A Little Selfish

"It's not your fault, you know?"

"Of course it is." Caleb's grip on his coffee mug tightens. He refuses to let himself off the hook for what has happened to Layla. Her sleeping figure, even though appearing peaceful has been tearing him inside.

He wanted her back, but not like this. Not with her eyes shut. Not without her smile brightening up her face and his world. Not with her body hooked up to machines. Her sweet voice should be filling his ears, not that steady beeping sound that only serves to let him know that every one of her vitals are okay.

"I just had to show off. Just had to prove to Simon that he's nothing against me. I just had to be…me. Of course it's my fault. It's always my fault."

"We both know that's not true." Janice releases his grip on the mug and sets the beverage down. It's gone cold already without a single sip from him.

Taking the empty spot next to him on the couch, his best friend joins him in watching over Layla.

His bedroom has been turned into a mini ward with all the medical gadgets and hospital merchandise lying beside his bed. Layla is still passed out. He did everything he could for her after she collapsed at Simon's, and all he can do now is wait.

"I'm her doctor, Janice. She just woke up from her coma not too long ago. I should have known better. I should have–"


"I could have gotten her out without shocking her. This moment should have been a happy one for her, but what did I do? I almost sent her back into a bloody coma. It could have even been way worse."

"But it wasn't and she's right here. She's safe. You kept your promise. That should count for something." Janice pulls him towards her, making him rest his head on her shoulder.

He relaxes, grateful for her presence.

The moment is very familiar. Caleb can't help but draw parallels with another moment back in time. Things have changed since then, but him needing Janice's voice of reason hasn't changed much.


"No need to thank me. Layla being here is all that matters, and that's all thanks to you."

A comfortable silence ensues until Janice's laughter. "I wish I was there to see the shock on Mr. high and mighty's face when he realized that he might as well be a prisoner in his own mansion."

That sight was definitely satisfying for Caleb. And it would have even been more satisfying with what he had planned, if only Layla hadn't collapsed.

Instinctively, he turns towards his bed. She's still sleeping soundly and until he's sure she's okay, plans to bring Simon to his knees will have to wait.

"You sure you don't want to take her in? Have someone else look after her? You could do with some rest too, you know?"

"I'm okay." There is no way in hell he's putting Layla in any other doctor's hands or hospital, knowing Simon and his wounded pride are still roaming free. He's got V keeping an eye on him, but Caleb won't risk the sneaky bastard getting even a slight opportunity to slither back into Layla's life.

"I know you are not, but I also know that there is no point in arguing with you. So, I'll just go and get cooking." She pats his knee before getting up.

"The bastard." Janice hisses as she stops to pick up Layla's discarded wedding dress. "I'll just…get rid of it."

Caleb nods, not minding Janice's decision one bit. Layla had looked like an angel in it, but it's nothing but a reminder of the dreaded ordeal. One that Caleb doesn't want Layla to wake up to.

"She told me she loves me." Caleb confesses before Janice steps out. There is nothing more he wants than to let Layla know that he loves her too. He would have done it already, knowing she might be able to hear him, but he wants to see it in her eyes when he does. That sparkle that shines through her beautiful eyes when she's happy.

"That's no surprise. About time too. And?"

"And nothing."

"Are you kidding me?"

Caleb can feel Janice's stare on him, but his focus remains on Layla. "She wouldn't let me. Only if I rescued her."


"Am I being selfish for wanting her to open her eyes just so I can tell her how much I love her?"

"God knows you deserve this chance. You both do." Janice reappears in his view, a big smile on her face. "And if that means you being a little selfish, then hell yeah. She's worth it."

A smile creeps up on Caleb's face. "I don't know what I would do without you and Darren." He gets up and pulls Janice in for a hug.

"You are stuck with us, mate." She hugs him just as tightly, making him relish the comfort of their bond. "That said, I have two creatures that won't let me be until they see Layla. Can they come in?"

Caleb lets out a chuckle, knowing who Layla's visitors are. "Sure."

Emma and Emily walk in the moment Janice opens the door. The girls have a little bouquet each. Flowers they probably picked from his garden.

"What you got there?" Caleb asks when he notices the girls stop a few steps from the door. Both are hesitant to take another step and a look at Janice lets him know they are scared for Layla.

"Is she okay?" Emily is surprisingly the first to speak.

"Why don't you come and see for yourself?" Caleb walks over and takes each girl's hand and brings them closer to the bed.

"She's going to be okay." He tries to assure them as the girls stare at Layla's sleeping form quietly. "Right now she's only sleeping, so we just have to wait for her to wake up."

A tiny tug on his shirt however, makes Caleb turn to Emma. The little girl hesitates a bit before pulling him down to her level to whisper something.

"Did you try kissing her?"


Apparently she is loud enough for all to hear and Janice dons her scolding look in seconds.

Knowing Emma and the little thinker she is, Caleb patiently studies her before brushing her messy hair back.

"Would that work?"

"Well, it did for sleeping beauty." The little girl shrugs her shoulders. "You should try it." This time Emma makes sure she is really whispering.

"Thank you for the advice." Caleb whispers back, an undeniable smile spread on his face.

"Come now, uncle Caleb needs to check on aunty Layla and we need to finish cooking before she wakes up." Janice, visibly embarrassed, gestures for the girls to follow her.

The two quickly place their little bouquets next to Layla and two kisses later, Emma and Emily hop away towards their mother, visibly happier than when they came in. The moment warms Caleb's heart. Someday soon, he'd love to have that part of Janice and Darren's life.

Once they are out of the door, He turns to Layla, feeling a whole lot better, surprisingly.

"So Emma thinks I should just kiss you and you'll come back to me." He takes a seat at the edge of the bed and gets a hold of Layla's hand. The beeping of the heart monitor is the only reply he gets, making his grip on her hand firmer. He doesn't know how much of this he can take. Having her here, yet unable to even hold her.

"Gosh, I miss you so much Layla." He brings her warm hand to his face and leans into it.

"So are you going to listen to her?"

"Layla?" The sound of her voice feels like a dream. So does that look in her teary eyes. "You are awake?" He looks her over, slipping into his doctor mode seamlessly.

A quick scan on his equipment and he gets tugging at some of the cables, setting her free.

"How do you feel?" Caleb holds his breath and himself from pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"You came for me…"

"I told you I would." He wipes at her tears that escape her eyes, while he barely manages to keep his own from falling. "I had every intention of keeping my promise to you. I wanted you back. I needed you here…with me."

Unable to hold himself any longer, he picks her up and places her in his laps. "I missed you." His lips tremble just as much as hers while their kiss overflows with so much emotion it threatens to overwhelm him.

Being able to hold her once again is like a dream come true that makes him deepen the kiss again and again, kissing his woman like there is no tomorrow.

"Mom?" Layla suddenly pulls back and looks up at him. "Tell me it wasn't a dream."

The familiar fear and confusion in her eyes tugs at his heart. If only he had a way to erase those emotions permanently, he would do it in a heartbeat. "It wasn't a dream, but there is something you need to kn–"

"I want to see her, Caleb!" She cuts him off mid sentence.