
"So how was the trip?" Caleb asks as he tries to focus on the road while stealing glances at her. 

"Life changing." Layla replies before letting out a sigh of contentment. 

She dreamily stares out of the car's window and enjoys seeing the trees breeze past them or them breeze past the trees. Either way it reminds her of how the last couple of days have breezed by so quickly in her life bringing with them a dramatic change. She didn't think she would be dating again so soon. It was somehow unexpected but she has decided to live a little. After all he makes her happy and he's worth risking it all. She is not thinking about building castles in the air. With him she just wants to be right here on earth. Enjoying the simple things in life. 

"Is that a good thing?" Caleb lets out a chuckle.

"It's definitely a good thing." She slides in her seat while the beautiful memories of the past few days cross her mind. Her stomach does a few flip flops when certain heated memories cross her mind too. She bites her lips trying to contain the frenzy going down in her belly. 

"That makes me happy. You make me happy."

Her heart skips a beat when she feels Caleb's hand squeeze hers.

"I'm sorry that we had to cut the trip short." Caleb says regrettably. 

"Will you stop apologising? An emergency at the hospital is more important than taking dips in the lake." She looks at him amused. Even though she can tell he is still not happy about being called back in.

"Tell that to Janice." 

She laughs when she remembers Janice's reaction. The poor woman came out like it was her life coming to an end. She kept on shooting daggers at both men for bringing her home too quickly. 

Layla didn't miss Darren's smile though. He seemed happy to be back unlike his wife. The girls on the other hand seemed to have had their fill of the camping trip and didn't complain, not even once.

"I can't blame her though. She seems to have a lot on her plate and sometime away must do her a lot of good." Layla finally says. 

"Yeah and I hate to do this to her. Maybe we can invite them for dinner?" 

Layla blushes when Caleb refers to them as 'we'. While she is struggling to adjust to their new status, Caleb seems to just be slipping right into their relationship. Even his vocabulary has already changed.

"Yeah we should."

"I might be gone a few days you know." He says, still sounding like it's the worst thing.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere. Just do what you need to do. I would never keep you from saving someone's life." She squeezes his hand in assurance.

"You are beautiful, you know that?" He suddenly says after a moment of silence and a wave of heat sweeps across her face. She is sure she is blushing terribly. His unexpected compliments seem to get her to do that a lot. And now that they are a couple he seems to be making them more often.

"This may sound wrong and I apologise in advance if it does but I'm glad you were in that accident." He says as his eyes remain on the road.

"Surprisingly I'm glad too." She says with a chuckle. Clearly it's true. Her accident brought them together and she couldn't be happier. Something about him feels right.

"There is someone I would like you to meet too." He says smiling.

"Oh? And who might that be?" 

"Someone very special to me." He replies and Layla can tell just how special that someone is just by the sound of his voice. She is sure if she were looking at him she would be able to see that usual sparkle in his eyes too.

"Okay." She croaks out not sure if she likes what he is saying. Her heart tightens a little too. Surprisingly knowing that there is someone else special in his life leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. She just assumed she was the special one. 

"Why the long face? Are you jealous baby?" He lets out a chuckle, but she just huffs and turns away from him. She's a little embarrassed by her behaviour too but she can't ignore her jealous genes that have picked an odd time to manifest. 

She feels the car slowing down and she looks around but notices they are not home yet.

"Why are we stopping." She frowns but Caleb just quietly parks on the side of the road before turning to her. A serious look on his face. 

"There is no one else apart from you." He says sounding so serious she fails to let out her smart answer that was lurking in her head. 

"That's not what I was thinking." She says looking down. Afraid he might see the truth in her eyes. He tilts her face to look up at him though. After looking at her for a few seconds more, he takes her hand and places it on his chest. Right where his heart is supposed to be.

"My heart will always be yours Layla Jones." He says with a smile. There is so much happiness about him and her heart flutters. She gets that he just made her a promise. So simply yet in a profound way. And she is glad he did otherwise she would go insane at the thought of another Simon scenario. 

"Never ever doubt that." He cups her cheeks tenderly and she just nods. The warmth from his hands seems to add to his assurance too and she finds herself leaning into his touch. It still feels surreal that he wants her this much.

