I Love You Too

Her mother's life story is such a tragedy that Layla is beginning to think she got the better end of the life deal. At least she didn't have a father who refused to be there when she needed him the most. Hers had simply disappeared before there was ever an emotional bond between them that would have made his absence painful.

Sighing, Layla puts the comb down, having run it through her hair too many times already. She has realized one thing. As much as her life sucked growing up alone, with the type of family hers turned out to be, it was probably better that way. But will she still stay away even after knowing that she was wrong about not being wanted?

Her aunt wanted and still wants her to be a part of the family. And Layla admits that she is drawn to the woman. Not only because she looks like her mother, but there is a gentleness in her that Layla has come to love.

"Not today." She figures that decision can wait. Right now she just wants to enjoy being back with Caleb. Hopefully being out here will be a good enough distraction for the things she wishes to forget.

A knock on the door has Layla scrunching up her nose, wondering why Caleb would be knocking instead of walking right in. "Uh…it's open?" Layla answers, but nothing.

Another knock and she springs up from the stool. Finally done putting herself together, she straightens her dress before taking one last look in the mirror. A beautiful looking version of herself stares right back at her. The evidence of all her crying is almost gone, thankfully. Her heart however is still sore, but knowing there is nothing she can do about the stuff making it sore, she tries to bury it. For Caleb's sake too.

God knows this is not the picture their reunion should have taken, but thanks to her messed up past and all her crying, it couldn't be helped.

"Maybe it's time to change that."

A blush creeps up on her face after remembering the heated look that met her when she turned back to thank him for saving her. She had just pulled off keeping it together when she unintentionally paraded her half naked self in front of him, but that look disarmed her in a way that left her requiring to lean on the bathroom wall.

Taking in a much needed breath to calm herself, Layla heads for the door. She's not sure she's ready to face Caleb yet, but here goes nothing. With a soft turn of the handle, the door opens wide.

A white paper rose and a breathtaking smile greet her, melting all her insides.

"Hi." Caleb's eyes flicker to her look and the heat in there lets her know she nailed her choice.

It being a bright sunny day and knowing how much he appreciated her floral look the last time, she went for bright and beautiful with the right amount of allure.

"Hi." She breaks out in a smile of her own.

Caleb, as she notes, is in his jovial mood, instantly reminding her of the days back at the hospital. With what has happened, those times are like a distant memory, but thank God for her doctor, she gets a feeling that new memories are about to be made. The thought itself surprisingly leaves her feeling all giddy.

From the last time he awkwardly left the bedroom, Layla notices that he has cleaned up pretty well. So well that she feels a little hot and bothered.

"And did he have to be in all white?"

His tight fitting pants and shirt whose top buttons are undone gives off that sexy island appeal that she will gladly explore given the opportunity.

"Layla Jones!" Her face heats up at her own thoughts. So not what she intended.

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady."

"Why, thank you." In an attempt to match his mood, Layla curtsies perfectly in response to his gentlemanly bow. "It's beautiful." She unconsciously brings it to her nose and she's surprised to smell a very sweet scent on the rose.

"Scented paper." Caleb grins while extending his arm for her to take.

"A beautiful calming scent, thank you." She locks her arm in his and he leads her down stairs. Their walk is surprisingly not awkward and it leaves Kayla feeling hopeful about the rest of the day. Like her, she can tell Caleb is not letting what has happened get in the way of their time here.

The kitchen smells heavenly, but she frowns when she doesn't spot any food in sight.

"Right this way." Caleb, answering her unspoken question, leads her outside.

The cold breeze on her face is a welcome feeling after all the crying. The sights are calming too, but there is still no food in sight. The table they had dined on the last time she was here is empty, making her frown.

"Where is breakfast?" She curls an eyebrow at Caleb and she's treated to a mischievous grin.

"No point coming here if we are going to stay cooped up inside, don't you think?" His eyes flicker to her entire look again, appreciation shining for her to see. "God, you are so beautiful..." He suddenly stops to give her a proper look over and a surprise kiss that gets her weak at the knees. "Figured you'd enjoy breakfast by the lake. The sound of water has magical powers to drown the worst of thoughts." He tugs on her hand and leads them down a familiar path.

"Right now, I just want to drown in you." Still drunk on his kiss, Layla comes to a stop, eyes focused on him.

"Something wrong?"

"No." She smiles after staring at him for a good couple of seconds trying to figure out how he knows just what she needs all the time. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet."

