some years back and had everything set up just the way he wanted it. At the time he used it for a few weekends just to escape his own mind but it turned out it didn't help much. With its serenity, he found himself focussing even more on things he wanted to forget. So one time he decided to invite Darren and his family along as a distraction and that is how the annual camping trips began.

"I love it." She replies with a smile and he is glad.

"This is our stop" Caleb says as he brings them to a stop and a gasp escapes Layla's mouth.

"Oh my God! This is beautiful Caleb." She slips out of his embrace and walks over to the edge of the lake. He decides to hang back and just watch her reaction to the beautiful magic that the sun has cast on the lake.

"It's definitely a magical sunset." She exclaims and he finds himself loving her bubbly self again. He feels like he has hit the jackpot when he sees a familiar smile plastered on her face. 

The sunsets here do not disappoint, with their golden rays kissing the lake's waters and making intricate patterns that make the surface of the lake appear truly magical.

"Am glad you like it." He whispers when he stands next to her.

"Oh I love it Caleb. It's really beautiful." 

She gives him a hug that takes him by surprise but he loves it regardless and he holds on tight relishing her closeness.

"Come." He takes her hand and walks them to a nearby bench where they sit down.

"I thought you might like it here." He says once they are seated comfortably.

"I'm glad you did. It almost makes me feel like I can actually draw some magic right from the water." She says with excitement.

"Legend says the waters have healing magic just by gazing on it. So you might be right." He says as he also gets drawn to a time he needed that healing magic once upon a time.

"Maybe the legend is true. I think I'm beginning to feel better already." She sighs before leaning on him and he welcomes her by getting her comfortable in his embrace.

For Caleb this is a perfect moment. The two of them just sitting here with nothing but their hearts beating so close to each other is everything. Kind of makes him glad he was on duty that fateful day that she ended up in the E.R.

"She's mine Young…" Simon's threat crosses his mind and he finds himself pulling her closer to himself vowing to never let her go, to always protect her.

And as if she can read his mind, she buries herself in him even more. He smiles as he holds her tighter too, while his own eyes take in the magic on the lake that seems to reflect the magic he is feeling within himself.