"Of course the person is still special, but not just Layla special." He grins before restarting the car.

She smiles at this carefree side of him. Even hearing about his special person doesn't arouse any emotion in her except a deep appreciation for finding a man that cherishes her this much.

"Thank you." She says as he goes back on the road.

"For what?" He sounds amused.

"For finding me and caring about me the way you do." Her throat feels tight as she speaks freely. She can't help but be emotional though. Her life hasn't exactly been overflowing with people that wanted her as much as he does.

"I should be the one thanking you Layla Jones." He smiles before concentrating on his driving.

"Layla Jones." She repeats her name as if trying to see if it will sound as good as it does from his lips. 

They stay in comfortable silence afterwards and Layla drifts away in thought as she pictures their future that brings a smile to her face


"We are here babe."

She can feel herself blush at his term of endearment before even opening her eyes. She hadn't even realized that she fell asleep.

"You ok?" 

She finds him looking at her with concern.

"I'm fine. A little tired, but okay." She smiles at him.

"I'm sorry that I can't go in with you but I promise to get off as early as I can."

"Please, take your time." She smiles before opening the car door but she finds herself being yanked back in. And it takes just a second and his lips are on her, kissing her softly.

"I will miss you." He says when he pulls back.

"Okay." She croacks out. She is still dazed after the surprise kiss.

"I mean, me too." She jumps out of the car quickly before saying anymore and she hears him laugh.

"I will see you." She manages to wave at him and she is met with his beautiful smile.

"Way to go Layla." She mumbles to herself as she watches him go.

"Way to go indeed Layla."

A very familiar voice startles her.

"What do you want Simon?" She regards him with hostility while all traces of sleep disappears. His car is parked just where Caleb stopped and she wonders how they didn't see him there.

"Is that the way to greet your dear fiancèe?" Simon replies amused but that just leaves her enraged.

"Go away Simon." She walks towards the house. She has no intention of indulging him in any way. There is nothing left between them and she has clearly moved on.

"You know technically, you are still his patient."

Layla stops in her tracks, not missing the warning tone in Simon's voice.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just saying that I would hate the good doctor to lose his licence and reputation." He replies, a wicked smile on his lips.

"Why would Caleb lose his licence." She looks at him confused. 

"Oh baby, you are still so innocent. " 

He brushes his hand on her cheek and she moves away like she just got burned. Surprised that once upon a time she loved his touch.

"You see, as the grieved party I can sue him for taking advantage of my poor sweet fiancèe when he should have protected her." He comes closer to her but she moves back instinctively while her eyes go wide when she catches onto what he means.

"He did no such thing." She bites but he just laughs.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk…. That's not the way I see it and neither will the hospital board." 

"You wouldn't dare."

"Of course not. Not if my fiancèe were to come back to me."

A cold chill runs down her spine as his words sink in, realising the whole reason he is here.

"I stopped being that a long time ago." She sneers.

"That's where you are wrong my love. You don't stop being anything to me until I say so."

Layla is tempted to scratch her ears when she thinks she did not hear him properly.

"I break up with you, not the other way round Layla dear." He smiles but nothing about his smile is friendly.

She looks at him like he has lost his mind.

"You are insane." She spats but he just grins wickedly. 

"Maybe I am. Insanely in love with you baby."

"Just go away Simon." She turns to leave. Something about him is scaring her and she doesn't intend to stay to find out. For a moment she regrets encouraging Caleb to go. 

"Talking about being insane, how is your dead mother doing?"

"Don't talk about her." She warns him but deep down she is shaking like a leaf. Something about his question unsettles her and she can't wait to get out of here. But the moment she takes a step two men appear in front of her. She looks back at Simon and finds him grinning wickedly.

"Of course, I'm only trying to get help for my dear fiancèe." He says as he struts towards her. 

Her heart hammers in her chest when she realises what he is doing. Her eyes go to Caleb's door that is not so far from where she is and she considers running. But that thought is a little too late. She shivers when she feels his hand on her wrist.

"What are you going to do, drag me out of here like I was a lunatic?" She asks with gritted teeth.

"That is totally up to you my love." Simon answers nonchalantly and she can feel all her blood drain from her face.