She squeals when Caleb scoops her up and marches towards their destination. "Hey put me down!" She protests. "I can do this by myself."

"In a bit." That smile pieces her soul, making her relax and hook her arms around his neck. "I should have done this already. Welcome back baby."

She smiles at the sight in front of her. A trail of red rose petals lead to a picnic blanket that is laid out on the sand in front of the lake. On it are a couple of platters filled with food and a large picnic basket to the side.

"It's a picnic breakfast!"

"A little birdie told me you'd kill for one of those." Caleb dips his head for a more passionate kiss and she is undone.

Turns out he is definitely a good distraction and breakfast is no longer the only thing on the menu.

"I love it."

"Let's eat then, shall we?" Caleb brings her to the blanket and sets her down.

Feeling like a princess and a little bold, she surprises him with a kiss to say thank you again.

"Mmmm, thank God for the little birdie. I could get used to this."

"Food, now." Kayla shoves him away from her. A little more of his lips on her and she won't be interested in food anymore.

"Yes ma'am." Caleb gets serving and she just sits back admiring the sight. He's perfect and tears pool in her eyes at the thought that he chose her, fought for her and does all these beautiful things just to make sure her world is alright.

"To you, to us and our future."

Layla raises her glass of juice wondering what their future entails. Whatever it is though, she already decided to take back control of her own future.

"Speaking about the future, I'm going to start looking for a job." She says, hoping her choice of topic doesn't dull both their moods.

An undecipherable expression crosses Caleb's face but it's gone as quickly as it came. Instead he gives her a charming smile. "I might be able to help with that."

"Oh no, that's okay. You don't have to." After Simon, she's done with hand outs. And while she knows that Caleb means well, she wants to do this by herself. Wants to step back in the world and enjoy the freedom and independence she had before the Simon fiasco.

"This particular company is in dire need of your expertise. This is no hand out. I would even consider it a favor to the firm if you accepted."

"And you are their spokesman?" She curls an eyebrow playfully.

"Sort of." He shifts nervously on his spot and Layla wonders what's up with that. "So?"

"Give me the firm's name and I'll look it up."

"I'll do better than that. I'll introduce you whenever you are ready."

"I can handle this myself." Layla protests, but Caleb just waves her away, a subtle smile on his face. She huffs in response, knowing that is his final answer and there is nothing she can do about it. "And you?" She decides to turn the tables. Now that she is back and physically okay, there is really no need for him to watch over her.


"Well, when are you going back to the E.R?" She pops a grape in her mouth while she eyes him thoughtfully.

"I don't know yet, maybe never."

Layla's eyes widen. "Did Simon's accusations cost you your job?" Guilt washes over her even before Caleb can answer. "This is all my fault."

"Relax, nothing's your fault. And no, I still have a job, I'm just not sure I want to go back just yet."

"That doesn't make any sense. You love your job. Is this about me?"

"Well, in a way, yes."

His admission doesn't make sense either. That and that smile dancing on his lips. "But I'm perfectly fine."

"I didn't say you weren't."

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Making use of my little free time, I guess."

"B…But." Caleb's lips tracing her bare collar bone leaves her tongue tied. Layla is caught completely off guard. He just rekindled her desire to drown in after she thought she had safely tucked it away. And when those lips start heading south, she bites down a moan.

"S…Shouldn't we talk about this first?"

"Talk about what exactly?"

"I…I don't kn– damn it!" Whatever he is doing just got her in the hottest trouble yet and she shamelessly doesn't want him to stop.

She loses a strap and another, but she doesn't care. Not when they are replaced by warm lips exploring her body with hot expertise.

"Caleb…" She runs her hands through his hair albeit possessively while she follows his lead as they both lay back on the blanket.

"Oh God!" Layla gasps when hands replace lips, making her surrender without a second thought. Her body is not her own as she arches her back to receive everything he is giving her.

"I want you…"

"Clearly." Layla meets him for a searing kiss that leaves her thirsting for more and shamelessly hoping he goes all the way. But her hopes are shattered when he stops suddenly. Her eyes flutter open. She doesn't even know when she shut those. She finds Caleb staring at her.

"Something wrong?"

"I love you too."

"Talk about the unexpected." Layla freezes like a deer caught in the headlights.

"He loves me…" There is no doubt or regret in his eyes. Only pure conviction.

"I love you, Layla Jones."