Be Mine

"What in the world is going on Caleb?" Layla asks, but she is met with silence only as they keep going deeper into the woods. Only their feet trampling on the dead leaves on the forest floor can be heard as she gets dragged to God knows where.

She looks back and finds nothing but trees. She didn't even realise they had come this far. The little spot by the lake where she sat is now nowhere to be seen. They are surrounded by tall trees on all sides with their shady canopies above them. It's like they entered a whole new world altogether with only the sharp rays of the afternoon sun being the only familiar thing she can see.

"Caleb!" She whisper yells out to him as she struggles to keep up with his pace while trying to watch the forest floor for anything that might prick her. She is only in her slippers and not to mention a swimsuit. The rather silent woods are also giving her the chills. She can't keep herself from imagining some animal jumping at them from nowhere.

"Hey Caleb!" This time she tugs on his hand that is holding hers and he stops. But he stops so abruptly she ends up bumping into him.

"Hey! What is going on with you?" She asks, as she rubs the slightly sore spot on her face where she bumped into him. 

He still keeps quiet though, making Layla frown.

" are scaring me. What is going on?" She says in a low voice this time. 

The man fidgets for a few seconds more before turning and facing her. And when he does she doesn't know what to make of what she is seeing or the person she is seeing.  He looks conflicted and he is eyeing her in a strange way. She is about to ask what is wrong again but he comes close to her and not knowing what he is doing, she steps back until her back ends up against a tree that is behind her. Luckily for her the tree's back flakes away instead of pricking her. She however is not even concerned about that. Her focus is on the man that is breathing heavily in front of her. 

"Caleb." Her voice comes out weaker than she intended and she gasps when all he does is press himself onto her.

Still with his lips pursed and refusing to utter a word, he traces her jaw line all the way to her lips. She is about to say something but he leans in so quickly it feels like a sharp dive into the water. Her lips that were slightly parted are met with his own warm ones and he deepens the kiss from the word go. 

She is surprised by his aggressiveness. This is not the same person that kissed her before and neither is the kiss as gentle as before. It's instead fast and furious. Demanding and extremely ferocious. She finds herself moaning into the kiss and Caleb reacts by kissing her ever so more deeply. The erupting sensations in her body are like a young volcano emitting it's stash of lava for the very first time.  

She grabs hold of him under his shirt and she is met with his strong muscles that are flexing with rhythm every time he dives into their kiss. This is insanely good. 

She is lost, together with her mind and all she can think about is his lips and their assault on hers. She digs her fingers into his warm skin and that earns her a very sexy moan from him. The sound is like music to her ears. Surprised that she can affect him so, she gets curious and runs her hands across his back gently. It's awkward at first but as she covers more inches of his skin that now feels like it's on fire, she can feel herself getting the hang of it. And as her hands work their magic, his lips expertly give her some sweet magic of their own and she can't help but moan into the kiss again. She doesn't know how he is doing it but just with his lips her body is not her own anymore. She finds herself pressing more into him and wanting all that he is giving her. That action has him drop his hands to her body. The warm strong hands tracing her curves smoothly and expertly almost as though they are worshiping them.

"Layla…." He breathes out her name when he pulls back like it was his lifeline. 

His warm breath fanning her face. He sounds pained and she looks up to him trying to understand what is going on but she is met with his lips on hers again. He dives in once more before pulling back suddenly. His breath is rugged as he keeps his head on her forehead. He moves back further suddenly and looks back at her. His hands slightly in the air. 

For a moment Layla's heart aches a bit when she sees him battling with himself. She wonders what is up with him. Whether he regrets the most amazing kiss they have shared yet or he regrets bringing her here altogether. She is really confused by him today. She holds his gaze, unable to decipher whether the next moment will make her happy or cry.

"Will you be mine?"

"What?" Layla is as confused as she is stunned. This is not what she expected at all. After stopping him from letting her know his true feelings, she didn't think they would be talking about it this soon. And to be honest she is panicking a little. Today has been one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride. From enjoying being with him, to thinking he may not want her at all, to learning about how delicately he cares for her. And he wants her to be his?

She also can't help putting her history in the mix. Her very recent break up makes her wonder if she is really ready to enter into another relationship so soon. She wants him yes, but she is not so sure it's the right thing to do yet. Or maybe it was sudden? Either way, she is torn deep within. Between her heart and her common sense.

She looks up at him and his eyes are on her doning a very serious look. 

"I realize you may not be ready to hear how I feel about you, but Layla…" he pauses and she can feel every second tick by as she waits for his next words. 

The world around them is eerily quiet too as if it's also eager to hear what he has to say. And instead of words she is met with his eyes that have so many emotions swirling in them. It's the first time she is seeing him like this and her heart hammers in her chest for many reasons too.

"I have waited for so long, no scratch that." He chuckles, almost painfully.

"I wasn't even waiting, I didn't want it and everything that comes with it. I had had enough but then you came along. All bloody and barely holding on to life." He takes a step towards her and reaches for her hands. 

"You were only another patient in the E.R. I only wanted to save your life. It was my duty, my passion. But then…then I took your hand and everything changed, now I want it. All of it. I want you Layla." He looks at her with expectation.

Layla however is at a loss for words for the second time today. Even though so many thoughts are going through her head. She doesn't understand him, but then she does. It's all messed up, but she gets it. She gets him.

"Please, be mine." He moves closer still.

"What if you don't want it anymore?" She blurts out when the painful memories with Simon surface. That and every other memory of the family that she knew she had but never wanted her. 

"What if you decide I'm not who you want or I'm no longer useful."

"Don't compare me to him. I'm not Simon." 

She flinches when he bites back in a threatening tone.

"Layla...I'm not him." He speaks softly this time.  

"I can't guarantee that everything will be perfect but I promise to make you happy the best way I can." He caresses her face lovingly and she closes her eyes enjoying his touch.

"But…" she begins to say, but he cuts her off. 

"Don't you feel it?" He moves closer still and he is now dangerously close, making her heart skip too many beats.

She may be thinking twice but she can't say she doesn't feel it. It's been there before she ever laid her eyes on him. Way before she was fully conscious. She awakened and connected to him before she ever met him. And today is no different.

The sincerity in his beautiful eyes is tugging at her heart and melting the walls she thought she had put up. The struggle she had earlier is no longer there as what she wants becomes clear. He may be her prince charming but a fairy tale is not what he is promising her. He is not even promising a perfect world and that is enough for her. Because, she of all people knows how broken the world is and how it cannot be fixed with a few words in a promise.

"What if I'm not the one you want in the end?" She finds herself saying as she looks into his eyes which light up instantly, confusing her a little.

"Then I will still choose to be with you." He replies softly but that answer has her frowning.

"I wouldn't want you to be forced to stay with me just because…."

"Shhh." He cuts her off.

"That just means there is nothing in this world that can make me not want you Layla. Not even you." He smiles as he cups her cheeks.

"Please don't just say that Caleb." She says, her voice cracking a bit.

"Let me show you then." He lifts up her chin so she is looking straight into his eyes.

"Be mine Layla Jones."

There is no shred of doubt in his eyes and neither is there in her heart.


He seals it with a kiss before she can say anymore almost as if he thinks she might change her mind.